The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 503

Agent Meng Luoyang found his hesitation and said with a bitter smile: "don't you go to see her?"

She pushed out all the notices, refused all interviews, and worked hard to avoid the paparazzi in order to come to the hospital to see her.

When it comes to the critical moment, it doesn't go?

"It's the same whether you go or not. There's no need." Tang Yu smiles and his eyes are gloomy.

She already has Gu Zichen He's no longer needed.

The two of them had already gone far away. Su wore his windbreaker year after year. Although he was generous, he did not disobey him. The height difference of his back looked harmonious.

Meng Luoyang suddenly called out, "Hey, isn't that your goddess sister?"

Because of Su Niannian's relationship, he is very familiar with the relationship between his classmates, pointing to the figure standing at the intersection at a loss.

Tang Yu glanced at it. His heart sank suddenly. He opened the door and jumped down quickly.


Nanzhi walked out of the hospital in a muddle and wandered aimlessly around the hospital for several times.

After a crossroads, she did not even see the traffic lights, walking forward like a corpse.

Brush -

a car slammed on the brakes and nearly hit her. Someone pulled her in time behind her to avoid the tragedy of the accident.

"Why! Do you have eyes! Can you obey the traffic rules? "

"Sister, are you ok?"

At the same time, the driver's angry accusations and deep and pleasant inquiries rang out at the same time. Nanzhi turned her head dully and saw that it was Tang Yu who pulled her behind her. She was stunned for a moment and then said "thank you."

Tang Yu Ran in a hurry. He didn't even wear the basic camouflage of sunglasses and masks, which immediately attracted a crowd from the roadside.

People talked about it and bravely took pictures.

Tang Yu slightly frowned, this time or flash for the better.

But when he saw the startling redness and swelling on her face, he was embarrassed to leave her alone, so he asked, "together?"

Nanzhi nods, her eyes are lax. Tang Yu suspects that she may not have heard what she said

The matter has come to this point, he pulled Nanzhi on the car, Meng Luoyang understood, did not ask what, but drove to a nearby coffee shop.

This shop is opened by Meng Luoyang's friends, and its business is cold, but it is suitable for Tang Yu to avoid being surrounded by fans.

Meng Luoyang ordered coffee and sat on the bar chair to chat with the owner. Tang Yu and Nan Zhi found a small corner to sit in.

South Gardenia stirred the coffee on the table for a long time, did not drink a mouthful.

Tang Yu is not a talkative person, with silence.

Two people sit still for a long time, South Gardenia finally adjust to come over state, smile gentle: "thank you just now."

"You're welcome." Tang Yu said alienated.

"Do you want to ask me about the year? She's gone. She's with Gu Zichen. " South Gardenia three words two words finish, Tang Yu's expression slightly changed, was South Gardenia clear capture.

As for Tang Yu's feelings for Su Nian, she can detect a little by making an appointment.

Seven years, what a long time.

However, they have never been together

South Gardenia sip coffee, only feel particularly bitter, associated with Tang Yu more than a little bit of the same feeling.

"Tired to like being alone?" She asked softly.

Tang Yu smile, the answer is very honest: "yes, very tired, want to give up but not willing."

Feelings, such things, have always been involuntarily.

"Because that person is the one you can't love." South Gardenia smile like flowers, but the eye is a sad. , the fastest update of the webnovel!