The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 505

Su from the school sneezed several times every year, and Nuo Nuo came to tease him: "Emma, is Gu Nanshen missing you? This sneezing is like a yearning to see, a deep feeling cut ~"

"is this the use of idioms?" Every year, Su puffed at the corners of her mouth and wrinkled her small face into a ball. "How do I feel that someone said bad things about me behind my back?"

"There must be little bitches jealous of you." Doudou is typical of watching a lot of fun.

Su continued to read the news on her mobile phone every year.

She was thinking whether to call Tang Yu or not. Her mobile phone vibrated twice, and it was a new text message.

If you open it, Sue's face is black every year.

It's from Yin chuxia. It's full of all kinds of personal attacks. It's hundreds of words. The text messages are divided into several pages.

The relationship between BL and BL is the most common one.

Su Niannian knows that she has misunderstood.

But she didn't want to explain. Instead, she touched Doudou's scale. She grabbed her cell phone with a cry, and edited a longer and more dangling SMS, which was full of the essence of irony.

Doudou pressed to send, and then played with Su Niannian's mobile phone. Only then did he return his mobile phone to Su Niannian.

"It's very low against her." Sue frowned every year.

Doudou complacently said: "you are silly, I have pulled her number blacklist, she just wants to spray now, you can't spray! It's good to think about the feeling of suffocating her... "

Su has been silent year by year, but he still has some sympathy for Yin chuxia.

When it comes to Doudou, Yin chuxia is really inferior.

Yin chuxia looked at the short message that didn't have dirty words but sharp words. She almost fainted. She used her hand speed and scolded a long string. After clicking send, she always prompted to release it.

She gritted her teeth and threw the mobile phone to the ground. The screen of the mobile phone suddenly fell into several ferocious cracks.

She can bear the loss of words!

But she must let Sue pay the price every year!


after completing the transfer procedures, Chen Yuan officially entered Shengyin University in order to stay with his sister.

On the day he came to school, he also brought Su Niannian two big bags of snacks, and instantly captured three Doudou people.

"What a good brother of the people..." Nuo Nuo sighed.

"P, I declare that Chen Yuan ouba is my new God!" Doudou has no integrity of smirk.

"Stupid human, this is the source of our school grass. I still have his handsome photo, do you want to? A bag of potato chips Murong Shan started his business in a rush.

Looking at her wonderful three roommates, Su has been helpless every year.

Although Chen Yuan is as tender and considerate as before, he smiles like spring breeze, but Su Niannian feels that he has changed.

When he talked to him, he would often be distracted, looking at the surrounding scenery, his face would appear a layer of shallow sadness.

Su guessed every year for several days without understanding, and finally reluctantly gave up.

She began to be busy.

Of course, this busy can not be compared with Gu Zichen, he is really busy. He had to deal with Gu's affairs, big and small, and had to come to school. Cheng Zhou, his assistant, was afraid that he would be exhausted.

Sue is busy preparing the show every year.

New year's Day is coming, and the school will hold a get-together.

As a famous star, Tang Yu is naturally going to perform on the stage, and he puts forward a request: he hopes that Su will accompany him every year.

Su year after year heartless agreed, did not notice Tang Yu mouth raised the inexplicable smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!