The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 424

"Mom, how did you get out?" Su every year wrinkled face, Chu Su heart hummed, "I and your Uncle Chen in the inside heard."

Su is embarrassed every year. She thought that she could hide the truth and then send Gu Zichen away. Now she is really wishful thinking

Gu Zichen politely salutes Chu Su's heart and jaw head: "good aunt, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Then go back with me every year." Chu Su Xin's face was displeased and she took Su Nian's arm.

"Ah Mom, don't do that. " Su year after year bit the lip, looked at Gu Zichen, felt a little embarrassed.

After all, he has helped the Su family so much. Now it seems to be a little bit like killing the donkey.

"What? Don't you say you don't like him at all? " Chu Su asked with a frown in her heart.

Gu Zichen heard this sentence, subconsciously looked at Su Nian, eyes dark, implied too much emotion.

Su years of embarrassment smile, pull the sleeve of La Chu Su Xin, coquettish way: "Mom Don't be so nervous about your face that you can scare the baby to death. "

Chu Su Xin sighed, turned to look at Gu Zichen and said in a deep voice: "master Gu, thank you for your help in the affairs of the Su family. However, it is our Su family that owes you gratitude, not every year. I hope you keep a distance from year to year, and don't provoke my daughter any more. "

Gu Zichen quietly listen, a long time before the lip corner moved, "I know." His voice was low and full of helpless emotions.

He turned to leave, his back in the deep night is particularly lonely.

Looking at his back every year, Su felt a little pain in his left atrium.

Keep your distance

She didn't know why she was so sad. She thought she had forgotten Gu Zichen at the beginning. She could not care about anything.

But now she vaguely understood that some of the feelings engraved in the deep memory are hard to erase in any case.


the next day.

Su picked up a lot of things every year and asked Chen Yunhua to send her to school.

After solving the company's problems, Chen Yunhua was in a good mood. He talked and laughed with Su Niannian all the way, which made Su Niannian's mood much better.

"Study hard and call me if you have anything." Chen Yunhua touched Su Niannian's hair, as if he were a standard loving father, "and eat more. If your brother comes back to see you are hungry and thin, I'm afraid it will hurt."

Su smiles year after year, carrying a schoolbag into the school.

In the dormitory, Nuo Nuo three people are busy playing Three Kingdoms kill, see Su every year come, regardless of say drag her to play together.

While playing cards, Doudou gossip: "cough, Su Niannian classmate, I want to ask you and Gu Zichen exactly what is the situation?"

"What do you think of our situation?" Su said? I don't even know him

"Forget it. I've seen your videos! Tut Tut, it's really love. The sentence "our family's big Chen" is really smooth Murong Shan laughs and finds out the video.

Three people around the video held an appreciation meeting, watching and commenting. Even Su Niannian, the client, could not help but get goose bumps when he heard the numb lines.

She quietly climbed to her bed and chose to play dead.

The mobile phone at the head of the bed vibrated. She picked it up and looked at it. It was a short message from a strange number: could you see me once a year? Last time I was wrong, I sincerely apologize to you. ——Zuo Sihan. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!