The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 423

He wrung his brow, and his calm expression relaxed.

The old man laughed, Gu Zichen coldly left his eyes and left his home in a hurry.

He destroyed the left family. Will the people of the left family be angry with Su Niannian?


after dinner, Sue took a bath every year, put on her pajamas and fed cat food to her bag.

Recently, Baobao fell in love with eating slippers. Several pairs of slippers in the family were badly hurt. However, it had a high cold and proud meow on its face, and it didn't realize that he was wrong at all.

Su Niannian scolded him while feeding him cat food: "Baobao, how can you marry a good daughter-in-law, my dear son, be obedient..."

The bag squinted at her, stretched out his paws and slapped Su Nian.

Su has been on the black line year by year. You stupid cute meow! I'm you. How about mom! How about raising you up with all your efforts!

The most important thing is that its proud little expression looks like Gu Zichen. Su said in disgust every year: "it's as annoying as Gu Zichen, or is Da Yuan more lovely Well, bag, how about I change you

Bag finally realized his crisis, meow and meow two times, Su Nian's mobile phone also rang at the same time.

Su Nian ran Mao with one hand and picked up his mobile phone to answer the phone. Gu Zichen's deep voice came: "every year, where are you?"

"I'm at home." Su years of reply, only listen to Gu Zichen put down a sentence, "wait for me, I'll come to your door immediately!" Then he hung up the phone.

Su years inexplicably touched his head, do not understand Gu Zichen this is what kind of.

Soon, there was a quick knock at the door, which attracted Chu Suxin and Chen Yunhua, who were watching the eight o'clock file in the living room.

"Who's here? I'll go and have a look Chu Su Xin makes a gesture to open the door. Su rushes down the stairs every year and stops in front of her. "Mom, you must be tired after a hard day's hard work. Go watch TV. I'll just open the door."

She rushed out like the wind, opened a crack in the door secretly and closed the door with a backhand, for fear that Chu Suxin would see the scene outside.

The moon is bright and the stars are thin, and the autumn wind is cool. Gu Zichen is standing in front of her house. Her face is very ugly and her eyebrows are full of anxiety.

"Are you all right? Every year? " Gu Zichen turns Su every year, and observes carefully for fear of any accident.

Su year after year covered the pajama lapel, kicked Gu Zichen leg a foot, "you you you what you do! You play hooky. The hooligans are still playing at our door

Gu Zichen pursed his lips and saw that Su was safe and sound every year. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, "nothing is good, nothing is good."

When Su saw him like this every year, she had some doubts in her heart. She looked at Gu Zichen. Gu Zichen's hair was a little wet with sweat. It seemed that she was in a hurry.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Su asked in a dull voice every year.

Gu Zichen was stunned and then said, "no, you can take good care of yourself. If Zuo Sihan has something to look for you, don't pay attention to him!"

Su's mouth twitched every year. "So you came all the way to say that? Gu Zichen, you are insane

She said that neuropathy, Gu Zichen pour also not angry, just look at her for a moment.

Before he had time to say anything, the door behind him was pulled open, and then Chu Su Xin came out and said, "Gu Zichen, you'd better give me an explanation. Why are you still entangled with my family year after year?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!