The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 425

Su years to think about, no reply, left Sihan indefatigably sent a: "every year, give me a chance to atone, I'll wait for you downstairs in your bedroom, if you don't come, I'll wait for you all the time!"

Sue hesitated every year, picked up his coat and went down.

She still does not know Gu Zichen's pressure on the left property. She just wants to make clear with Zuo Sihan.

Nuo Nuo three people watch the video to see the ecstasy, ignoring the figure of Su Niannian downstairs.


when he went downstairs, Su nianian saw Zuo Sihan at a glance.

He stood next to a ginkgo tree, floating yellow. Color leaves fall, with his pair of amber pupil, the scenery is picturesque.

But after the last meal, Su Niannian didn't think much of him.

How about the appearance, blackened into slag, and some of the hypocrites.

"What can I do for you?" Su asked every year.

Zuo Sihan smiles, "every year, I know you will come to see me."

Su frowned every year. Zuo Sihan's smile was too strange, which made her feel a little hairy. She quietly stepped back a few steps and tried to keep a distance from him.

"What on earth do you want to say? If you're sorry, you don't have to. " Su year after year cold voice said, Zuo Sihan shrugged, "yes, your family took care of the thigh, of course, nothing is afraid."

Su year after year white he one eye, "even if we hold the thigh how, at least the home is to send charcoal, better than some people fall into the well and stone it!"

Zuo Sihan squints his eyes and slowly approaches Su every year.

"Yes, the family is your great benefactor, but what about us? Su Nian Nian, you know what our family is like now

Zuo's stock market collapsed one day. His father was taken away by the procuratorate, and his mother was admitted to the hospital.

Su Niannian didn't know this, but it was not good to see Zuo Sihan's expression.

She stepped back, and Zuo Sihan was following her.

"I don't care what your family is like. What's the use of telling me? If you have time to blame innocent people, you'd better think about how to solve the problem." Su years do not open face, Zuo Sihan body exudes the oppressive feeling lets her fear.

Zuo Sihan clenched his fist: "are you innocent? If it wasn't for you, how could Gu Jia do it? It won't be like this in our family! "

Every year, Su was a little confused by his divine logic. He simply said, "if you want to think like this, I can't help it. I have something else to do. I'll go back first."

She turned to go upstairs, but her arm was grabbed by Zuo Sihan and pulled Su every year to her side.

"Ah Sue screamed every year, "what are you doing?"

Zuo Sihan's eyes were red, "you can't go, I won't let you go! You must accompany me

Every year, Su realized that Zuo Sihan might have been stimulated by something, and her back was covered with a cold sweat. When she remembered what Gu Zichen said to her last night, she felt more and more uneasy.

"Zuo Sihan, calm down! Have something to say! " Su year after year tried to comfort his mood, Zuo Sihan didn't feel it. He kept saying "accompany me, accompany me" in his mouth, and then dragged Su Niannian forward regardless of it.

His strength is amazing. Su's tears of pain are coming out every year and he calls for help. But the students on the road think it's a little couple who quarrel and don't take it seriously.

Zuo Sihan dragged Su to the top floor of the teaching building every year. He kicked open the rusty iron door and pushed Su to the roof every year. , the fastest update of the webnovel!