The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 422

Gu Zichen didn't feel sorry for him at all. If he could do this kind of thing, he was not worthy of sympathy.

The old man covered his face with tears.

My thoughts fly to twelve years ago.

At that time, Su Yian and Gu yanzhun had a very good relationship. They often matched each other by their brothers. The old man also appreciated Su Yi'an and gave him a lot of help in his early stage of starting a business.

Su Yi'an didn't like the colorful social circle. Instead, he liked to drink tea and play chess with the old man. Such a handsome, gentle and elegant man has always been very popular with his family.

When did appreciation begin to deteriorate?

Su Yian gradually showed his commercial talent, and his business grew bigger and bigger. Until he and Gu's bidding for a foreign enterprise project at the same time, Su Yian won Gu's business with absolute advantage.

At that time, the old man understood that if he was allowed to develop, he would surpass Gu one day.

Why should he give up to others in the commercial world he has won?

No one who can get to his position in the business world is really clean. He will crowd out his rivals, suppress his peers, and sometimes even sacrifice his life for the sake of interests.

So Su Yi'an became a victim of his business road.

He arranged at all levels and bought Zuo Qianshan by various means.

Zuo Qianshan was also a man who was only for money. Without any hesitation, he directly planned a car accident and killed Su Yian.

Jiang Zhe's wife was seriously ill at that time. In order to keep his wife alive, Jiang Zhe took a road of no return. After the event, the old man gave him a sum of money, let him flee far away from home.

But in the end, he returned to Yucheng and lived near his son's work place just to have a look at him from a distance.

Even if he finally surrendered, he did not dare to reveal the truth of that year. Because he knew that if he did, there would be danger in jiangmu.

When Gu Zichen finds Jiang Zhe, he keeps silent. Until Gu Zichen convinces Jiang mu, Jiang Zhe writes a report letter in prison.

The truth is revealed.

"You are my grandfather, and I will not send you to prison, but I hope you understand that the wrong road is a wrong road, one step away from the right path, but as long as you go, you will never go back." Gu Zichen looked at him pitifully, "I know a lot, including being kidnapped every year. Isn't it all from your handwriting? Yes, I can't guarantee what I will do if there is any accident every year

The old man listened quietly and knew that Gu Zichen was threatening him.

He suddenly laughed bitterly and pointed to Gu Zichen with trembling, "you break up with that little girl, you say you want to take over the company, you say you want to get engaged with Yin family You are the one who calculated all this! Just for a little girl Ha ha... "

Just for a little girl, he chose the most difficult road.

Finally, he stood in a position that countless people could not reach.

Just for Su Nian.

"Yes, I did for her." Gu Zichen said lightly, and the old man sneered: "sure enough, it's my grandson. But do you think she would like to kill the grandson of his father's enemies?"

Gu Zichen Zheng for a moment, smile, "know how, I will try my best to make up for her."

When Su Nian was angry, he would try to coax her for one day. If she was angry, he would try to coax her for a year. There would always be a day to forgive him.

"Do you think that's enough for the Zuo family?" Gu Zichen was stunned by the old man's words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!