The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 354

He preached to Su Niannian in an old age, and at the end he added, "it's stupid. You didn't hurt him, or you hurt yourself!"

Su is almost confused every year. In fact, she wants to say that even if she doesn't listen to the lecture, Gu Zichen will give her tutoring, which will not affect her grades.

But after struggling for a long time, she just said, "thank you."

Zhao Mingyuan snorted and turned away.

Every year Su picked up her schoolbag and walked slowly downstairs.

Down the last few steps, she did not pay attention to step on the empty foot, directly fell down.

Severe pain came, she suddenly woke up, eat pain called several times.

"Are you all right?" Anxious male voice rings, Su Nian looks up, it is Jiang mu.

For a moment, the air condenses into an embarrassing factor.

Jiang Mu will help her up, Su year after year lowered his head not to see him, he sighed, "I take you to the infirmary."

"No, I'll just go home and have a rest." She shook off Jiang Mu's hand.

Jiang Mu gazed at her and whispered, "I'll take you back. Su Nian, let's have a good chat."

Su year after year stuffy voice does not speak, Jiang Mu simply picked her up, regardless of Su years surprised cry, held to his car.

"What are you doing! Oh, Hello, this is the school Sue struggled year after year, and her face was surprised. She could not imagine that a man who had always been gentle and elegant would do this.

He drove to a nearby coffee shop and bought Su Niannian some painkillers and wine along the way.

Su didn't resist any more, thinking it would be better to speak clearly.

However, before she uttered a series of accusations, Jiang Mu threw herself a heavy bomb: "I have resigned from the position of class F teacher."

Every year, Su's mouth was open and he was frozen in the same place.

This kind of feeling is as if the big knife is about to be cut off on the devil's head, and the result is like cutting on the soft cotton candy, there is no pleasure to speak of.

"You It's not good for you to be a head teacher. " Su murmurmured every year.

Jiang Mu smiles, "I know you are not happy to see me. It is my father who is sorry for you. I apologize for him. As for me, I intend to leave the sacred sound, and I will never appear in front of your eyes

Su year after year muddled, river dusk to go? No teacher in Shengyin?

"Where are you going

"Well, maybe I'll go to another city, maybe I'll go abroad. Let's go with the flow." He was still smiling, but his eyes were heavy.

Su year after year a bit at a loss, she twisted the bottom of her clothes, the heart fidgety can not.

In fact, she doesn't want to let Jiang Mu go. Jiang Mu is the best teacher she has ever met. It's selfish to let him leave.

But she did not know how to retain, on the one hand is hate, on the other hand is not willing to give up, entangled for a long time, what can not say.

"Why are you so sad? Shouldn't you be happy when I'm gone?" Jiang Mu laughs at herself, "in fact, I come to Shengyin to feel sorry for you, and I want to make up for it more I didn't expect to make you hate me. Su Nian Nian, I promise you, I have never hurt you, I have no resentment against you, or want to revenge you

If there is someone I like in this world, it must be you.

Su Niannian stares at him and whispers, "I'm sorry..."

She is so selfish that she can't face Jiang Mu and pretend nothing happened.

Jiang Mu knows all these things, so Jiang Mu won't force her.

At this time, as long as he leaves, it will be OK, he thought in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!