The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 355

Out of the cafe, Yucheng day became gray, a few minutes later, it began to rain.

The whole city is pouring with rain. The sound of crashing is like falling on the heartstrings, heavy and cold.

Jiang Mu braved the rain to get an umbrella, and then carried the umbrella to take Su Niannian to the car and sent her home.

Su Niannian was silent all the way. When she arrived at Chen's house, she whispered, "Mr. Jiang, will we meet again in the future?"

Jiang Mu Leng next, smile, "fate will meet, go back, have a good rest, don't twist to the feet."

He handed the umbrella to Su Niannian, who returned home every year and stood on the steps in front of the door to watch Jiang Mu leave.

In a trance, it seems that a very important part of life has gone away.

She felt a little sour in her nose.

Originally wanted to find Gu Zichen, but suddenly remembered that he was not at home.

College entrance examination results have not come down, but he is busier than before several times, it is said that into the home company to learn management.

She went into the house alone, and there was no one in the house.

Everyone is busy, only she seems to be in place.

Why don't you wait for my step.

I have asked countless times in my heart, but I still have no answer.

She warmed herself a glass of milk, drank it, and fell asleep with her head covered, as if there were no worries as long as she fell asleep.

As soon as he got up the next day, Su had a bad cold every year and had to ask for leave again.

This disease is three days.

When she returned to school, class F had already changed the head teacher. Jin Yun, the English teacher, was the head teacher.

She is not as gentle and amiable as Jiang mu, who makes friends with her classmates and is approachable. However, she has formulated a series of class rules as soon as she takes office. Any violation will be punished regardless of her grades or family background.

A few students who sleep in class and read novels are all caught up in typical cases, and all of them are sent out to copy textbooks outside the classroom.

Class F in her fierce and severe punishment, become all grass and trees, no one dare to complain, even the class has no one to laugh.

In this regard, Jin Yun said that he was very satisfied with the atmosphere. Under such a high pressure, the grade of class F has improved a lot.

After a hard weekend, Su plans to go out for relaxation every year.

Nuo Nuo was sent to Xicheng key class by her parents for surprise study. Doudou, for the first time, went to a studio to learn art, which surprised Su every year.

When she found the studio hidden in the residential building, the whole person was not good.

The studio is very small, but there are a lot of students in it. All of them are painting portraits on the still life stage.

Every year Su rubbed his way to Doudou and complained, "how can you learn to draw? You should learn Taekwondo, right?"

Doudou showed a shy smile that was enough to be called "girl's nostalgia". He closed his hair and quietly drew lines with a pencil.

She is such a man of a man to make this kind of action is quite imitative effect, Su year after year almost scared silly, do not know what kind of stimulation she was.

"Who can give me a place? This angle is too difficult to draw!" A familiar male voice rings, and immediately someone responds, "come to me, I have a good light." "I'll make a seat for you!"

"Come to me! I'm in the best position Doudou flatland a roar, forcefully suppressed the voice of other people.

Su looked at the boy year after year, and he was very handsome! Suddenly wake up, Doudou this special meow is to like someone else! , the fastest update of the webnovel!