The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 353

It was a proud smile belonging to my father, but with tears in the smile, it crossed the distance of 11 years, which made people feel inexplicably sad.

"What happened then?" Asked Jiang mu.

Jiang Zhe shakes his head: "I can't say, but only when I'm in prison can things end."



Su went to school in his school uniform every year. He had no spirit all the way. When he raised the flag, he was caught by abbess exterminate and criticized him.

As soon as the students of senior three leave, the atmosphere of senior two becomes tense. The schoolwork becomes heavier and the papers are more. The teacher talks about the questions one by one for more than ten minutes after class.

Under such heavy pressure, many young masters and princesses can't stand it. They lie down on the table one by one, and they seem to give up the rhythm of learning.

"According to the class, the class frowned on the geometry of two cases

He was very authoritative in the class, and immediately there were people calling each other around. Many of them sat up sleepily and looked longingly at jiangmu.

Jiang Mu sighed and looked around. Only Su Niannian was still staring at the blackboard. He called out, "Su Nian, repeat the steps I just talked about."

Sue didn't move every year.

Jiang Mu repeats it again. Su takes a faint look at him every year and ignores his words to the end.

The class began to stir and chatter.

Dare to face up to the head teacher, Su is still the first one!

"Su Nian Nian, are you not feeling well?" Jiang Mu asked in a low voice.

Sue didn't even look at him every year. He took a comic book out of the drawer and looked at it for herself.

Jiang Mu steps down from the platform and goes to Su Nian's seat. Everyone's mood in the class is aroused. My God, it's so passionate!

Jiang Mu stood by her side and asked a few words in a low voice, which Su ignored every year.

Suddenly, jiangmu suddenly seems to understand something.

Against him with such childish behavior is actually a hate and resentment to him.

She should know

Yeah, how can you hide it for a lifetime.

Jiang Mu laughs at the bottom of his heart and returns to the platform. He only feels the heaviness of his steps.

He chose Zhao Mingyuan's platform. Zhao Mingyuan helped his glasses and collected Su Niannian's strange situation in the background of his eyes and calmly finished the topic.

A farce ended in silence, and many people called it boring.

When school was over, there were only a few people left in the classroom.

She looked at the seats around her. Tang Yu spent more than half of her time in the brokerage company. In order to prepare for her departure, song Yuxi had to catch the bus as soon as she left school. Zhu Cheng went with her.

Suddenly she felt very lonely.

Clearly there are many people around, but at a certain moment, still only one person to face all.

Quietly packing up the schoolbag, was about to get up, a figure stood in front of her.

Monitor, Zhao Mingyuan.

"What's up?" she asked In my impression, the monitor of learning God usually disdains to take care of these mortals.

Zhao Mingyuan threw her notebook in her hand. "This is today's math note, and the most recent key question type. You can take it and have a look."

Su was stunned every year.

"What's more, it's stupid to take back your childish character, no matter what the reason is, to retaliate against the teacher in this way!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!