The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 352

Gu Zichen originally planned not to tell her, but she was so quick to associate with the relationship between the two people.

Dark eyebrows frowned. He had no choice but to tell the truth: "Jiang Zhe is Jiang Mu's father."

Su's eyes widened year after year, and her eyelashes trembled violently, as if she were fighting back tears.

The teacher she had always admired and revered, and the one who brought her back the courage to play the piano, was the son of her father's murderer.

"Every year..." Gu Zichen called her softly. Su took a few deep breaths every year, and her voice was choked: "can you please don't talk to me first, I want to be quiet by myself."

Gu Zichen looked at her heartily, sighed, rubbed her hair, held her in his arms, and gently patted her back.

"I'll be with you, don't be afraid, don't cry."

After saying these words, he let go of Su Niannian, and his tone was more gentle than ever: "today, I will not make up my lessons. I will go back to have a good sleep. After I wake up, there will be nothing left. Do you know?"

Su every year at a loss nodded, by Gu Zichen will return her home.

She hid herself in the room and fell asleep.

In the dream is Jiang Mu's thin figure, white shirt, black trousers, smiling lips.

Su year after year rushed up the fierce question: "you this villain! What's the ulterior purpose of your approach! Your father killed my father. Are you going to kill me, too

Subconsciously, she felt that what she said was too vicious and hurtful, but if she didn't say it, she always felt that she couldn't vent her anger.

Jiang Mu has been smiling slightly, did not give her the answer.


the arrest of Jiang Zhe has aroused the great attention of Yucheng police.

Eleven years ago, the case had a great impact, but at that time, with the help of God, the police spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but they never caught him.

But a team has been following up the case for 11 years and finally arrested him.

Jiang Zhe has been detained. The police have informed Jiang Mu to come to visit and tell him that he can ask a lawyer to defend Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Mu sat on the chair without expression, facing his father.

Seriously, if he hadn't been old, he might have forgotten what the man looked like.

Jiang Zhe put on the blue gray prison clothes, shaved off his beard, revealing the vicissitudes of life face.

He reached out and tried to touch his son's face through the glass, but he was hindered by handcuffs, and he drew back in embarrassment.

"Jiang mu I I'm sorry. I'm sorry Jiang Zhe is full of guilt said, this sentence is sorry to finish, but he did not know how to proceed.

At that time, his son was known as a musical genius. He should have created a good learning environment for him, but he brought so many disasters to his life.

"I'll get the best lawyer for you, and I've done it in prison. No one's going to embarrass you." Jiang Mu light said, he has done what he can do, he raised his head, eyes full of red blood, has already revealed all emotions.

He did not understand why he would be arrested if he could escape for eleven years.

Jiang Zhe's voice is choked with tears.

Until the end, he said slowly: "jiangmu, I was not caught back, I turned myself in!"

Jiang Mu is shocked to see him. Jiang Zhe looks relieved and smiles slowly.

It was a father's contented smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!