The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 1084

Xiaowan shook his head decisively: "no!"

But her pink face had already revealed everything.

Why not pull out the corner of the mouth

Xiaowanzi blinked his eyes, inexplicably feel a little bit counseling.

He was the one who had hurt her sixteen year old girl's heart! He was the one who gave her a kiss without knowing the meaning! He is the one who leaves without saying goodbye!

So what is she hiding from?

He is the one who is wrong!

Thinking of this, Xiaowan coughed and slowly climbed up from the bottom of the table. He sat on the chair with his chin raised in imitation of the Buddha's posture, "eat, eat."

Xiaosa joked: "didn't you say there was no one? Where did you come from

"I'm not a human being." "I'm a fairy," she explained solemnly

Puff -

Xiao SA covered his stomach with a smile, Rao was Fang Mo, and he couldn't help it.

"If I had known that I was so tired, I would not have gone down to earth." Small meatball face unchanged finish saying, bow head elegant drink soup.

Well No, hold on. Since you've played, you've got to play low!

Don't bow down, the crown will fall! Don't talk, you can't help laughing!

A breakfast is full of flavor, Fang Mo's self-control is excellent. He has already pressed all the feelings of yesterday in the bottom of his heart and slowly opened his mouth: "I'll send you back home. If you don't go back, the family will be worried."

Xiaowanzi was kidnapped, he did not make a public statement, all the people in China did not know.

The spoon of Xiaowan's porridge slipped into the bowl. She bit her lips and her voice trembled: "do you want to send me back?"

"Yes." Fang Mo answered.

Xiaowanzi stood up and asked Fang Mo, "do you have nothing to say to me?"

Last night's confession, if it is true, that is to say, Fang Mo knows what she has been thinking for years.

But he didn't plan to reply at all? Do you want to avoid this topic as you did three years ago?

Small SA see the situation is not good, holding the bowl to take the lead to run away, leaving two people in front of the table confrontation.

Fang Mo calmly looked at the ball: "you are still small, it is worth meeting better people. Maybe a year later, three years later, you will feel that the current feelings are just family jokes

"So, brother, do you think my feelings for you are a joke? "Xiaowanzi asked.

"I don't mean that."

"That's what you mean!" Xiaowan raised his voice, "you just treat me as a child! You think I'm naive! Ridiculous! What you do is right, I just like a person, will be crowned ridiculous hat! Who are the ridiculous people? "

Fang Mo was silent and did not speak again.

His silence infuriates xiaowanzi, who holds up the bowl and is ready to throw it on Fang Mo's face.

Fang Mo sat still, with his skill to hide in the past, this is not too simple, he thought, rather than hide, let the ball vent.

Put all the feelings in order, she should think clearly and leave.

Without him, she would have lived a better life.

But the ball finally stopped, she took back her hand, red eyes, gulp porridge, and then took a paper towel to wipe her mouth, holding back tears said: "goodbye. Wish you a lonely life! You're welcome

Fang Mo listens quietly. He doesn't say anything. He picks up the car key and sends Xiaowan to the base not far away. He takes Fang's private plane to leave.

Along the way, xiaowanzi is very calm.

But after a burst of disorderly gunfire, the face of the small ball was filled with panic instantly! , the fastest update of the webnovel!