The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 1083

Fang Mo felt speechless for a moment, so he had to smile and pick up the ball.

Small ball skillfully climbed up his shoulder, head in his arms to find a suitable position, gently rub.

Fang Mo whispered: "you have become fat It hasn't been so heavy before. "

Xiaowan murmured: "you are too old to hold it! Old man! Big villain

listened to her childish Tucao voice, Fang Mo could not help but make complaints about lip.

With steady steps, he took the ball back to the room and gently put it on the bed.

Small ball pulled his sleeve not to let him go, coquettish: "brother, we sleep together."

Fang Mo coughs awkwardly. It seems that she can't touch wine for her It's hard to control.

He said with a straight face: "sleep on your own. You are an adult. Men and women are seven years old. Did not Susu teach you?"

The little meatball glared at him, rolled up the quilt and jumped to the ground to roll.

"I don't care, I don't care, I'm going to sleep with you!"

“…… How old are you to use it? "

"Hum! Sleep or not! If I don't sleep, I'll keep rolling! " Some meat on the ground dissatisfied with the fierce way.

Fang Mo knew her temperament, recognized it would not let go, sighed, and took her with the quilt from the ground, with her lying on the bed.

Small ball happy nest to her arms, somniloquy a few words, then deep sleep in the past.

Fang Mo hugs her, sleepless all night.

Through the window, he saw the quiet and beautiful moonlight on the beach, quietly sprinkled on the girl's cheek, perfect.

Inexplicably in the heart of a Book of love words: the sea is the moon in the sky, in front of the person is the sweetheart.

Is it really possible for him and meatballs?


the next day.

When xiaowanzi woke up, he felt that his head hurt and would explode.

A pile of fragmented memories flooded into my mind, including the picture of her holding Fang Mo and not giving up, the picture of her confessing to Fang Mo, and the picture of her rolling on the ground to sleep with Fang mo

She's going to crash!

How could there be so much mess!

Dizzy, she went to wash, opened the door and went downstairs.

Before the table, small SA to her smile a face ambiguous: "how? Have you made up with your scum

Xiao Wan Zi's face turned red. Uncle SA even knew who she liked!

Looking at her stunned appearance, Xiao SA lowered her voice: "yesterday I gave you a good assist, your brother is so stubborn, yesterday also compromised with you! The servant said that he came out of your room at six o'clock this morning... "

A string in the head of a small ball exploded.

Oh, MAIGA! That is to say, her memories are not groundless, but what happened last night!

"Well, what's the matter with you? What's the blush Little SA was puzzled.

A steady footstep came, and the little ball was like a big enemy. He turned his face and saw that Fang Mo was coming here!

She jumped in a hurry, and there was no place to hide. In a hurry, she got to the bottom of the table flexibly.

Fang Mo went to the table and gently buckled the table: "don't hide, come out."

"There is no one here!" he said, leaning against the leg of the table

Puff -

xiaosa couldn't help laughing.

Fang Mo also some can't help laughing, simply squat down, and small ball panic small face to look at: "last night, what happened, you remember?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!