The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 1085

Fang Mo's reaction is very fast, quickly turn the steering wheel, big hand block behind the head of small ball, deep voice way: "bow head!"

Xiaowanzi did as he said, listening to the gunshot coming from the back of the car. His heart was in his throat.

Over the years, she has grown up a little, vaguely aware that Fang Mo and his father's identity is not simple, but also limited to this, did not expect, will be related to the shooting!

Square ink speed is very fast, small ball feel tooth all fight, tremble Wei Wei asks: "what is this situation?"

Fang Mo bit his teeth and swore in a low voice. He comforted Xiaowan: "don't be afraid, uncle SA, they will come here immediately."

Small ball "Oh" a, pitifully tightened the skirt.

What to do Still afraid

Like quoting Fang Mo's statement, after a junction, several cars rushed out, and xiaowanzi vaguely saw that someone took out a gun to shoot at the people behind him.

She shivered and felt worse.

Witness such a scene with one's own eyes It's not what ordinary people can afford.

After driving for another section of the road, the car suddenly shook violently. Fang Mo pressed on the brake, but the car still ran into the roadside fence uncontrollably.

"Ah --" Xiaowan screamed.

After the violent impact, all the airbags in the car popped out. Xiaowan was in a state of shock. The whole person was stunned and was dragged out by Fang mo.

Fang Mo takes her to hide behind the car, the rest of the car also stops, bang bang gunshot continuous.

"Hide here. Don't go anywhere. Take this. If anyone approaches you, shoot!" Fang Mo took out a gun from his pocket and gave it to the ball.

Xiao Wan Zi's face turned pale with fear: "I I... "

"Don't be afraid, just like the toy gun you used to play when you were a child. Pull the trigger and aim It's ok... " Fang Mo demonstrated to her, got up and fired a gun at the place where the sound was dense.

He has to support his own people.

Xiaowanzi half kneels on the ground and looks at the red blood that spreads out from Fang Mo's head. He protects her just after the crash, and he inevitably gets hurt.

"Brother..." Little Wan Zi's eyes are full of tears.

Fang Mo squatted down, touched her cheek, and pulled out a sarcastic smile: "meatball, do you still like me? Like this real me? "

He and she are not from the same world.

Xiaowanzi sobbed twice, and his brain was almost unable to think. He only repeated over and over again: "you want to come back alive Don't get hurt again... "

Fang Mo smiles, the smile seems to be blooming in general, deeply remembered in the heart of xiaowanzi.

His figure disappeared in her sight, and the little ball leaned against the carriage, covering his ears, crying and counting sheep.

The sound of the gun gradually faded down. Xiaowan heard the sound of feet and steps. She griped the gun left by Fang Mo with fear

As far as you can see, he is a tall and handsome figure.

In an instant, his eyes filled with tears.

Fang Mo's face was stained with some stains and blood, but it added a lot of wild and heroic spirit to the whole person.

He held out his hand to the ball, as if from the sky to save her.

However, the next second, a gunshot, his chest, blooming a gorgeous blood.

Fang Mo staggered and fell forward , the fastest update of the webnovel!