The Scheming Young Master


Three months of cool breeze carried a faint fragrance of flowers. Luo Yi looked at the child in front of him, her hair fluttering between her brows.

Chen Liyi was bewitched for a moment, his brain was not enough, but it was difficult for him to still be concerned about his own identity at this time. Even if he was not straight, he still looked back at his bravely, and raised his little head, raising his gaze halfway to the woman in front of him: "I will not apologize to you!"

"It doesn't hurt!" Chen Liyi answered quickly, but unfortunately, the moment his voice landed on the injured area, he was not lightly pressed down, and then, with his eyes lowered, he let out a painful cry.

Luo Yi looked in the direction where his finger pointed, and sure enough, there was a small mound there.

There were also a few strands of animal fur.

Luo Yi looked at the fur, she reckoned that it was a cat and dog type of animal, after thinking "Wu", he asked: "Is it your pet?"

"Yes." Chen Liyi nodded his head obediently. Ashe walked, she accidentally pulled on the wound on his knee, and as a result, he frowned and let out a soft "hiss".

But on this point, he didn't seem like a child at all. After he finished "Si", he silently waited for the pain to subside, and turned a blind eye to Luo Yi's suggestion to find a doctor.

"It's alright. I'm used to it."

Then, when Luo Yi pulled him to find a place to sit, she heard him say that he would rub him first.

He was probably really used to it, so that when a pair of hands gingerly touched his knees, he unconsciously flinched.

Luo Yi looked at him strangely.

Then she lowered her head again, massaging his knees as she muttered, "You said you're a crown prince. You don't have any eunuchs or maids to accompany you when you usually go out. No one will call you for an imperial physician even if you fall today …"

As she spoke, she lifted her head to look around her surroundings. With a questioning tone, she asked, "Speaking of which, there isn't a single palace nearby. How did you come here?"

"Ah, that's right. When you go back later, remember to find an imperial physician to apply the medicine. I estimate that your knee should be bruised …" "When we were kids, we fell down. Adults would blow on our wounds, but I can't blow on your clothes. When you get back, blow on your own, and …"

She was just mumbling to herself, and did not point at Chen Liyi to reply. Who knew that as she spoke, the child in front of her suddenly spoke out: "There used to be a mistress who lived here, but I heard the palace maid that took care of me say that she died, so this entire place was taken apart by royal father …"


Luo Yi was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was answering her previous question. After a while, she realized that the one he was referring to was her royal father who was currently imprisoned in the Northern Tribes, so her mother should be referring to …

Before she could clear her mind completely, the child in front of her blinked at her. "My finger is also injured."

After Chen Liyi finished speaking, he looked at the lady in front of him anxiously. Seeing that she did not react for a long time, he smirked and repeated unhappily: "I said that my finger was also injured."

Probably dissatisfied with her dullness, Chen Liyi raised his finger towards Luo Yi's eyes in a huff, then pointed back at the place the two of them had just stood: "It bit me."

Luo Yi's gaze swept across the small mound of dirt once more before returning to his finger that was still held up in front of her eyes. She said with an uncertain tone: "You want me to blow a finger on your finger?"

Chen Liyi respectfully nodded.

"Puff …" Luo Yi couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Just tell me what you want, why are boys so shy."

But even so, Luo Yi still took his hand and looked at it carefully. Finally, she saw a shallow wound on her index finger that was almost invisible.

He reckoned that this wound had been there for quite some time. The small crescent-shaped wound was almost the same color as the flesh on his finger.

But even so, Luo Yi was still serious, blowing on his finger, and after that she smiled, narrowed her eyes and added: "Good girl, blowing is not painful."

Originally … It didn't hurt anymore.

Chen Liyi's body did not look fat, but his face was round, and the back of his hand was chubby.

After Luo Yi finished blowing, he placed his hand back onto his knees, and asked with a smile: "Satisfied?"

Chen Liyi, "..."

He flapped his eyelashes and blinked. His little head spun around and around, but he still didn't know how to reply.

No one had ever told him that an injury was a blow to the face.

Most of the maids who took care of him were afraid of him, and the only one who was not afraid of him would not tell him about this. She would only apply the medicine on him with a smile, and then say, "It's good that it hurts.

She always taught him this: "Do not let go of anyone who hurts you."

Chen Liyi looked at Luo Yi for a while more, then raised the hand that she had just placed on his knee again: "It's still painful."

"Alright …" Luo Yi had no other choice but to follow his wishes, take the child and blow on her lips twice. Then, she raised her chin towards his other hand: "Does that hand hurt?"

Chen Liyi thought for a moment, then naturally passed his other hand over as well: "It hurts."

Luo Yi laughed and obediently took his other hand.

However, the smell on his hand was a bit strange. Luo Yi frowned, he turned his hand over and over a few times, and finally saw a small chunk of frozen blood between his fingers.

"What is this? Is your hand bleeding? " Luo Yi carefully rubbed her finger against the bloodstain, wanting to see if she was hurt by the grass on the side. However, Chen Liyi only glanced at it once, before shaking her head, indicating that she should not take it to heart, and said: "This is not my blood, it is …"

"Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Before he could finish, he was interrupted by a woman's voice from behind him. Luo Yi was shocked, she turned to see a lady like man walking towards her in a hurry.

Luo Yi subconsciously stood up to give her a seat, and the palace maid impolitely squeezed between the two of them, and bowed to Chen Liyi before turning around and speaking to Luo Yi in a neutral tone: "This must be a new disciple, right?"

"This place is remote and hard to leave, and your identity is noble as well. It's best if you don't come here in the future."

Luo Yi patted the corner of her clothes and stood still on the spot, her head slightly raised, her gaze naturally drooping: "The crown prince is injured, remember to call for the imperial physician."

The palace maid replied with another "yes" that nobody could find any fault with.

This person... Luo Yi frowned, troubled, making her feel uncomfortable.

Chen Liyi had just said that no one dared to come here, and the palace maid did not see the slightest bit of anger on his face when he rushed over, so it was most likely to be the personal maid that took care of him, but the description of a Crown Prince's personal maid, was too strange.

Luo Yi's gaze landed on the palace maid who was standing with her head lowered, feeling a sense of discomfort, before quickly moving away, turning and smiling at Chen Liyi who had already stood up while the two of them were talking: "Then I'll be going, remember to apply the medicine when you get back."

"Yes." Chen Liyi obediently nodded again.

Only then did Luo Yi turn around and leave. When she had walked a few steps, she suddenly and mysteriously looked back, and with this look, the hairs on her back almost stood up, and her forehead couldn't help but exude a layer of sweat. That palace maid was actually looking at her from the start!

It was one thing to just look at him, but at such a distance, she could feel the viciousness in his eyes. Caught off guard, he didn't seem anxious when he saw her suddenly look over. Instead, a smile slowly formed on his lips.

Luo Yi's entire body froze, the expression on her face immediately became cold, but seeing that the palace maid immediately bent down and helped Chen Liyi to straighten her clothes, she then respectfully whispered something in his ear. After seeing Chen Liyi nod his head, he then obediently retreated, following three steps behind him.

Her performance was flawless, but at that moment, Luo Yi clearly felt like he was being watched by a venomous snake.

This feeling did not fade even after she returned to her room. Only after Lin Yaoniao called her "big sister" did she suddenly shudder, and completely regain her senses.

Lin Yaoniao was the youngest girl in the room.

Since she was young, she naturally wasn't as calm as the other two, and when she was free, she wanted to find someone to talk to, but those two either ignored her or laughed at her childishness, causing her to not dare to talk to them again. When the elder sister who looked the most friendly in the room finally came back, she immediately welcomed them with a smile, "Elder sister, don't be scared, look, I'm not scared at all."

She thought that Luo Yi was shocked by the process of her body being inspected. She narrowed her eyes and placed the top of her head on one of her arms and rubbed it: "I didn't cry."

Curling? Luo Yi repeated the name in her heart.

"That's great." She smiled and rubbed the top of her head with one hand.

When Lin Yaoniao heard this laugh, the smile on her face became wider. As she laughed, he suddenly twitched her mouth and said: "Big sister hasn't told me your name yet!"

"Yi Yan Xi."

"Yan Xi …" Lin Yaoniao tasted the three words on her tongue and laughed for a while: "Big sister's name is so nice to hear."

The Elder of Heavenly Secrets came to visit this girl. The whole family doted on her like a baby, waiting for her to grow up so they could marry a young genius and live a life without worries. Who would have thought that she would be sent to the palace before she was raised by someone like this?

Madam Shang's eyes were swollen from crying. It was too late for her not to follow the rules, so she could only hold her daughter's hand and exhort her to be good to others.

Lin Yaoniao didn't understand why his mother was crying, but she still nodded and memorized her words, and then continued to fulfil these words.

Although it was the first time the other young misses entered the palace, they were born in a rich family, and there were many rules in daily life, so they were very proficient in it, only Luo Yi was used to it, and with so many rules in the palace, she would get a layer of skin every day.

Taking the chance that no one was looking, Lin Yaoniao quietly went over and rubbed Luo Yi's sore calves: "At night, let big sister rub."

"Thank you …" Luo Yi was truly tired, he did not care about etiquette, his head tilted to the side, and he fell asleep. However, he still suffered from the pain, before he could close his eyes, he heard the sharp voice of a palace maid outside: "The crown prince has arrived!"

sighed in his heart about how bitter it was to be alive, and at the same time, he kneeled down together with the others and saluted — They had not even been bestowed the title, so they should pay their respects to the crown prince when they see him.

However, Chen Liyi seemed to find it a waste of time, and with a single step, he walked past him into the middle of the crowd. As he walked, he did not forget to ask the eunuch who was following him: "Are you sure it's only here?"

"Reporting to the crown prince, indeed, there is only one left …"

He bent over, his gaze never leaving the ground. Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the pair of black boots with gold stripes suddenly speed up and leave his sight in less than two seconds.

"Aiyo, my crown prince!" This time, he didn't care about the complicated rules. He was afraid that this person would run faster or fall down in a hurry. As a result, he hastily ran to chase after him. "You have to be careful …"

He earnestly tried to persuade her, but when he looked up, the noble master did not take his words to heart. Instead, he stood on tiptoe in front of one of the people in the courtyard and raised his hand towards her, "Look!"

His voice contained an almost unconcealable sense of pride, and his head was also unable to control himself as he looked up and said, "Today, my hand has been caught by the door."

The back of her hand that was almost raised up to her eyes did indeed have a green and red indentation. Luo Yi instinctively moved his head back, and when he stopped, he felt a baffling sense of helplessness.

Next time, he would crush her with his head.

She blinked, and before she could think of a proper response at this time, an even sharper voice sounded from outside the door — —

"The Emperor has arrived."