The Scheming Young Master


Damn! There was no need to think about what to do now, he had to kneel anyway.

Luo Yi's brain worked very quickly, almost as soon as the eunuch finished speaking, she knelt down on the ground, her actions were so crisp and crisp that it made Chen Liyi gasp in admiration.

Tsk tsk! She sighed in her heart. She was still a child after all. She couldn't hide her feelings any longer, and the enmity in her words was almost overflowing.

Chen Jinyan smiled, he used some strength to pull his up, and even used his waist to help her stand.

He had a faint smoky fragrance on his body, Luo Yi was unable to detect what it was. It floated into his nose following the movements of the person in front of him, and felt extremely good, like thin winter snow, bringing about a refreshing feeling.

Mu Yizhou.

Luo Yi:...

She quickly retracted her gaze, because the series of movements did not last more than three seconds, she did not attract Chen Jinyan's attention, furthermore, it was fine even if she was discovered, as a girl, it was understandable for her to be bashful for the first time.

Luo Yi held her breath, and acted like she was overwhelmed by the unexpected favor, his eyes trembled as they landed on Chen Jinyan's face, bringing with it the natural bashfulness of a girl.

She had only pretended to be shy in the beginning, but after seeing Chen Jinyan's appearance, she was stunned for a second. Suddenly, her face uncontrollably heated up, and even her ears turned red.

The heat spread all the way down to his neck, and in a moment, Luo Yi's entire body was red as if he had just been splashed by the hot water.

Chen Jinyan was completely caught off guard by her reaction, the first command that he had come up with was to turn his head to look at Mu Yizhou, who was not far behind him. When he saw that the person before him could not even cover up his gloomy face, the confusion on his face instantly turned into complacency.

If you listened carefully, you could hear the suppressed laughter in his voice.

Luo Yi blinked, and the temperature of her cheeks finally dropped by a few degrees.

This Thirteenth Prince … Back then, he had not been recommended by the officials for the sake of being born well!

With this thought, Luo Yi peeked at Chen Jinyan a few more times.

In truth, she had not seen such a good-looking person for long, but the Crown Prince of the Northern Tribes was nothing. The nearby Lin Ting, Tang Yuan and Yi Qiannan could easily make the girls' hearts beat faster with just a few words, but she had never seen someone like Chen Jinyan before.

His appearance was originally quite flirtatious, but when paired with this tiger fang, it was even more bewitching. His curved lips had a faint smile on them, as if in the next second, he would come close and bite through your blood vessels. However, when he completely broke out into a smile, this bewitching yet strangely cracked open a small crack on his body, allowing his innocent appearance to bared his fangs and brandished his claws as he rushed out of the crack, submissively surrounding him completely.

He was at the boundary between the gods and demons, but strangely enough, he was completely immersed in it.

Chen Jinyan took the chance to glance at Mu Yizhou who was behind his when no one was paying attention to him, and then pulled Luo Yi into her embrace, and left the crowd while holding her in his arms.

"Your Majesty, you are the one who is driving!"

The palace maid's sharp voice rang out once more, and everyone kneeling on the ground knocked their foreheads against the ground once more. Only after the palace maids and eunuchs had disappeared did they stare at each other as they stood up.

The people here weren't ignorant aristocratic ladies, so they naturally knew what Yi Yanxue's departure meant. They couldn't help but sigh.

Who would have thought? Amongst so many aristocratic young ladies, the first to receive the Emperor's green eyes was actually the daughter of a merchant family.

Compared to the other people present, Lin Yaoniao's and Chen Liyi's mental activities were much simpler. The former was worried that Luo Yi's four limbs would hurt, while the latter simply resented that the old thief had taken their people away.

He pursed his lips, raised the back of his hand to his lips, and blew on the reddish indentation.

No one had expected that the truth would be so different from what they had guessed. Even Luo Yi himself had not guessed correctly.

She was not an ignorant child who didn't know anything about love affairs, so she obviously knew what the emperor wanted to do after he took her away, thus she followed him into a certain palace with her head lowered. When she entered, she saw that even the eunuchs had stopped outside the door, but Mu Yizhou calmly entered the room with an extremely surprised expression on his face as he quickly glanced at the emperor, and after half a second, he innocently looked him in the eye.

Is this brother so blind?

Mu Yizhou smiled at her. After entering the room, he didn't forget to help them close the door.

Luo Yi, "..."

Chen Jinyan brought her into the inner room, but this time the person did not follow. He just stood there obediently outside, but …

Luo Yi hesitated and sat down on the bed along with Chen Jinyan's strength. She pretended to be bashful and did not forget to curse at the screen in front of him: This soundproofing is actually useless, right?

However, Chen Jinyan didn't seem to see the hesitation on her face, after pulling her down to a seat, he started to chat about family matters with her, and there was even a hint of curiosity that couldn't be concealed in his tone.

"..." Back to the Emperor, this humble woman lives in Fringe City, and my parents are well. "

After Chen Jinyan heard the answer, he pondered for a moment. His eyes looked towards the outside as if he did not see anything, and when he opened his mouth again, the smile on his face magnified: "Fringe City is located in the Northern Tribes realm, have you been there before?"

However, Luo Yi's heart suddenly tightened, and subconsciously thought that perhaps she revealed something, but was afraid that if she did not speak for a long time, she would treat His Majesty coldly. She rolled her eyes, and spoke with a slightly sad voice: "Reporting to the Emperor …"

"Your majesty or what, you look so foreign!" Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Chen Jinyan while holding back his laughter. He then suggested excitedly, "Why don't you just call us Uncle."


So it turned out that a dignified Li Kingdom would actually love this path?

Luo Yi felt that all three of her views were shattered. She had not decided whether she should kneel on the ground and say "fear" like that afternoon when she heard a light cough suddenly come from outside the screen.

The voice was not loud, and it did not sound emotional at all. It was as if the person who spoke had just had an attack on his throat, so he could not help but cough.

However, no one in the world dared to cough right under the emperor's nose, especially when the person beside her pursed his lips strangely after hearing the cough. Then, his face turned cold and his tone became much more serious, "I saw that you're nervous, it's just a joke."

"Go on."

Chen Jinyan straightened his clothes and indicated for Luo Yi to continue.

Putting aside the "This screen is really not soundproof" idea in his mind, Luo Yi couldn't hide his curiosity as he walked between the two of them a few times, and thought of Tang Yuan and Yi Qiannan as if they were good spirits.

However, her thoughts were too disrespectful, Luo Yi did not dare reveal anything, and kept on making up lies, but luckily, Chen Jinyan was only listening to her, and was not interested in the local affairs that she mentioned, and yawned upon hearing it.

Luo Yi was constantly on the lookout for Chen Jinyan's movements, and seeing him so tired, she was secretly happy. She did not have time to speak anymore, she turned around and carefully asked him: "Is the emperor tired? Why don't I call Lord Mu in to help you go back and rest? "

"No need to go through so much trouble," Chen Jinyan said. He was really tired, but he knew that he must not leave this room tonight, so when he heard Luo Yi's words, he casually waved his hands: "Continue talking, We are listening."

Outside the window, there was a gust of wind sweeping the leaves with it the silhouettes of the two people on the window paper. Before Luo Yi could speak, Mu Yizhou, who was outside the window, said his goodbyes in a heavy voice.

"Oh, you can leave."

Chen Jinyan did not think much of it, but once again, he was stunned. He stared at the figure until even the figure disappeared from her line of sight.

It sounded really familiar.

But just as the words flashed past his mind, Luo Yi shook his head with all his might to wake him up, and smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth, thinking that he was truly bewitched, seeing that everyone looked like that person.

She came back to her senses, turned her head, and looked at Chen Jinyan with a smile. Then, she continued with her previous topic: "This humble one's elder brother has been beaten quite a few times by father when he was young …"

At the fifteenth hour, the full moon in the sky accompanied her gentle voice as it rose higher and higher. As her voice gradually faded away, the moonlight outside the window was completely replaced by the sunlight. Only then did the protruding lump in the middle of the bed faintly emit a moan.

The sleeping position of the person under the blanket didn't seem to be good. His entire body was curled up into a ball, so when he woke up in the morning, besides feeling sore all over, he couldn't help but reach out and pinch the back of his neck.

She was the only person left in the room, so under the extreme silence her feeble moan was particularly obvious. As a result, before she could sit up from the bed, someone carefully knocked on the door. "Is the Empress awake?"

Empress? Without waiting for Luo Yi to complete his speech, the palace maid who had just knocked on the door pushed it open and walked in. At the same time, she turned around and gestured to the people behind her.

Luo Yi let these people dig him out of bed, then blankly sat in front of the copper mirror and watched them bustle around. She had a rough idea of what was going on, "Where's the emperor?"

"Esteemed Empress, you just woke up and you're thinking of the emperor …" The one who spoke was the palace maid from before, who seemed to have the highest status amongst the group, with a clever mouth and at the same time, her hands were not idle. As she took a gold-studded hairpin from someone beside her and placed it on top of her hair, she smiled and said, "The Emperor left early, before he left he specifically told us servants to take good care of the Empress, and also gave this Hall of Announcements to the Empress together!"

"The servants and maids were specially appointed by the emperor to serve the Empress. Our emperor, we've taken the Empress's heart to heart!"

The palace maid who spoke was called Qing Luo. Who knew which difficult master she served in the past, to be able to train such a eloquent person, although she could speak without stopping, her words were rarely heard.

Luo Yi peeked through the mirror and saw that she was constantly tormenting herself. She tried to bear with it but was still able to ask when Qing Luo added something else to her again, "Did the Emperor mention anything else when he pointed to you guys?"

Her question was very obscure, but Qing Luo, who was at the side, understood it, and before she could even speak, she heard a commotion outside, thus the words that he was about to say turned around, and she helped Luo Yi up from the chair: "Well, the answer that the Empress wants is here."

Standing outside the door was the old man from the palace. In his hand was a bright yellow imperial edict that pressed down on everyone present, making them unable to raise their heads.

Luo Yi was supported by Qing Luo as she knelt on the ground, listening to the man who spoke, enunciating every single word. Luo Yi was careless, she was merely saying that the Yi family had a virtuous, virtuous, and virtuous character, and was bestowed with the position of Hall of Announcements.

The content of the imperial edict wasn't much, and after a while, it was finished. The eunuch who sent the message placed the imperial edict into Qing Luo's hands, and then hurried forward to help Luo Yi up, "Empress, please rise, you can take this imperial edict."

Luo Yi used his strength to get up, and before she could even speak, Qing Luo took out a bag of silver from her bosom and handed it over to the eunuch. After the two of them rejected him, the elder took it in half-step amidst Qing Luo's "In the future, if there is anything that the elder can do for me, please take care of me" voice.

"Adding people in the air is a joyous event, and the Empress is blessed as well. This servant should be the one who begs for the Empress's care."

The eunuch spoke a few more words of kindness, then beckoned to the children behind him to move the things bestowed by His Majesty into the hall, and slowly retreated out of Luo Yi's line of sight.

Luo Yi watched as the other party left. Only when the courtyard returned to its previous quiet state did she let Qing Luo call out for her to enter, but before she entered, she seemingly didn't do it on purpose. She raised her hand and lightly tapped on the back of her neck.

The last door also slowly closed. No one saw two figures slowly walk out from behind the ornamental rock in the courtyard the moment the last crack in the door disappeared.

The image of the back of Luo Yi's neck seemed to still be in the air, one of them raised his eyebrows, looking at the person beside him with a gaze full of playfulness: "You sure are ruthless, your attack is so heavy."

The other person's expression didn't change in the slightest when he heard these words. His voice was also light. "Too much talk, afraid of dragging His Majesty down."

"Tch …"

Chen Jinyan was not moved: "Are you saying that we should stay alone? "A petty man."

Mu Yizhou shrugged his shoulders, the expression hidden under the mask seemed to be disdainful of his words, but the corner of his mouth revealed his feelings.