The Scheming Young Master


It was Luo Yi's first time entering the palace, and she pretended to be well-behaved and deceitful. As a result, she didn't say a single word as she followed behind this mama, treating him as a mute.

She could probably guess why this person wanted to take her there, but when she lowered her head and walked around for a while, when she looked up again, she found that the scenery was completely different from what she imagined.

As she thought of this, her head drooped lower and lower. At the same time, she pondered on who in the palace would be so impatient to see her, but before she could draw a concrete image of the person in front of her, she saw the mama in front of her stop.

The only difference was that the mama didn't say much after smiling. After giving her a glance, she retreated, while the rest of the men took two steps forward and placed their hands on her waist. "What she did just now was a palace maid's salute, you should do this …"

The man's somewhat rough fingers pressed against the back of his hand, causing Luo Yi to feel a strange sensation and causing him to suddenly retreat two steps. At the same time, he quickly withdrew the back of his hand behind his back.

It matched face to face.

She glanced at Mu Yizhou with slight hostility.

Mu Yizhou on the other hand, did not care about her hostility, and even secretly raised his eyes that were hidden under the mask by an arc.

Luo Yi had heard Yi Qiannan mention that this person always wore a mask when he was in the palace, so almost half of the face of Mu Yizhou, who had just appeared in front of her, was hidden under the mask.

But it did not cover the long, thin scar on his right cheek.

The scar that ran from his cheekbone all the way to his chin was hard to tell, but one could imagine that he must have been badly hurt.

Luo Yi cautiously hid her hands behind her back while glaring at Mu Yizhou, "Please take care, Sir."

At the same time, he silently cursed: [I can't cover up the scar on my face, but I don't know what its use is.]

Mu Yizhou didn't care about her reaction. He smiled and asked: "Why are you so nervous?"

He had clearly only done something as simple as that, but it caused an indescribable feeling in Luo Yi's eyes. She lowered her eyes, and when she looked up again, a distant smile appeared on her face: "I am extremely grateful that Yan Xi has taken care of Lord Mu outside the palace, but there are too many people in the palace.

Luo Yi rarely had such a refined opportunity to speak, when the person opposite of her did not have any reaction at all. In fact, she was the first to feel goosebumps from being disgusted, but luckily, the person opposite did not notice. She only laughed and followed what she said, "Miss Yi is right."

"However …"

Without waiting for Luo Yi to calm down, the man changed the topic, and revealed a face full of craftiness: "I came this time under the orders of the Emperor."

Luo Yi, "..."

Why didn't you say so earlier!

Luo Yi didn't even bother to think about what kind of strange circuit in Mu Yizhou's brain was. Hearing him say that, she didn't even have to doubt him, she only replied "Oh" and then asked the Emperor for orders.

Mu Yizhou: "It's nothing, I'm just asking you if you've gotten used to it after entering the palace."

"Get used to it." Luo Yi was speechless again, after lazily saying these two words, she looked over with his large, listless eyes, as if saying, "If you have something to say, hurry up and say it, laozi's time is very precious."

Mu Yizhou laughed at himself, he raised his head and looked at the sky, then waved his hand and said: "Everything else is gone, you can go back now."

This person, along with all the things he had done, was extremely bizarre.

Luo Yi suspiciously sized him up a few times, before teasing him, "What? "You can't bear to part from me?" After that, he angrily rolled his eyes towards the sky, bowed to the posture that he had just learned, and turned around and left with a grand air.

After walking two steps, he suddenly stopped.

Her back was facing him and Mu Yizhou couldn't see the expression on her face, so he could clearly hear the awkward gratitude in her voice — — "Thank you."

After she left, Mu Yizhou stood in place for a long time, until the man who was hiding in the darkness just now could not bear to watch any longer. He coughed lightly twice, walked up, and said with an appreciative voice: "This girl is quite smart."

The man was dressed in bright yellow, the Nine-clawed Flying Dragon standing on his chest was imposing and majestic, and even the ground that he was standing on was intimidated by him, all of them restraining their arrogance and bowing to him. Only the man standing next to him raised his eyebrows, turned around, and faced him with a respectful expression but no fear in his eyes.

Mu Yizhou shrugged his shoulders as if he was the one replying to his question. Then, he raised his head to look at the sky and muttered: "I'll send someone to you no matter who you come for."

On the other side, without the mama to lead the way, Luo Yi could only walk towards her own residence.

The palace was very complicated. Fortunately, she had a good memory so she didn't have to touch the wall by herself. However, she lived far away from the palace so she didn't feel it when she came. Now that she was alone as she slowly walked back, she couldn't help but feel that the road was long and annoying.

She walked slowly as Mu Yizhou's masked face kept flashing across her mind.

He wasn't sure if it was just an illusion, but Luo Yi felt that the way Mu Yizhou put on the mask was completely different from before.

It even looked a little familiar.

It's just a mask... Was it possible the face was so different?

She could not understand this question. Along the way, her eyebrows creased tightly, and it was only after they had travelled for more than half the distance that she realized she had not even seen a single palace maid or eunuch.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously stopped moving.

It was the same path that the mama had shown her. She couldn't remember wrongly, but now that she thought about it, it seemed like they hadn't run into anyone along the way. It was just that she had been too busy dressing up as a rabbit, so she hadn't paid attention to it.

Luo Yi was not familiar with the layout of the palace, so she could not tell if the old lady had specially taken a detour, or if it was something else. It was just that the surrounding environment did not seem like a place where no one came in all year round.

She unconsciously looked around. He slowed down his footsteps and continued to walk forward. Finally, he saw a figure when he turned another corner.

The man squatted by the side of the road. As he was not tall enough, most of his body was covered by the flowers and plants beside him, and only the top of his head was faintly visible. It was fortunate that Luo Yi had been carefully observing his surroundings from the beginning, and had not missed this person.

When he walked closer, he could hear a few words from the man's mouth. Occasionally, a word or two would float into Luo Yi's ears, but it was never able to complete the sentence. Luo Yi initially did not want to be nosy, but the moment his foot missed the figure's back, he suddenly froze in place, and then slowly retreated.

Although he could not see exactly what that person was doing, he was very serious. He did not even know when the person next to him had appeared, and was even startled by the ringing sound in his ears.

Chen Liyi raised his head, his almond shaped eyes full of vigilance.

Luo Yi pretended not to see it, and tilted her head to look at Yue Yang, repeating the same question, "What are you doing?"

Originally, Chen Liyi did not plan to care about her, but seeing that she looked unfamiliar and dressed like a palace maid, he could not help but ask his after a few seconds of silence, "Who are you?"

Chen Liyi was just ten years old a few days ago, and was even younger than the youngest girl in Luo Yi's room. As a result, even though he purposely spoke coldly before he spoke, his voice still sounded childish in people's ears, like a cat waving its claws at someone when it had yet to grow a claw.

Luo Yi replied in a softer tone, "I'm the newly selected pretty girl from the palace."

"Oh …" Chen Liyi nodded his head, as though he had heard of this matter from the palace maid that was taking care of him.

But she said that these new people were all not good people like the old thief who had usurped power. Chen Liyi remembered it, after hearing what the person beside him said, she immediately stood up in disgust, and then kicked Luo Yi who had yet to recover from her shock.


Luo Yi's expression turned cold, shsheimmediately stood up from the ground, and before she could open her mouth, he heard the child opposite him continue: "Who allowed you to come to my place!"

When Luo Yi stood up, Chen Liyi was half a body shorter than her, and was unable to reach her. He angrily jumped a few times on the spot, and then shouted loudly that someone was pulling her down with as much weight as fifty planks.

But no one came for a long time after he shouted.

Chen Liyi pursed his lips, and suddenly remembered that the people here had all been driven away by him.

The woman's expression looked as if she wanted to hit him. Chen Liyi turned his head to look around him, only to find that there was no one around, and when he shouted again, he lost some of his courage. "If you dare hit me, I'll definitely exterminate your entire clan!"


Luo Yi looked at him lazily, not wanting to lower herself to the same level as this kid.

Before they entered the palace, Xu Shilian had briefly introduced the crown prince's situation to her, so when she passed by this person, she immediately realised that there was only the crown prince at his age in the palace, but he didn't think that this crown prince would be so unlikeable.

Luo Yi did not plan to pester him anymore, she merely bowed and continued to walk forward, but before she could take another step, Chen Liyi called out to her from behind, "Stop! I haven't even agreed to let you go! "

Luo Yi stopped for a moment, as the status of the two of them in the future flashed past her mind. After confirming that he was just spouting harsh words, she pretended that she did not hear anything, and only stopped for a moment before continuing to walk. As she walked, she was still humming a tune that was out of tune.

And when Chen Liyi, who was behind her, saw that she had clearly heard it but still ignored his words, he could not help but become angrier, and quickly took two steps forward, wanting to chase after her.

He was in a hurry to run, but he was also annoyed when he tripped over a rock on the side of the road. His legs hit the ground heavily, and the pain from his knees gradually spread to his entire body, but he only gritted his teeth. He then took a deep breath and pressed one of his palms to the ground to support himself.

He patted the dust off his clothes, and when he looked up, he was startled by the person in front of him.

When he fell down, he didn't even dare to shout out loud for face. He didn't think that this person would turn back and silently look at him from not too far away.

Chen Liyi's face slightly flushed, after the redness on his face faded, she was slightly angered, angrily pointing at her and said, "You actually didn't come to my Palace?"

He was so angry that he was about to jump, but Luo Yi who was facing him asked calmly, "Why do I need to help you?"

"I am the Crown Prince!"

Chen Liyi was so angry that he forgot to put on airs. Then, he saw the lips of the person opposite him move slightly, and said: "I know."

"Then you're not coming to help me!"

"Because you just cursed me."

Luo Yi answered as if it was only natural, she did not feel that there was anything wrong with being so fussy about a child. Fortunately, Chen Liyi, who was facing her, did not think of himself as a child.

"You're right," Luo Yi nodded his head as if he also felt that what he said was very reasonable. "But I bear grudges, and I don't support people who have scolded me before."

"But I'm the Crown Prince!"

"But you scolded me!"

The two of them argued back and forth several times, neither giving way to the other. However, Chen Liyi was still a child after all, he was the one who had shouted and shouted while thinking about things, and after rolling his eyes, he actually felt that what said made sense.

Hence, he breathed a sigh of relief, bowed his head towards his chest and weakly waved his hands at Luo Yi: "Then you can go, I won't punish you anymore."

"Thank you," Luo Yi continued. "But you still haven't apologized to me."

Chen Liyi's eyes instantly grew much larger. "I'm the crown prince, how can I apologize to you?!"

"Ugh …" "Then I apologize."

Chen Liyi was simply unable to keep up with the speed of the woman's transformation, his originally round eyes became even rounder than before, he could only stare dumbfoundedly at the man in front of him who, as expected, squatted down after saying that, maintained his vision as if he was on equal footing with his: "Sorry, I just saw you fall, and I didn't help you."

After saying that, she paused for a moment, then rolled her eyes as a crafty look flashed across her face, "The reason why I'm not helping you is because you just cursed at me. Now that I'm apologizing for not helping you, shouldn't you also be apologizing for cursing at others?"

Chen Liyi, "..."

Yes... Was it calculated like that? Chen Liyi's eyes could not widen, his eyes met hers, and his thoughts went according to what she said, and finally, he met everyone's expectations and ended up in a mess.