The Royal's Little Lady

Chapter 120:

Before staying alone in the city of Yanjing, what about the glory, wealth, wealth and richness. I felt boring when I lived alone, and I was always thinking of Xiao Heng for fear of accidents. Besides, in the city of Yanjing, there is no wind, sand or rocks, but some people are unpredictable, making Gu Suier\'s heart cold and more uncomfortable.

Now that I have come to the desolate frontier, I feel warm in my heart even though the sky is full of yellow sand. When I look at Xiao Heng, I feel at ease, I am not afraid of anything, and I am full of energy in everything.

As long as the whole family is together, they even like eating chaffy vegetables.

Besides, Gu Suier is not a person who has never suffered, and the difficulty of this idea is nothing.

The night I came here, there was no time to rest. At this time, Gu Baofeng sent a pheasant and said that he led his subordinates to call. Gu Suier slaughtered the pheasant and planned to add the ginseng he had brought to Xiao Heng\'s stew.

She used to cook by herself when she was a few years old when she was in the country, but at that time she cooked simple meals, but cooked porridge and porridge, using coarse grains, and the meals were not fine. Later, she went to help cook in the inn and was slow. Slowly learned to cook some dishes that nobles like.

When she entered Ruiding Hou Mansion and then to the Prince\'s Mansion, she was able to take charge of everything, and occasionally she would cook some food for Achen Xiao Heng, and her cooking skills also improved.

But here, the official residence is rather rudimentary, even more rudimentary than the stove when she was in Gujiazhuang.

This is not even a kitchen, but barely built a shed with wood to shelter from the rain, underneath it are firewood, crude charcoal, and a temporary stove.

After Gu Suier took care of the chicken and placed it in a wooden basin next to it, he began to boil water and prepare to stew the chicken.

Who knows that when she just started the fire, she heard someone say from behind: "Who are you, why are you moving my stove!"

Gu Suier heard that it was a woman\'s voice with a strong accent, and she couldn\'t help but wonder. When she looked back, she saw that the woman was wearing a red linen, with a bun on her head and a bunch of colorful feathers diagonally inserted. , Looks pretty, but there are fine lines at the corners of his eyes, he is about 30 years old?

She passed Liangcheng along the way, and she also saw women dress up here, knowing that this is a common dress in the local area.

The woman couldn\'t help but said, stepped forward, pushed her aside, and then went to look at the stove: "Who are you, why use my stove?"

Gu Suier was also puzzled: "Isn\'t this the stove of the hotel?"

She remembered listening to Bao\'er saying that Xiao Heng now lives in this hotel, and the stove in that hotel is naturally usable.

Hearing this, the woman looked up and down Gu Suier.

Gu Suier came to this Liangcheng, dressed as Yanjing City. The outside is a brocade, the inside is a plum embroidered collar with a pair of moon-white plackets, and the bottom is a double-flowered satin satin skirt with a waist. Paired with jasper, the head is decorated with hollow rims and golden steps, paired with creamy white pearl earrings, the whole person looks beautiful and elegant, which is comparable to a woman in a border town.

The woman\'s gaze scanned every place of Gu Suier, not even the small Xiangyun leather boots underneath, so she could take a closer look.

Finally, he said, "Who are you? How come you come to this hotel? This is a noble man\'s hotel, it\'s not something ordinary people can come."

Hearing this, Gu Suier said hurriedly: "I am the concubine of the Five Princes\' Mansion. Now I am coming to take care of His Royal Highness on the orders of the emperor. She thought that she was seriously injured and got a chicken, so she said that she would stew him. Chicken soup nourishes the body."

The woman heard the ru concubine, her eyes flashed, and her indescribable gaze seemed to be envy and jealous.

She licked her dry and peeling lips: "So you are a woman from your Royal Highness\'s mansion? Then since you are ordered to take care of your Royal Highness, please take care of your highness. Don\'t move this stove. I\'m about to use this stove for cooking. ."

Gu Suier listened and couldn\'t help asking: "Dare to ask this sister, are you?"

The woman smiled: "My name is Mei Niang, and I am the cook of this restaurant. Because the food I cook is delicious, the master in the prison specially asked me to come over and cook for your Royal Highness. Your Royal Highness always eats the food I cooked. ."

After speaking, she lifted the lid of the pot to see the chicken that had been stewed inside.

Gu Suier saw that Mei Niang didn\'t seem like a good talker, thinking that since she has been using this stove, why bother to fight with her, she asked, "Apart from this stove, are there others?"

Mei Niang took her eyes and glanced outside: "It\'s outside the hall, with the big guy."

She said that Gu Suier understood.

Soldiers and horses are stationed here, so there are naturally marching crews outside the hall to cook, but inside the hall, it seems that there is only such a stove.

But she is the concubine of the fifth prince, and she is not so good to mix with the guys in cooking, and it would be a joke to spread it out.

"It\'s not convenient for me to go outside, so let\'s use this stove for the time being. Could you please wait for me to cook the chicken soup before using the stove?"

Mei Niang raised her eyebrows, somewhat reluctantly: "I\'m going to use it for cooking."

Gu Suier didn\'t understand, and asked Mei Niang suspiciously, "Who does the madam want to cook for? If you are cooking for your Royal Highness, don\'t worry about it. I will cook this chicken today, and use it first when it\'s done. "

Mei Niang raised her eyebrows and condensed Gu Suier: "But your Royal Highness only likes to eat the food I cook, what you cook may not suit his appetite."

Gu Suier couldn\'t help feeling funny when she heard this.

She had also cooked for Xiao Heng before. Xiao Heng had been eating well, so he couldn\'t come to the border town now, and he couldn\'t eat a meal by himself.

Besides, I am also an upright concubine who wants to cook a meal for my husband. Do you still have to listen to the chef here?

At the moment she became cold and said: "This is wrong. I am the concubine of the fifth prince. I should serve him when I serve him. When I am away, Mrs. Trouble is helping to cook. I am here, where can I pay? So disturbing Madam."

After that, she didn\'t care about what Mei Niang was, and prepared herself to cook her own chicken soup.

She put ginseng in the chicken soup, cut the ginseng into small slices, put goji berries and red dates, cut green onion and **** and threw it in. Finally, look at the condiments over there. Don’t plan to find some salt. Who knows those? However, there are so many kinds of materials, after searching for a long time, I didn\'t understand it.

The condiments of the city here are more abundant than that of Yanjing City. Gu Suier took a closer look, and finally took out a little bit of the brown-black one with a small spoon and tasted it. After tasting it, he couldn\'t help grinning.

It\'s hot and spicy, and tears will fall along with it. What kind of condiment is this?

She didn\'t give up. Seeing that there was a thin white one next to it, she took it out and licked it. This time it turned out to be a strange unspeakable taste.

Seeing this scene, Mei Niang was quite disdainful, and said, "This is the seasoning of our border town. You come from this big place. Naturally, you don\'t understand this. Let me give it to me. I will make this chicken soup. Good things were spoiled for nothing."

Gu Suier didn\'t even lift her head, and ignored this Mei Niang. After biting her head and tasting some condiments, she finally found the salt.

After sprinkling a little salt, she started to burn it with a small fire.

Mei Niang stood aside and said coolly: "Just add some salt, do you think it will taste good? That taste is too weak, it must not taste good!"

Gu Suier said while burning the fire: "His Royal Highness is seriously injured now, so he should eat lightly."

She knew how the chicken soup that Xiao Heng ate when she first came here was so strong, it turned out that these strange condiments were added.

"How is it possible." Mei Niang pouted: "His Royal Highness loves to eat the meals I made, and he can\'t eat anything else! Originally, Your Royal Highness was hurt very badly. Thanks to me cooking and boiling medicine for him every day, after he ate it, To recover well."

Gu Suier no longer wanted to talk to this Mei Niang.

In fact, she didn\'t quite understand how this Mei Niang was just a cook, so she was so self-righteous. She used to help in the back kitchen of the inn. She always did things peacefully and never talked back.

If it were someone else, such as the two young ladies of the Rui Ding Hou Mansion, or Xiao Jin Xiao Xu, they would have already reprimanded the cook. This is also because I don\'t like to bully people based on my identity, otherwise I will get her to speak in one turn.

At the moment she turned a deaf ear and continued to stew chicken soup.

Mei Niang looked from the side for a long while, dull and silent, she seemed unhappy. After a long time, she herself felt bored, stomped her foot, and left.

After she left, Gu Suier breathed a sigh of relief and opened the lid of the pot to see that the scent of meat in the pheasant had slowly overflowed into the bubbling boiling water during the slow stewing. The boiling water turns into a rich soup, exuding an attractive fragrance.

The premium pheasant doesn\'t need too much seasoning. If it is simmered on such a low heat, it will naturally be able to stew the chicken soup that will leave the mouth fragrant.

As for the strong seasoning, it is better to keep the mutton with strong flavor.

Gu Suier saw that the chicken soup was 70% to 80% better, so she put a handful of firewood in the stove and let the fire slowly simmer, and she stood up and went back to take a look.

Guizhi coaxed Xiao Achen to sleep in the next room. Now Xiao Achen is asleep, she took out the silk cloth, wiped the long life lock of Xiao Achen, and put it away, and kicked Xiao Achen off. Shoes.

While looking up, Gu Suier came over and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness is asleep next door, and Xiao Huangsun is also asleep."

Gu Suier nodded, and came over to look at her son: "Maybe the food delivered by the man outside can be eaten?"

She knew that except for the small stove for the seriously injured Xiao Heng alone, everyone else was eating food cooked by the outsider.

"It\'s rougher, but I knew it was not a good thing to come here, and it\'s okay." Guizhi smiled: "It\'s the little emperor, it\'s really unexpected. He actually eats with relish and is not picky."

You must know that in the prince\'s mansion, the little emperor\'s grandson was rich in clothes and food, and he hadn\'t suffered any bitterness. Now he doesn\'t dislike being picky eaters at all.

Gu Suier looked at the sleeping little Achen, and she slept soundly: "This child is a good breeder. He falls asleep wherever he goes. He doesn\'t recognize the child or the land. Anything will do."

Guizhi also said: "Yes, he is more sensible than the average child. Looking at this road, he didn\'t cry or make a noise."

Gu Suier spoke for a while, then went to the next door and saw Xiao Heng lying on the couch reading a book.

"Didn\'t you see this before? Why are you still watching?"

That book was indeed the "Nongzheng Quanshu" that Xiao Heng had read before.