The Royal's Little Lady

Chapter 119:

Gu Suier took the soup and looked down carefully, only to see that the soup looked like chicken soup, but it didn\'t stew enough. Gu Suier tasted it herself, and the taste was not good, and even had a strange taste, a bit numb, but it was chicken soup. Feeding it to Xiao Heng could also make up for it.

She brought the soup, sat on the edge of the kang, and fed him a spoonful.

In fact, he can move his hands at will, and he can half lean on the pillow. It should be no problem to eat by himself.

But Gu Suier still wanted to feed him.

He was seriously injured and didn’t know how much it hurts. He must have been wronged by being single in such a desolate and remote place. Gu Suier couldn’t help but want to hurt him more. He wanted to feed him spoon by spoonful. He eats.

"Is it delicious?" she asked, taking the handkerchief and wiping his lips.

"It\'s delicious." Xiao Heng, like a child, let her feed him, and said so seriously after drinking half a bowl of chicken soup.

"This chicken soup is so stewed that it doesn’t taste like chicken soup, and it uses a lot of salt. You are seriously injured now and you have to eat lightly. I will stew for you tomorrow, add ginseng, and stew some light soup, so that you can recover well. "Gu Suier couldn\'t help but smile while pursing her lips.

"Yeah." Xiao Heng didn\'t even taste it, but he nodded like that.

He also wanted to eat the food that Gu Suier himself cooked.

Putting the soup bowl aside, Gu Suier looked at Xiao Heng again, and couldn\'t help asking: "What the **** is going on with you, why are you hurt like this? Where is the hurt? You open the clothes and show me. Your injury?"

Xiao Heng said indifferently, "It\'s nothing, it\'s not badly injured--"

Before he finished saying this, Gu Suier said: "You are not allowed to say this. You always say nothing. Knowing that you don\'t want me to be worried, don\'t you worry if I don\'t know? I don\'t know. I\'ll worry about it all my own way."

Xiao Heng looked over, and saw that Gu Suier\'s eyebrows and eyes had a little resentment, and she felt dumb.

After thinking about it for a while, he said: "The matter is too complicated, and it is unclear for a while, so I always have to say it slowly. But my injury does not hurt the key, it\'s just a skin injury. You don\'t have to worry too much. That\'s it."

After speaking, he seemed to hesitate in his expression, but he still said, "I was hurt less than what was supposed to be outside."

When Gu Suier listened, she couldn\'t help but wonder, and couldn\'t help but ask: "What does this mean?"

Xiao Heng pondered for a moment, and explained: "This frontier is at the intersection of the three kingdoms, where fish and dragons are mixed, Beidi Kingdom is ambitious, and Princess Zhaoyang has disappeared for no reason. There is no conspiracy in this. If I am seriously injured now, others are right. I\'m less careful."

When he said this, Gu Suier suddenly said: "That is to say, you are paralyzing the enemy, you are in the dark on the Mingxiu plank road!"

Xiao Hengwan didn\'t expect her to pop out such a word, but she was a little surprised. Seeing her sudden realization, there was warmth in her eyes, and he nodded: "Almost."

Now the disappearance of Princess Zhaoyang, and the assassination of Emperor Da Zhao, these things, outsiders only think that he is pointing the finger at Da Xuan country. Even this time "seriously injured", everyone guessed that it must have something to do with Da Xuan Guo.

Even Beidi sent envoys to discuss forcing Da Xuan to surrender the Assassins and Princess Zhaoyang.

But in fact, he naturally knew that all this should have nothing to do with Da Xuan Guo.

Everything is just a cover.

As for Bei Di, what they want to do, they also need to wait patiently for them to show their feet.

Gu Suier thought for a while, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be so."

Xiao Heng originally thought she would continue to ask questions. Who knew that after she had said this, she got up and went to help him tidy up the robes next to her.

"When you came here last time, you didn\'t expect to stay for so long. The cotton robes you brought were not enough. This time I brought back the big robes and a few brocade robes you wore in the past."

Gu Suier packed up these things and said softly: "I also brought some top-quality tonics from the mansion. I will stew them slowly for you."

Xiao Heng was a little surprised when she saw that she didn\'t mention this anymore. She was ready to ask her again, and he thought of a way to explain it well, but she really didn\'t ask.

But when I thought about it, her mind was simple. She decided whatever he said, so she wouldn\'t think too much.

"Well, everything is up to you." Thinking of my son for a while, I couldn\'t help asking: "Where is Ah Chen?"

Gu Suier thought about how happy her son saw Bao\'er just now, and smiled: "He, when he saw Bao\'er, he rushed over like lifeless, pestering Bao\'er, now I am afraid that he will let Bao\'er take Went on horseback."

Xiao Heng thought about his son\'s soft look, and nodded: "He and Bo\'er get along well. They used to love Bo\'er."

Gu Suier smiled: "Yes. Although these two people are big and small, you know Baoer\'s temperament. Just like a child, he is not stable at all, and he usually knows that he is going to hold Achen."

She remembered that Achen had been fighting with the dog before, and Baoer ran to help.

It\'s really funny to talk about this kind of thing as a serious child.

Xiao Heng glanced at Gu Suier, her eyes filled with petting.

He knew that in her eyes, A Chen was a child, and Gu Baofeng was also a child, just an older child and a smaller child.

Those are all the little children she loves.

But in his eyes it was different.

Gu Baofeng was his subordinate, and he used it to charge forward.

He never felt that Gu Baofeng was childish.

Gu Baofeng has never been childish under his hands. He has always been strong and tough.

While talking, Gu Suier pulled out a few cotton robes from the box next to it and looked at it. One of the hem was torn.

"I\'ll make up this later."

If you are in Yanjing City, you don\'t need to wear this kind of broken clothes, but this is in the frontier, so she brings more, and it\'s not as casual as at home. Let\'s save some.

"Good." Xiao Heng nodded.

While talking like this, I heard the sound of horses hoof outside, and Gu Suier went to the window to look out, only to see a cloud of dust rising in the distance.

And in the dust rolling, one person and one ride, sturdy and violent galloping here, which was accompanied by a loud and childish cry.

"Horse, horse! Fly, fly!"

This is the cheers of Xiao Ah Chen.

At this time, Xiao Achen was held in the cloak by his uncle Gu Baofeng, only a small head was exposed, and his eyes were shining brightly at all of this. The small arms under the black cloak flashed with excitement, and his small mouth was excited. Scream.

"This is crazy." Gu Suier sighed with a smile, "A Chen, your father is here, come here!"

Gu Baofeng rode his horse and arrived in front of the house in a blink of an eye. The horse neighed and stopped. Gu Baofeng turned over and got off the horse in his arms and walked into the house.

Little Achen was placed by the edge of the kang by his uncle, and he was chubby and crawled up the kang: "Father, daddy!"

I didn\'t see Dad before, and I haven\'t remembered yet, but now I saw it, and suddenly became kind, Xiao Achen rushed to Xiao Heng\'s side, rubbing Xiao Heng like a puppy.

Xiao Heng hadn\'t seen his son for a long time. Now he watched a chubby little meatball roll over, and he kept crying for father.

Gu Suier, who was next to him, knew that Xiao Heng was injured, lest Xiao Achen would bump it, and she would stop it.

Gu Baofeng\'s eyesight was quick and his hand was quick, so he lifted Achen Xiaorouqiu directly: "Achen, be careful, don\'t touch your dad\'s wound."

As he said, he pointed to Xiao Heng\'s chest and emphasized to Ah Chen: "The wound is here, you can\'t touch it, you know?"

Xiao Ah Chen looked at Gu Baofeng and then at his father, his eyes seemed to understand, but at the end he nodded: "Don\'t touch... Don\'t touch."

He was about to brat his teeth again now, and some crystal clear drool ticked out when he spoke.

Gu Baofeng let go of Xiao Ah Chen.

Xiao Heng hugged his son with the strength of his arms. He felt heavy at first, but the meat was still soft.

"Achen has grown up a lot."

Not only has he grown up a little bit, he has also listened to speech smoother than before.

Xiao Achen raised his face to look at his father, took a closer look, and then suddenly came over and rubbed his father with his little face: "Daddy, hug, dad, ride a horse!"

The soft and tender little face rubbed against Xiao Heng\'s hard face, the bright red mouth grinned, and he smiled, and by the way, he smeared Xiao Heng\'s face with a mouthful of crystal clear saliva.

Xiao Heng lowered his head and stared at his son who was so close to him, seeing his white and lovely appearance.

A child who is just over one year old, like a little bun just out of the pot, has a clear and pure skin, and even the double-layered chin is as tender and pleasant as pink jade.

And such a small thing that made people feel like it was rubbing against him softly, with a look of dependence and liking.

Xiao Heng\'s powerful arms closed his son slightly, and bowed his head and asked, "I\'m exhausted by coming this way?"

Xiao Achen blinked, looked up at his father, then grinned again.

Xiao Heng stretched out his fingers and touched his teeth. There were already a lot of small teeth growing inside. They were white with small points and were as cute as a puppy.

Xiao Achen was also very well-behaved. Seeing Xiao Heng looking at his teeth, he opened his mouth wide and said "Ah", quietly letting Xiao Heng look.

Xiao Heng carefully checked: "Twelve small teeth."

Gu Suier watched from the side and saw that her own naughty son, now leaning against Xiao Heng\'s arms, was so behaved, she couldn\'t help pursing her lips and smiling; "It\'s been too long since I have seen you and missed you."

Otherwise, how could it be so obedient.

Xiao Heng hugged his son and gently rubbed his tender little face: "Achen has grown up and is sensible, right?"

Xiao Ah Chen thought for a while, then nodded violently: "Understood...sensible!"

This way he amused Gu Baofeng next to him.

"Our little Achen speaks really nicely!"

The little baby, such a small one, always feels soft, and suddenly there is a childish speech, which makes it especially interesting.