The Royal's Little Lady

Chapter 121:

That book was indeed the "Nongzheng Quanshu" that Xiao Heng had read before.

Gu Suier couldn\'t help wondering, why is he still thinking about farming?

Seeing Gu Suier coming in, Xiao Heng closed the book and put it aside, but said, "Sui\'er, sit down."

Seeing him like this, Gu Suier felt that he should have something important to say, and sit down now.

"You just arrived today, stop first, do what you are going to do, and wait until tomorrow." After all, running around is really hard for a weak woman like her.

"I\'m okay, our carriage walks slowly on this road, and I don\'t feel tired."

Xiao Heng nodded, then squeezed her hand and said nothing.

His hands were indeed much rougher than before, and she felt obvious when pinching her fingers like this.

I couldn\'t help but lower my head, took his hand and took a closer look, and sure enough there was a thick callus on it.

She played with this cocooned hand, and remembered when she first arrived at Ruiding Houfu.

At that time, her hand also had cocoons, but he was well maintained, and she was quite ashamed at the time.

Now it happened to be the other way round, her white and soft, his rough.

Gu Suier caressed the cocoon on his fingertips, thinking about it.

Xiao Heng lowered his head and stared at Gu Suier\'s white and slender hands playing with him, and did not speak, just let her play around.

The weather in northern Xinjiang is different from that of Yanjing City. The sun is still shining at the first moment, and there may be strong winds the next moment. There was a roaring wind from outside, doors and windows were closed, but there was still the muffled noise that seemed to tear the world apart.

Xiao Heng silently stared at the woman next to her, watching her moist-like hair curling on her graceful chest.

The yellow sands of the frontier are full of sky and rough and vast. When I first saw her, I seemed to see a delicate and soft flower next to the clear spring water in the mountain stream. It was beautiful and charming, exquisite and exquisite, exuding a light fragrance, refreshing.

"Sui\'er, after this incident is over, I—" He paused, his deep eyes fixed on her.

"Are we going back?" she asked.

Xiao Heng looked at her clean and pure eyes and couldn\'t bear to answer.

"You like Yanjing City, don\'t you?"

"Hmm." She nodded, "Yenjing City is naturally very good."

"Don\'t like it here?"

"It\'s okay..." Gu Suier was not obsessed with the prosperity of Yanjing City. To her, it was the same everywhere.

With him and Ah Chen, she likes it.

"If you can choose, do you want to return to Yanjing City or stay here?" he asked.

Gu Suier was stunned, frowned, and looked at him with incomprehensible eyes, as if he didn\'t understand why he asked such a question.

Xiao Heng\'s handsome face was a little strange.

He pursed his lips slightly, thinking that he didn\'t need to ask this question.

She is not suitable to stay in the border town.

But at this moment, Gu Suier couldn\'t help muttering: "Does this still need to be asked?"

Xiao Heng pursed his lips more and nodded: "After a while, I will send you and Ah Chen back to-"

Gu Suier explained: "Where are you, I will stay wherever I like it better."

What Xiao Heng wanted to say all of a sudden stopped.

He raised his eyes and looked at her.

She said innocently and helplessly: "Without you, there are groups of slaves in the royal palace of Yanjing City, and my life is not comfortable."

Xiao Hengning held her silent for a long while, and suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her.

"Well, then stay."

She likes his place.

This sentence slammed into his heart simply and directly, hitting the softest part of his heart.

In fact, he should have known.

She is like this, always always.

Gu Suier still looked at him blankly: "But... I just don\'t understand, why should I stay? Is something wrong?"

She clearly remembered that at the time she only said that Xiao Heng came to marry Princess Zhaoyang. After the gift, she was going to go back.

Xiao Heng heard her ask and shook her hand before speaking.

It turns out that this time the Jokhang Kingdom wanted to marry Princess Zhaoyang to Prince Beidi, and it was indeed a good heart for the Qin and Jin Dynasties. However, after Beidi, Princess Zhaoyang disappeared. Xiao Heng searched and investigated around Beidi in order to find Princess Zhaoyang. Inadvertently found some clues from the Beidi royal court, confirming that the emperor\'s two assassinations were related to the Beidi royal family.

As for the disappearance of Princess Zhaoyang, it is quite suspicious whether they took the opportunity to provoke. In order to be able to find out the truth of this matter, Xiao Heng made a plan again, and the United Great Propaganda State came to plan.

"The people of Beidi were ambitious and intended to offend our border several times. If we find out this time, I am afraid that there will be no peace between the two countries from now on, and there will be a resurgence."

"Ah? Then?" Gu Suier was a little surprised, but thinking about it, it seemed reasonable.

Xiao Heng said this to her before, and she was worried for a few days.

Xiao Heng raised his hand and gently rubbed her open mouth with the tip of his finger. The wet and shiny cherry lips are now particularly rosy and translucent.

"I will stay in northern Xinjiang, and Rong will stay here."

This battle may not be fought right away, it may take several years, and he will stay in the frontier for several years.

"Then I will stay here too." Gu Suier said immediately.

"Do you know what this means?" She answered too quickly, and Xiao Heng even felt that she might not understand what it meant.

"I don\'t know." Gu Suier said simply: "But I said, where are you, where I am, I don\'t want to leave you, and I don\'t want to stay alone in the empty palace of Yanjing City. That\'s it. The days are harder, and I am willing to cook for you and serve you here."

What she said was too direct, as if a fire was coming.

Hot and strange feelings filled her chest, Xiao Heng pinched her fingers, sliding her apple.

He hoped that Gu Suier would stay in the border city. Of course, it was not because he wanted to stay together. He was also afraid that Suier would take Ah Chen in Yanjing city. The emperor would not notice that there was something unexpected about their mother and son.

But her direct and pure words still made him unexpected.

After a while, he finally said, "Sui\'er, have I told you?"

"What did you say?"

"After I left, I missed you a lot."

After leaving the room, Gu Suier thought of what Xiao Heng had just said, but her face was hot. Xiao Heng hadn\'t talked much, and wouldn\'t say his thoughts so bluntly, let alone such a little numb language.

Just because I don\'t often say it, it\'s even harder to hear it now.

It\'s more exciting than the lingering of two people at night.

While thinking about this, Gu Suier walked to the stove, and saw that although the old wooden pot lid was tightly buttoned, the chicken soup in the big iron pot had been gurgling open, and the heat went up to the lid. They were all about to move, and the steaming heat lingered around the edge of the pot lid, adding a bit of warmth to this simple straw shed.

As soon as Gu Suier smelled the chicken soup, her index finger moved, and she couldn\'t help drooling.

Simmering on a low fire, the simmering soup has been incorporated into the deliciousness of the chicken soup, and the mellow and natural taste is the most touching. Gu Suier can imagine the deliciousness of the rich soup on the tip of his tongue.

She rubbed her hands, rolled up her sleeves, and opened the lid.

Who knew this time, a voice came.

"Master prison, you go here."

This voice sounded familiar to Gu Suier. It was from the woman Mei Niang just now.

Turning her head, she saw Mei Niang lead a man who was about forty years old to this side. The man was wearing a soap shirt, but the materials were better than ordinary people. It seemed that he should be an adult here.

When the two came to the front, Mei Niang first saw Gu Suier.

She curled her lips: "Supervisor, you see, this chicken soup has no taste at all, can your Highness like it?"

After that, she stepped forward to lift the lid of the pot.

Gu Suier twisted her eyebrows, looked at this Mei Niang, and didn\'t say a word.

And the concubine next to the prison who heard that the fifth prince arrived at the hotel today, and when he looked at Gu Suier standing by the stove, he saw that the dress and the figure and face were never seen in this city. After passing, there was a splendid and wealthy aura from the bustling Yanjing City, and I was already short in my heart right now, and I hurried forward to salute respectfully.

"The hall is shabby and simple, I am wronged by the concubine!" The prison lowered his head slightly, and his words were full of flattery.

He was only the prison of a hotel in the frontier, and he had never seen a nobleman like Jingcheng. Besides, he was the concubine of the fifth prince, and he felt a little awe in his heart.

Just now Mei Niang called him into this wooden shed and talked about how the chicken soup was. He thought that he still had to take care of His Royal Highness\'s taste, so that His Highness would not be uncomfortable. Wouldn\'t it be his fault? So I followed Mei Niang over, but when I saw Gu Suier now, I felt that Gu Suier was definitely not something he could afford.

I heard that the female relatives in Yanjing are all high-ranking households and they are not to be offended.

What\'s more, this is the concubine that His Royal Highness loves.

So he looked back and scolded Mei Niang: "Mei Niang, don\'t be rude. Since the ru concubine wants to cook chicken soup for her Royal Highness herself, you must not interrupt."

Mei Niang didn\'t expect that the prison would not call the shots for him. She didn\'t even say anything fair. Not only did she not speak, she actually blocked her. She was speechless and wronged for a while.

His Royal Highness obviously loves the chicken soup she cooks, and the supervisor also said that she has built such a stove specially for her to do it. Why did a new concubine take her good deeds?

So she simply stepped forward and retorted to the supervision: "My lord, how can this chicken soup be done like this? With just a little salt, how can it taste? Can your Highness love it?"

"A little bit of salt," Mei Niang reiterated once in her dialect with a strong border accent, "This is not delicious, so don\'t put anything. What\'s the difference between this and raw chicken?"

The prison wrinkle wanted to stop it but couldn\'t say anything, so he looked at Gu Suier cautiously.

Gu Suier watched Mei Niang accuse her of her chicken soup, funny and speechless, she didn\'t want to talk to her at all.

In fact, it\'s not worth it, this is just a cook, and you can\'t make it yourself.

"Master of the prison, I took chicken soup and sent it to His Royal Highness." She meant it implicitly, but she understood that it was for the supervisor to take care of this Mei Niang.

The adult in the prison heard these words, so naturally he didn\'t dare to defy, and dragged Mei Niang to go out: "Mei Niang, go, go with me first."

Mei Niang was not convinced: "I cook the best food in this restaurant, and your Royal Highness likes the food I cook the most. I also think for your Royal Highness\'s sake. Before me, Your Highness could not eat the food that anyone cooked!"

Seeing this, the prison became more embarrassed. He was afraid of offending Gu Sui\'er. He knew that Gu Sui\'er, the concubine, was of a higher rank than him, and immediately scolded Mei Niang: "His Royal Highness likes it or not. I need you to talk about it? The Concubine Ru knows your Royal Highness\'s taste, so why should you have to fight with the Empress for this pot of chicken soup? Go, follow me."

When Mei Niang was said that by the prison, she was aggrieved and glanced at Gu Suier, then unwillingly glanced at the fragrant chicken soup on the stove.

She wasn\'t convinced in her heart. If all the seasonings were put in according to her method, the scent at this time would probably cause the marchers outside to drool.

Gu Suier drew two firewood from the stove. After the fire was completely extinguished, she remembered to find a bowl to hold.

There were a few coarse porcelain bowls in the corner beside the stove, some even with gaps. Gu Suier picked a few that looked good, and when she held it in her hand, she felt that in addition to the rough texture of the porcelain bowl, there were some The fine sand is on it.

This shed is simple and simple, and the wind and sand outside is so big, no wonder it is like this.

After taking the clean water and washing the bowl, Gu Suier put the chicken soup in the thick porcelain pot and served it to Xiao Heng.

Xiao Achen also woke up, and was lying on the bed with Xiao Heng talking in childish talk that made people laugh.

Xiao Heng hugged his son and stared down at his son, with a different kind of tenderness in his deep eyes.

Such a small person, who would say so many things after a period of time, and his own small interests and ideas, surprised him.

"Fragrant!" Xiao Achen was filling the baby in Xiao Heng\'s arms. Suddenly, her little nose shook, as if she could smell something, she got up, her eyes shone, and she looked everywhere.

Seeing Gu Suier coming in, Guizhi hurriedly stepped forward to take the things in Gu Suier\'s hand. Gu Suier went to the bed and picked up Xiao Chen: "What did you say to Dad? Mother just made chicken soup, Xiao Ah Chen, do you want to drink chicken with daddy?"

"Meat, meat!" Xiao Ah Chen looked at Guizhi Sheng Chicken Soup, excitedly about to break free from Gu Suier\'s arms, dancing and dancing.

People don\'t like soup, they only like meat.

Regardless of how young this little man is, he starts screaming when he doesn\'t eat meat.