The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 997: Heart is dripping.

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"Then what is it?" The lieutenant general touched his chin and fell into thought. The arrival of the Japanese fleet is definitely an external cause that cannot be ignored. After all, the addition of two fast battleships that are said to be more than the Queen is enough to block the Allied Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea in the east and block the Dardanelles in the west. Dead Adriatic. At that time, the sea power of the Allies in the Mediterranean would really become a fleet of existence.

This reason was very well established. Later, the Lieutenant General thought of another reason, "The Germans seem to feel the French fleet is strong in the outside world?" This is entirely possible. After all, it has been deployed in places with incomplete facilities for nearly two months. Your fleet is full of blood and blue? That is definitely bragging! Look at the barnacle with a thickness of more than ten centimeters at the bottom of the overturned cruiser in the distance, as well as the scale in the boiler and pipes. Knowing that the current fleet is far from the fleet that just came out. And the attack on the anchorage of his own fleet might have become the last reason for the Germans to act decisively, right?

Thinking of this, the lieutenant’s heart is forgotten. After all, even he realizes that the fleet is a bit strong and capable, and the combat effectiveness is more than 70% of the usual. In addition, there is another super fearless ship that is overcast, so the Germans are ready to move I understand, the only thing I can't think of is how the other party is so decisive... It is clean and absolutely procrastinated, and what can be done that evening will never be delayed until the next day... Qiu does not stay overnight! This is too decisive.

Lieutenant General de la Perel is really scared to be honest, everyone is scared when encountering this kind of desperate play! Bringing 4 fast battleships out to fight the night battle, it is estimated that this earl dare? I have to say that this extreme attacking spirit makes people feel terrifying. If you really want to say that there is any navy in the world that can do so decisively, I am afraid that it is only the British Imperial Navy of the year. Why? Because the Royal Navy in the sailing age did dare to fight, but now the Royal Navy? Shoucheng is enough, but enterprising is a bit worse.

If you want to say that there is another navy that dares to fight and fight hard, and is hard to shoot. There is really one, and that is the Japanese navy that has just risen in the Far East. Although you stumbled during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, whether it was the Philippine Naval War, the Russo-Japanese War, or the recently concluded Bismarck Sea conflict, it was truly a classic battle! Both sides of the Philippine naval battle were encounters, and the fight was called cruel.

When the Russo-Japanese War broke out, the Japanese fleet's calculations against the Russians were simply accurate, and this strategy and layout was really terrifying. As for the Bismarck Sea Battle, although the scale is small, it reflects the combat technology and the level of the fleet of both sides. If it weren't for the Japanese battlecruiser dragged down, the US fleet might have been completely broken!

"Well, this time, the Japanese fleet is coming soon, and the Mediterranean is considered to have fast battleships to rely on, let them deal with the Germans." Thinking of this, Admiral de la Perel asked his subordinates immediately Send a telegram to the domestic high-level officials to urge the Japanese navy to act as soon as possible.

"Hope, this time the Japanese navy will not be as unbearable as the army!" The British battle patrol and the Japanese army have become the "sea and land bears" within the Allied Powers. This is something that all parties have tried to avoid. For example, the British Navy has considered abolishing the pure battlecruiser squadron. On the one hand, it is because of the small number, and on the other hand, it cannot be beaten by anyone. As for the Japanese Army? In the diplomatic note to the Japanese government, the French government clearly stated that the current Japanese army is not suitable for fighting on the European battlefield, and stated that if the quality of the follow-up troops is still so bad, then the commission must be reduced.

And at this moment, a staff officer finally calculated the battle losses of the French side during the night battle. After seeing the battle losses data, Lieutenant General de la Perel's face became even more gloomy, if it was a sign of heavy rain. , Then it became the tranquility before the heavy rain, he really did not expect that the Allied Mediterranean Fleet could cause such a large loss in such a short time!

The Dandong-class battleship Voltaire completely capsized, and even if it can be salvaged, there is no value in repairing it. This ship is considered a complete loss. The Dandong battleship sank to the bottom of the sea, theoretically there is still the possibility of repair. But it depends on whether the keel is severely damaged.

The other two Dandong-class battleships were also seriously damaged, almost all the main turrets were destroyed! Either it was directly destroyed or affected, or the ammunition depot was filled with water, and the superstructure did not need to be repaired, so just shovel it over. The power system is also seriously damaged. It is estimated that at least half of the boilers and steam engines will be replaced when we By the way, by the way, the two Dandong-class battleships cannot move by themselves and can only be towed back. From the current situation, it seems that the repair is not worthwhile.

The   Guba-class battleship France was sunk, and three 10,000-ton-class cruisers of the Second Armored Cruiser Squadron were buried. In order to launch a lightning strike, the French destroyer forces also boarded 11 destroyers! As for the battleship Paris and the two remaining Dandong-class battleships, they also suffered varying degrees of damage. The Paris lost nearly half of its main guns. The overhaul of Huigang is certain. The visual inspection time will not be shorter than 4 months!

In addition to these regular warships, the losses of various transport ships and auxiliary ships were also very huge. More than 8 transport ships were completely sunk, 3 were burned, and the other 4 suffered serious losses. In this night attack, the Germans easily destroyed nearly 60,000 tons of civilian shipping tonnage. As for the thousands of tons of food and daily necessities above, not to mention the tens of thousands of tons of coal and heavy oil. After the war, a sea of ​​fire within a few ordinary kilometers of the sea was produced by shells igniting the heavy oil.

The loss of battleships and auxiliary ships made the French Navy heartbroken, and the loss of personnel was even more worrying. Because of the suddenness of the attack, the brutal firepower of the German Navy, and the part of the sea that were ignited, the four battleships were full of 3600. After the battle, only more than 1,200 people can be determined to survive. The remaining 2,400 people are either dead or dead.

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