The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 998: Heart is dripping.

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Half of the people killed on the battleship France, about 500 people. After the three armored cruisers were killed, the number of dead and missing reached 1,000. In the case of sending nearly a dozen destroyers, more than 700 people were killed! Coupled with the loss of personnel on auxiliary ships and personnel on other battleships, the number of people killed in the battle eventually reached more than 5,000! Set a record for the most personnel lost in a single battle in the history of the French Navy!

These people are not the stuffed men of the Army, and they can rush to the battlefield after a few weeks of training with a gun. They are all the Navy! The degree of fate is second only to the air force! More than 5,000 people died at once. Looking at the list of a large number of people lost, Admiral de la Perel felt his heart dripping with blood!

To say that the loss was large, the Royal Navy really delivered too much during that time. When 3 super-dreadnought and 1 dreadnought battlecruiser sank, they sent more than 3,500 lives and 2 super-dreadnought battleships. The battle has killed about 800 lives. A dozen light cruisers were lost. On average, no cruiser died or lost about 120 people. That is more than 1,400 people! In addition to more than 20 destroyers, nearly 1,000 people were sent to the altar of the God of War. In the end, more than 7,000 people were killed and missing in the Royal Navy!

However, the size and personnel reserves of the Royal Navy are more than twice those of the French? ! The Royal Navy, which lost more than 7,000 people, said it was even more distressed by the loss of the battleship. And the French lost 5,000 naval officers and soldiers this time, it really hurts to the bone!

As for how much the Confederate navy lost? The French can confirm that the loss is about 9 destroyers. As for capital ships? seem? Maybe? Probably not one? ! Perhaps because the result of this battle was too sad, or too unreasonable, Laperel decided to add a sentence to the final report: "1 Allied fast battleship was severely damaged, and the other two received moderate damage."

Although it was trying to catch the wind, Laperel’s report was still conscientious. In fact, the German destroyers had sunk 7 ships in total. Although the Prinz Eugen ran fast enough, the measures were also effective. But the other party has too many pipes, and there is nothing God can do to face a party with many boats and many guns. So although the Prinz Eugen was injured in a moderate degree, it would take some time to fully recover its combat effectiveness. In addition, the Lexadier is relatively unlucky, and it can be considered slander. One of the main battery turrets of the Tegerhof was damaged, which was considered slander.

However, no matter what the Lieutenant General writes, it cannot change a fact. First, the Allied High Sea Fleet has not suffered much irrecoverable damage. Second, although the situation of the fleet is not very good, there is still a battle. And when he thought of the latter point, Lieutenant-General Rapperel felt very guilty in his heart. Although the French fleet is still stronger than the Count Spey's fleet, what if the Austro-Hungarian fleet rushes out of the Adriatic Sea and comes with the Spey fleet by themselves? ! You know, your boats are all slow boats! Once bitten, even if you can get out, you will suffer heavy losses!

There is only one safest way, to directly take the fleet back to Alexandria, at least there are mine arrays outside the port, there are also shore artillery, and there are relatively complete facilities that can be used for defense while returning to the blood. But under the current circumstances, the French fleet dare not leave Crete easily. If it is going to leave, the final result of these sunken and immobile warships is only one, which is used by the German fleet again. Send a torpedo away. For the current French fleet, throwing away all these damaged warships is undoubtedly self-defeating martial arts!

And if you continue to stay here, once the Austro-Hungarian fleet and the Spey fleet converge, then the entire Mediterranean battleship will collapse. After all, after confluence, all the Allied fleets will have 6 fast battleships, 2 quasi-dreadnoughts and There are several armored cruisers, and the number of their own capital ships may not even be as good as their opponents. Although there are still two pre-dreadnoughts in the mainland, these warships are a little too far away from the quasi-quasi-dreadnoughts like Dandong. It's too old, not to mention, the combat effectiveness is low enough, and it's not very useful to pull it out.

Also, in the end Lieutenant General de la Perel made such a decision that the main force of the fleet is still shrinking in Crete, but at the same time, submarines and destroyers are deployed as security forces in the Adriatic Sea and the Dardanelles. If the two German fleets take action at the same time, then immediately choose to evacuate to Alexandria or the mainland.

As for why not take the initiative to attack each one? Because the opponents are basically fast fleets, although the two quasi-fearless ships in the Austro-Hungarian fleet do not have high speeds, they are better than the French fleet that has been deployed for a long time and lacks maintenance. According to the report just now, the French fleet is now The average speed of the Austro-Hungarian fleet may only be around 18 phases, and the Austro-Hungarian fleet has an average speed of more than 20 knots! So I can’t catch up with and if he leaves, and then Earl Spey arrives, that's it, those "wounded soldiers" in Crete will be dealt with in minutes!

All the French fleet can do now is to wait for the Japanese fleet to reach the Mediterranean immediately before the Allied powers move forward. Once there are two fast battleships, the French will not be afraid of anything, whether it is dividing forces to block the Austro-Hungarian fleet. You can fight with the Spey Fleet anyway! Just hit it! The strategic situation in the Mediterranean will directly return to before the Spey fleet attack, even better than then!

With this in mind, Lieutenant General Laperel sent another telegram to the British, asking them to work with the French government to put pressure on the Japanese and to assist the Japanese to come to the Mediterranean as soon as possible. He was impatient in this telegram. Beyond words.

"The Germans seem to have realized that their end in the Mediterranean is coming, so before our fleet converged, they took a crazy action! Unfortunately, due to my personal reasons, the German fleet's actions won Success. Great changes have taken place in the battle in the Mediterranean. The Allies have a chance to expel us from the Eastern Mediterranean. Once they realize this plan, the route from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean will be completely cut off, and we will open up the channel to Russia. The plan will become a distant future, and Balkan allies and potential allies will collapse under the weight of the Allies! Therefore, I hope that your government will urge or even order the Japanese to fulfill their obligations anyway!"

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