The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 996: Withdrawal

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What will happen when the hyena is bitten by the tiger? Isn't it easy? Naturally it's dead simply! But unfortunately, the first blood of this counterattack was made by Tegerhof! An armor-piercing projectile weighing 635kg easily ripped the outer armor of the central ammunition depot of the armored cruiser Hugo, and then went all the way down and exploded directly on the upper level of the ammunition depot full of shells! With a loud noise, a huge ball of light suddenly appeared on the sea! The rising smoke and pillars of fire were clearly visible even more than ten kilometers away, and the scene like the end of the day instantly shocked all the combatants.

The falling fragments fell like snow flakes on the surface of the sea with a radius of several square kilometers, and even caused individual casualties. A French destroyer nearby was even damaged by a shrapnel that penetrated the deck because it was unable to evade. Two minutes later, the destroyer that was "injured" by friendly forces was knocked into a pile of fragments by the secondary artillery of Sultan Osman I.

Gambida was the second victim. The Sultan, who had no target, decided to hurry up and send this annoying guy to the bottom of the sea with Tegerhov. After several rounds of salvos, the gambled Gambida, whose sidestrings had been beaten, was finally overturned due to excessive water intake. When the German fleet evacuated, the bottom of the ship covered with seaweed was still exposed. On the water.

The last armored cruiser Ferry also did not escape the fate of sinking. After the German battleships easily disarmed each other’s combat power, the two German destroyers rushed to a place less than 500 meters from the burning fire, and then used two torpedoes to cleanly and clean the ship more than 160 meters long. The armored cruiser exploded into three stages! When the battle came to this point, the German fleet once again took control of the situation!

The three French battleships that were besieging Prince Eugen in the distance also noticed the situation here. In less than a quarter of an hour, the three French armored cruisers were completely solved by German guns and torpedoes. And now, the only ones with combat effectiveness in the main seas are one Gupa-class battleship and two Dandong-class battleships. Fighting others with 4 fast battleships? Thinking too much? ! At this time, you need to thank you for running at night, not during the day! The three French battleships that realized that the situation is not good also had no intention of inking with the Prinz Eugen anymore, so they turned and ran away!

So, the only French battleship left in this sea area is the solitary battleship France that has turned into a large torch and floats half-dead on the sea...

"Use torpedoes to get rid of this ship, and then let's go!" Looking at the pocket watch in his hand, it has been more than 2 hours since the war. The French main fleet should be coming soon, right? The earl muttered to himself. As a result, the two destroyers quickly approached the battleship France, which had no ability to fight back. With 4 white traces across the sea, a loud noise came through the sea again after ten seconds, and the battleship France was The huge lethality of the torpedo directly exploded into two stages. The rear of the hull sank into the sea first, and then the bow. When the German fleet left, part of the bow of this 20,000-ton battleship was still unwillingly exposed!

After gathering Prince Eugen, the earl took 4 fast battleships and the remaining 5 destroyers sailing to the northeast at a speed of 24 knots. And just less than 30 minutes after the German fleet left the sea area. A huge fleet came over from the west, and it was the French Mediterranean Fleet’s flagship battleship Brestag at the beginning. Behind him, there are two super-dreadnought battleships of the same class and two other solitary-class battleships. As well as the battleship Paris and two Dandong-class battleships, which came to reunite just after withdrawing from the battlefield.

After being overshadowed by the submarine, and then by the Earl and taking 4 fast battleships to vote in the night, the French fleet is still much stronger than the Allied Mediterranean fleet, let alone the battle is still complete 3 fearless, 3 Super fearless, and 2 quasi-fearless, just two armored cruiser squadrons and two destroyer squadrons that opened the way ahead are enough to make the Allied Mediterranean Fleet envy, look at your brother, and then look at your own!

There are also 2 armored cruisers in the house. If you are destroyers, now go back and add the rest of the house, that is, just over 2 digits? Maybe, anyway, the number is definitely not many, the Earl’s order to retreat is still very correct, if you don’t leave again, you will suffer a loss for sure. It is possible to leave one or two ships! After all, the Earl’s fleet is definitely not in good condition.

"Let's count the losses first. Then report it to me." Admiral de la Perel said with a gloomy face looking at the anchorage in a sea of ​​fire in the distance. The Lieutenant General was in a very, very bad mood now, and there was still a hint of fear in him. That's right, it was fear. He really didn't expect why the Allied Mediterranean Fleet, which had been considered "honest" before, would choose to enter such an extreme battle.

My anchorage was infiltrated by a submarine and I was overcast. Although it is difficult to receive, it is understandable. After all, shortly after the war, a German submarine killed 3 British ships in one night. The armored cruiser and more than 2,000 naval officers and soldiers on it.

But then, the wind direction of the whole thing changed! He really couldn't understand, how could the victory brought about by this sneak attack so much excite the Germans? ! Just like taking a stimulant, Count Spei directly brought all four fast battleships to kill, and he killed it at night! Do you want to die? ! If this were to be lost, the sea power of the Allied Powers in the Mediterranean would be a bubble from then on. The earl's determination made the lieutenant feel a wave of futility and puzzled!

To be fair, Lieutenant General de la Perel analyzed the impact of this submarine attack. The loss of a super-fearless ship really made the French fleet heartache, but it will definitely not hurt the muscles and bones, and it will not change the basics of the Mediterranean theater. plate. The Lieutenant General saw that if the German fleet wants to do something, the difference between before and after the sneak attack is actually not that big, one less super fearless, the German fleet is still not its opponent if it is frontally dead, but one more super fearless. The French fleet still cannot catch up with the German fleet...

Therefore, in the eyes of Lieutenant General De La Perel, the Germans do not make sense at all! At least from the perspective of the Mediterranean situation, this is more like a decision made by the other party. In other words, the earl took the risk under the stimulation of some external factors!

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