The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 988: Blood and Fire

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To be honest, although the French Navy is not elite, it is at least well-trained. Although it has been attacked, it has not been able to effectively determine the opponent's situation, and it is almost impossible to move. But from a subjective point of view, the French reaction is also commendable.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the specific effect, naturally there is no use for eggs. To tell the truth, if it were to be pulled out to fight, 4 Dandong would be tortured to death when facing 3 Helgeland-class fast battleships. In this case, naturally, there is no more force to fight back. This is determined by the strength of the hardware and the situation on the battlefield, and it is beyond the scope that manpower can change!

The only neglected Dandong-class battleship Voltaire, after the French officers and soldiers above suddenly realized that they had not been "cared for", they immediately began to measure their opponents in the night. At first, because of the blocking of friendly forces, the observation effect was not good. The entire rangefinder was filled with flames and smoke, so I couldn't see anything, but when the rangefinder followed the erratic ship shadow, it turned to the other side. At that time, the fire control officer on the Voltaire suddenly discovered that they could clearly measure the distance between the distant fire and their side!

"Get ready for battle now!" The Captain of the Voltaire said overjoyed! Some were deployed in accordance with the tactical process. A group of data was sent to each gun position through the information transmission system, and then the 7 12-inch l45 guns on the side string began to adjust the angle and orientation. The huge cannonball has been loaded, the artillery is locked, and then the pitch angle is adjusted with the help of a huge hydraulic device.

Then, just before Voltaire opened fire, a sliver of shells fell around Voltaire! Are you kidding me? How could the Germans forget that there is still a battleship left unattended? I ignored you just now because I couldn’t hit you. Now that I can hit you, I definitely need to focus on "taking care". Therefore, the Sultan Osman I and Reshadia aimed their guns at this unfortunate ship at the same time. Battleship!

At this time, the German fleet has passed by the front of the French fleet, and then turned 3 compass points to the south and outflanked the flank of the French fleet. At this time, the well-concealed battleship Voltaire became due to the problem of changing positions. For the most conspicuous target, the 160-meter-long hull was exposed to the light of fire and German guns. The other three Dandong-class battleships could not organize an effective counterattack in a hurry, and the only remaining battleship with complete combat effectiveness became the target of public criticism!

The 16 350 guns of the two fast battleships fired alternately in a salvo every 30 seconds. At a high rate of fire, when the fire and smoke from the previous shot had not dissipated, new shock waves and fireballs came from the barrels again. Gushing out from the middle, the continuous shooting will illuminate the surroundings of the two battleships like daylight!

At least 10 tons of shells per minute fell around Voltaire, and this poor French warship was immediately in desperation! The 350 heavy artillery that is so powerful that it can penetrate the armor and the immovable French warship. In this case, Voltaire has no reason to survive!

And in fact it is! Voltaire, who was shot by the set fire, was hit by at least 3 rounds of 350 shells in the first minute of the set fire! The slender hull made huge explosions one after another, and tons of steel plates and fragments were thrown into the air for tens of meters like gravel and lava during a volcanic eruption! The superstructure of the battleship is constantly covered by huge fireballs, and the dazzling white light can be seen clearly even more than ten kilometers away!

In the fourth round of the salvo, two more shells hit the waterline armor belt of the battleship Voltaire, and the two shells almost hit the same spot! The double impact caused several times the lethality. After the shell penetrated the armor, the damaged armor belt quickly fell apart under the violent impact! Like a breastplate dented by a heavy hammer, the ten-meter-long armor belt fell off, twisted and cracked in the constant explosion and vibration! Ten seconds later, accompanied by the sound of distorted and fractured metal, under the impact of the influx of sea water, the side line of the battleship Voltaire was torn apart by a length of more than ten meters with a total area of ​​several A huge gap of ten square meters!

At this time, the gods couldn't save the warship. The influx of thousands of tons of sea water within a few minutes made the warship tilt rapidly, and the projection of the towering bridge on the water rapidly expanded, as if it had been shot in the foot. The giants generally pour straight into the sea on the left side!

Voltaire sank so fast, within 2 minutes, the water inflow on the left was uncontrollable, and the tilt angle instantly increased from 15 degrees to 45 degrees! Then, the burning bridge with a height of more than ten meters was like a huge torch flat against the sea, and the huge reaction force instantly smashed the burning bridge to pieces!

Hundreds of meters of water column and firelight generated when falling into the water are lasing towards the surrounding like fireworks! At the same time, a large amount of water vapor was generated after the high-temperature burned parts fell into the water, and the babble and the diffuse white mist enveloped most of the inclined hull.

After the entire superstructure was submerged in the water, the battleship continued to roll and tilt under the immense force of the superstructure. After a while, the hull full of barnacles and other seaweed could already be seen leaking out of the water! And the propeller that seems to be spinning slowly because of unwillingness!

"We killed a battleship." Schultz looked at the watch on his wrist. It seems that the war has only been on for 10 minutes now? ! Good grades!

"No, not enough! We still need to kill more French warships! Closer, we will be more efficient!" Seeing that the distance has become an anchorage in a sea of ​​fire, the count ordered.

Just as the fast battleship slammed the French fleet in the distance, the destroyers of the two sides also scrambled into a ball. However, apart from the three destroyers also in the anchorage, the only destroyers available to the French were Three as patrol boats! Facing the sneak attack and siege of 6 German destroyers, they all knelt in less than a quarter of an hour.

One of the French destroyers, the Axe, was the most unlucky. When the German fast battleship opened fire, it was only 4000 meters away from the German fleet! The Germans naturally discovered this little guy who did not implement light control. The two German destroyers instantly swept the searchlights on the Axe. Then, Sudan took the lead. The six 150 artillery on the side taught the axe to be a man again in a few minutes. In time, the Axe became the "Torch", and after a series of explosions, the warship disappeared from the sea.

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