The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 989: Blood and Fire

The other French destroyer, the Ranger, performed very well. This destroyer dodged from the left and right in the dense bullet rain, and successfully damaged a German destroyer. However, in the end it was still outnumbered, and under the strong onlookers of 4 German destroyers, it was directly broken into pieces! As for the third destroyer, it was really lucky. After being injured, he chose to rescue himself on the beach, and the German warships were waiting to deal with the big ship in the berth, so naturally they didn't make it difficult...

With the passage of time, the battle gradually entered a climax! Of course, this is only on the German side. As a weaker side, the French fleet has entered the brink of collapse, and the German fleet is now getting better and better! They narrowed the distance further, and even the secondary artillery, which was rarely used in the main fighters, began to show off! 350mm heavy guns, 150mm secondary guns and even 88mm anti-lightning guns are spewing deadly flames!

There are 4 battleships in the port, yes, but that doesn't mean there are only 4! Among them are a large number of auxiliary ships, destroyers, and transportation boats. The full-fired German warship was like a **** of war standing in the rays of light, arbitrarily spreading tons of cannonballs and devastating flames on all the French warships in the berth.

The staggered fires are linked together, like a big golden net, that the French battleship is firmly trapped! The bursts of violent explosions, fire and smoke rising into the sky indicate that the French fleet has entered the countdown to death. In the 25th minute after the start of the engagement, the battleship Condorcet finally could not withstand such violent fire. 8 turrets on the battleship destroyed 6! The superstructure of the entire battleship was almost completely wiped out by dozens of tons of artillery shells. All France can do is to fill the ammunition depot with water to ensure that the battleship at least does not light firecrackers.

However, due to too much water injection, the Condorcet, which had already entered 3,500 tons of seawater, began to sink slowly, accompanied by waves of impact and friction. The French suddenly discovered that their warship seemed to be sitting on the bottom of the sea....

This is the case for battleships. Other unprotected battleships die even more quickly. Even the 6-inch high-explosive shells are destroyed by one shot. The auxiliary ships of thousands of tons are like eggs smashed by hammers. It's torn apart! Countless casually burning sparks fell from the sky, some of them still burned after falling on the sea. From a distance, the German fleet turned this place into a burning sea of ​​flames! Smoke, flames, and death have become the themes of this sea.

"In another fifteen to twenty minutes, we can sink all the warships here!" Major General Schultz said triumphantly.

"Really? It's been a long time, so now I want to know, where are the other French warships?" The count looked at the watch on the wall. Now about 40 minutes have passed, France hidden in the breakwater. The fleet should be ready, right? So where are they now? Looking at the night sky in the distance, the count showed a trace of worry in his eyes.

The uncertainty in the night battle is here, you can knock your opponent sap, and your opponent can knock you too! For example, during a naval battle on Guadalcanal Island, when Japanese orangutans and a group of heavy cruisers and destroyers severely beat South Dakota, they were beaten back by Washington who was hiding behind. There are no unchanging advantages and disadvantages on the battlefield. The German fleet's mental arithmetic and unintentional naturally took advantage of it. But now, when the German fleet opened fire, the situation changed from bright to dark, and the other French fleet did not know where it was hidden. At this time, the situation is a little different...

The German fleet was cruising near the French fleet's berth. The situation of the entire fleet is clearly illuminated by the fire behind him, to some extent it is no different from the daytime! So now the problem is coming. If the French suddenly appeared, the German fleet would be passively beaten! And now count as time? Seems to be fast? Thinking of this, the earl shivered involuntarily!

And this time, the earl felt that his good fortune had come to an end, and he would do whatever he was worried about! Just as the earl was considering his next move, the yellow-white light spot bursting out in the distance made his eyelids twitch slightly! The pupils quickly shrank into a needle-like shape indicating danger! ——That is the light when the battleship's main gun fires! From the current distance between the two sides, it seems that it is only 10 kilometers away? !

"Fight me up with these bastards, we want them to pay back their blood!" Admiral Lebris of the French Second Battleship Squadron said fiercely, looking at the raging German fleet in the distance! At this time, his fleet had sailed out of the port of Yunia, and finally arrived at the scene after meeting with the second armored cruiser detachment next to it!

After receiving the news that the third battleship squadron was this French lieutenant realized that the situation was very serious, and the German capital ship came out! And maybe it was an outburst. The fire at the external anchorage did not make him panic. On the contrary, he worked hard to control his anxiety and began to evaluate the current situation of the two navies.

Youdao is a wave of recklessness in case of trouble. And 80% of those who really do this are dead. After just a few minutes, the general had realized that the situation was very bad now. He didn't know how the German fleet sneaked over, and now it's useless to entangle these things. So he first guessed who the other party came from? It is impossible for the opponent to be all dreadnoughts, because such a sneak attack is meaningless, and the force is too small to deal damage. The only possible situation is that the other party will come out, at least those formidable "Helgoland" should be there!

But after thinking of this, his heart instantly chilled... The reason is simple, because it can't be beaten! Seriously, if everyone pulls out a fair contest, 8 of their own and 4 of the Allies, and one more, but now? I haven't entered yet, the battle here hasn't started yet, and I've already lost half of it! (4 warships were beaten badly) How did this tm fight? ! As for the rest? It’s impossible to defeat the 4 battleships of the Allies

Therefore, the first telegram sent by Lieutenant Admiral Lebris was to Lieutenant Admiral de La Perrell, who was "next door", and asked him to immediately bring the main forces of the first and second battleship units to support! And the second telegram is for the commanders of the second armored cruiser squadron and the three destroyer squadrons, so that they can get close to themselves immediately!