The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 987: Night Fight Three

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"A distance of 9000 meters! Fire!" Along with thunderous roars, huge fireballs suddenly appeared in the quiet night sky. Orange flames and gas pushed 635kg shells from the gun at a speed of over 800 meters. It flew out of the mouth, and when the gun was suddenly fired at night, the brightness of the main gun was so great that it caused some unguarded people to become blind for a short time. The sound like the sky and the earth cracked in the bay. One by one red **** of light disappeared in the black night sky, flying towards the French fleet in the distance!

More than ten seconds later, water jets of more than 70 meters high rose up around the anchored French warships. The German artillery skills have always been excellent, and the combat skills of the Earl of Spey's fleet cannot be underestimated! In the water column, a bright yellow flame suddenly exploded above the water column. After a while, a huge mast slowly fell amidst the fire and smoke.

The Dandong-class battleship Condorcet of the French third battleship squadron was hit in the first round of shelling. The front mast was like paper in front of the powerful shells. The violent explosion directly exploded the mast into three sections. Ten tons of steel components fell on the chimney slightly behind, breaking a chimney in succession. In the violent impact of steel, countless fragments collided on the deck and ship's surface. Turn the entire front deck into a field of fire and steel!

And another section of the mast was inserted straight into the sidestring of the hull like a spear. Several cabins on the upper deck and a dozen French naval officers and soldiers who were dreaming were directly crushed into flesh! The biggest loss is that the collapse of the mast caused the complete damage of the upper rangefinder. This warship may have more than enough energy to perform accurate shooting at long distances!

Sudan opened the scoring first, and the battleship Rechadia from behind performed equally well. When the two sides approached 8,500 meters, the fast battleship sent two armor-piercing shells to the battleship Diderot. The shells directly penetrated the main dual-mounted turret of the bow of this Dandong-class battleship! 300 armor facing the German 350 artillery at this distance is tantamount to selling the first label. The sharp warhead easily slashed the heavy armor plate, just like a hot knife cutting butter!

The cannonball left a huge radioactive bullet hole on the turret and then went all the way forward. It exploded after hitting the back plate behind the turret. The violent explosion and shock wave directly destroyed two 12-inch guns weighing dozens of tons. , The artillery, servo, and other things inside reached a pile of burning debris. Fortunately, there are no shells in the French turret, and the fire door is closed, so the damage is controlled within the turret.

And the other shell also saw blood! The shell hit the waterline in the middle of the hull, and even with the watertight partition behind, the armor belt of the sidestring 270 also failed to block the armor-piercing shell. Although it was a stinky shell and did not explode, it was successful. A large piece of armor plate was torn off from the back panel, leaving a large piece of horrible scars that turned out. Then, the fragments generated when the shell shattered penetrated the bulkhead under the action of huge inertia, and pushed the outside of the power cabin. The armor plate was also knocked into a honeycomb. A large amount of sea water poured into a boiler warehouse, and the boiler that was in standby mode instantly turned off!

"Hold the grass! Wrong hit!" Just as the two German battleships directly under the earl rapped their opponents with ease and pleasure, the battleship Tegerhof also made a hit, but unfortunately, this gun In the past, the Dandong battleship was not hit, but the supply ship that was almost next to it was hit!

In fact, the Austrian fire was quite good. After the shell hit the bridge of the supply ship, the fragile hull did not detonate the shell. The shell pierced several cabins along the way, adding lightning and flames all the way. After hitting the bridge across the ship, it was directly pasted to the Dandong deck. After the deck armor detonated the shell, the violent vibration failed to penetrate the main horizontal armor of the warship, but it caused the motor compartment below to appear. After a malfunction, when a group of Frenchmen were awakened by the explosion and were busy heading to the battle position, the light suddenly went out. What a sour thing!

"We were awakened by the violent vibration and the fire outside the window. People were dying and struggling and crying for help everywhere. We were suddenly attacked, but we didn't even know who our opponent was! We were in the shouts of officers Zhong put on the clothes hastily, and then desperately moved forward in the narrow passage, and at this moment, the light suddenly went out. Under the environment where he could not see his fingers, he became quiet for an instant, only to feel the hull from time to time. There was a slight vibration. The situation was terrible and urgent at the time. We didn't know what to do, so we could only blindly touch the wall and move forward."

"And at this time, the battleship suddenly violently shook! At a distance of several tens of meters, a bright light suddenly appeared! The extremely bright white light instantly blinded some of its companions, and then, the flames and fire like tides The shock wave swept over, and I subconsciously stuck to the ground. And the comrades next to me heard continuous some fishy liquid spilled on me."

"When I opened my eyes again, our lighting problem was finally solved, because a large hole was opened on the side of the hull not far away. Countless sparks were flying in the night sky. I don't think I need to go to my battle position. , Because the first thing I have to do is to put out the fire.” After the war, a sailor on Dandong recalled.

The French immediately made a remedy, and a group of people ran on the battleship like a swarm of bombed bees. They turned on the water dragon to try to put out the fire, entered the gun position, and turned on the servo to prepare for a counterattack. The officers arranged for self-rescue and counterattack. The soldiers hurriedly searched for the target, blindly aiming the artillery at the rising firelights in the distance, and among those firelights, one and one towering figures appeared from time to time.

The French frantically fired at their opponents with all the weapons they could find. A few minutes later, a 12-inch gun on the Condorcet first exploded the flames of revenge, and a shell almost flew past Dandong’s bow. Then it landed at least 2 kilometers away from the German warship.

The French tried to drive the ship out, but this effort was doomed to fail. Let alone the time it takes for the warship to start, for lightning protection, there are barriers and lightning protection nets around the anchorage. The French did not feel safe enough at first. In addition, open the lightning protection net of the warship! In this situation, if you have not prepared the bow and obstacles harder than anyone else, then don't go out.

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