The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 986: Night Fight II

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Like a group of lions waiting for an opportunity in the dark, the four Allied fast battleships lined up in a single column and headed towards the target. The Earl’s flagship Sultan Osman I took the lead, followed by the Reshadia. The two Austro-Hungarian battleships Tegerhof and Prinz Eugen were in third and fourth places respectively.

The remaining 10 destroyers were divided into four teams. Two destroyers opened their way in front of the battleship, and another 4 destroyers were deployed on the combat side to guard against possible enemies. There are also two destroyers behind the capital ship as guards, and the last two destroyers are deployed on the combat side for close reconnaissance and release of flares.

The current situation is that everything is ready, just a short film! The four fast battleships carefully controlled their speed and set their speed at about 15 knots. The Allied fleet quickly approached the French fleet in the standing wave, and the rangefinder on the top of the mast was aimed at France more than ten kilometers away. Battleship. If it was daytime, tons of shells would have been thrown away long ago, and now, due to visibility factors, the combat distance has been set at about 10 kilometers!

The French searchlights and the lights on the ship directly illuminate the Allied fleet. With the help of the dim light, the fire control officer began to use the rangefinder to identify the target warship in the distance.

The technician carefully adjusted the image in the body type rangefinder. After slow focusing and adjustment, a clearer figure appeared in the fire controller's field of vision. After magnifying 22 times, the fire controller on the Sultan Osman I could clearly distinguish the appearance of the opponent.

"It seems that the opponent has 5 chimneys, divided into two groups, three in the front and two in the back. The large French battleship with this layout seems to have only one level!" Identifying the opponent's battleship as a naval fire control officer should Quality, and how to distinguish a warship quickly? The easiest way is naturally to look at the most obvious features, and what is the most obvious on a battleship? One is the turret and the other is the superstructure. French battleships generally have 2 to 3 chimneys. The larger cruisers of the French generally have 4 chimneys and 6 chimneys, but they have never had 5 chimneys!

Don’t talk about this battlefield, even in this era, there is only one 5-chimney battleship that can appear here, and that is the French Dandong-class battleship! This guy has changed from quasi-fearless to quasi-fearless! The firepower of seven 12-inch guns on the side strings is also enough to put on the fearless side.

"Four target warships! They are close together. If you attack from our side, you can only attack three of them at most, and one is blocked by other warships!"

"In addition to the 4 battleships, there are also some small ships and medium-sized ships like supply ships on the outside. One of the supply ships and battleships are located so close that we can hardly tell them apart."

"There are 3 destroyers outside the target area. We have handed it over to the second destroyer squad. The problem is not big. There should be no other large warships within a radius of 10 kilometers."

Soon a message was transmitted to the command tower of Sultan Osman I through the phone inside the battleship. The staff quickly processed the collected information on the huge map, and the calibration was completed. In just a few minutes, a general situation of receiving the enemy was presented to Earl Spey and others.

"The positions of the four French battleships are marked with red triangles. They are moored in the anchorage in a half-moon shape. The straight-line distance between each target is about 500 meters, there is a transport ship next to the second target very close, it should be a supply ship." Major General Schultz said.

"Okay, the feast is on the table, let us prepare knives and forks and have a big meal!" Earl Spey said very, satisfied.

Through radio, all the battleships quickly completed the assignment of targets. According to the order of the queue, the three battleships Sudan, Reshadia and Prince Eugen chose their respective targets, while the last fast battleship Tegerhof was quiet. He kept silent, and moved a certain distance away from the warship behind to ensure that the last Tegerhof would not be discovered if the front fleet was searched for the lantern cover!

According to the determined battleship, various data are quickly loaded into the mechanical computer, and the rangefinder also follows mathematics, so an absolutely accurate data is very necessary, and if the opponent’s ship type can be determined, then the previously obtained Height and length information can be used to determine the distance and position more accurately. Why did the Hood and Prince of Wales not beat the Prince of Central Eugen in the Danish naval battle in history? The reason is simple. He regarded Prince Eugen as the Bismarck, and the length of the two warships was 40 meters away! Then after a series of calculations, if this can be hit, then there must be a problem with the calculation!

The entire fleet further reduced its speed. The speed was controlled at about 12 knots. The entire fleet swept across the front of the French fleet like a group of hussars, and then drew out a sharp saber and smashed it hard! The rangefinder at the top of the mast locked the target, and it did not change due to the change of the battleship. With the help of the new fire control station, a trajectory of the battleship was printed on white paper and then related The data is automatically loaded into the fire control computer!

"It can be called perfect data, the actual and the calculation are almost exactly the same!" The fire control officer couldn't help but exclaimed. The fleet is in the low-speed sailing phase, and the target is fixed. In this case, even at night, the effect of shelling will be very good, right?

The huge turret began to rotate slowly. Because of the close shooting distance, the barrel was almost horizontal. A round of shells and propellant was sent from the armored hoist to the dressing room, and then some shells went from The dressing room at the lower part of the turret was lifted into the turret. With the help of the huge servo system, a part of the shells were placed on the ammunition rack at the rear of the turret, and finally lifting equipment was loaded into the turret.

A round of 635kg armor-piercing projectile was sent to the barrel, followed by two huge propellant bags. The first half of the lifting section was wrapped in silk, and the second half had a copper packaging shell. When all the ammunition was sent in, a push rod of more than 3 meters long sent the shells in. Don't underestimate this push rod, it directly shortens the firing cycle of the artillery by 10 seconds!

The four huge turrets of the Ottoman I first aimed at the target. Under the cover of darkness, this battleship was like an ancient beast and finally opened its sharp minions!

"The distance is 9700 meters!" When a new message came from the shooting bell, everyone's hearts were tight!

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