The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 82: U.S. Navy plans

Diplomacy is originally a thing full of twists and turns, brain teasers, traps, and troubles, and when a country drives a warship to visit another country, especially if the relationship between the two countries is not very good. Down, then there are even more troubles inside!

Although there are special diplomats to deal with diplomatic matters, but the performance of His Royal Highness the prince was too eye-catching a while ago! Fired the first gun of the European navy since the end of the Lisa naval battle! Moreover, the first shot was extraordinary, and it directly smashed two British-made dome cruisers into pieces! While embarrassing the British and scaring the Japanese to pee, it also made the Americans across the ocean feel a little nervous!

The U.S. Navy is on the eve of the riots, the darkest hour before dawn! When the German Navy purchased seven armored cruisers in one go, four 10,000-ton offshore defense battleships of the US Navy were still being built in the shipyard. Among the cruisers, only the New York can show it off, and it's the kind that can only show off and show off immediately after a fight!

Just the second day after Ruprecht beat the Japanese fleet, Brigadier General Dewey, the commander of the Far East Fleet, sent a telegram of the war. On the fourth day, the U.S. Department of the Navy had a special discussion on what to do with the Far East in the future. And if Ruprecht knew the outcome of the discussion, then Ruprecht would be surprised! Because the United States decided to restrain Germany in the Pacific! In other words, it is conditional recognition!

What did the US Navy do in history? Ruprecht is very clear. If the British Navy is a tiger in the mountain, then the U.S. Navy is a monkey in the mountain (the monkey without a tiger in the mountain is called the king.) The industrially powerful Americans did not only spend 100 days in 1898. Beat the weak chicken Spain. At the same time, it scared off Germany, which was also coveting the Philippines. After the Battle of Tsushima, a large white fleet was organized to travel around the world, and Japan was scared...

Although the quality of the US Navy was only a second-rate level before World War I. In the Spanish-American War, the fundamental reason the Americans could win was that the Spaniards were too bad! But none of this can stop the U.S. Navy from installing B on the world stage for more than ten years!

But the current situation does not seem to allow the Americans to do this. First of all, the Germans’ formidable combat power made the U.S. Navy fearful. In the telegram, Dewey made it clear that any two U.S. cruisers faced a Munich armored cruiser. The performance will not be better than the Japanese fleet!

This is not 1898. How many cruisers were there in the United States? The majestic Brooklyn and the outstanding Olympics are still on the slipway! Dewey missed a word: "If there is a confrontation between the US and Germany in Samoa now, then the US government will wait for the US army to collect the dead!"

The German Navy now has 7 7500-ton cruisers that can be deployed worldwide. How many of the US Navy has? Even if three Indiana and one Iowa battleship are in service, this 10,000-ton-class offshore defense battleship is not suitable for ocean deployment! The voyage is too short, the freeboard is too low, the sea trial is poor, and the speed is slow. This makes it possible for these warships to die near the sea, but the ocean warfare is better. And at this time, the biggest dispute between the United States and Germany is a dispute. Isn't it an escalation of conflict with battleships?

And while the British were worried about Germany and Russia coming closer, the Americans were also worried about the influence of Germany and Russia coming closer to the Far East. The British were indeed strong, and they were not afraid to face any country in the Far East, but once two or even three powerful countries joined forces, The situation is different! When the Three Kingdoms Intervention was still in Liaoning, the British didn't even mediate. They were all busy with you, and I just looked at it. The British are all persuaded, how do you expect the Americans to be strong in the Far East? In terms of the foundations of the great powers in the Far East, Britain and Russia are almost evenly divided, France is the next level, and virtue is the third level.

Of course, there is another reason why the virtues are not right now, that is, the U.S. Navy, or a small group of people in the Navy Department are planning to take action against Spain. Cuba and the Philippines are the first and second goals of the Americans! In this case, Americans don't want to be extravagant. This point comes from Ruprecht’s speculation. After all, the historical tension between the United States and Spain did not begin in 1898! But to say, the United States had no idea about the Spanish colony before, and Ruprecht didn't believe it anyway!

In short, based on the above reasons, the US government decided to take this opportunity to ease the contradiction between virtues! There is a kind of friendship in the world that is formed in this way. The conflict between the two parties is not very big, and for the time being, they can’t help each other. Then, instead of grinning at each other, why not walk over and ask, Friend, do you do business? After all, no one in this world can't live with money!

So in the end, the Americans' strategy is to be neither humble nor See the dishes! Originally, the German fleet was 4 armored cruisers. The Americans thought about it and they couldn't be weaker! The quality is not enough to make up the quantity! Directly arrange 6 various warships to meet! But later I heard that only one Munich-class armored cruiser was visiting the United States. Taking the Americans as relaxed, the New York was arranged to come over to greet the United States. Just prepare a battleship to accompany you!

"What? Vice Minister Theodore Roosevelt will come too? This did not appear in our plan!" Because the German fleet is in charge of a major general, Simpson will be responsible for receiving enough in the future, and Roosevelt The deputy minister did not plan to come to San Francisco at first.

"This is not clear, but Deputy Minister Roosevelt will visit the German fleet in his personal capacity. He has no purpose for us to intervene. We are only soldiers, and Deputy Minister Roosevelt is a politician." Dewey saw it. Open, it doesn't matter who you meet up with someone like him!

"Mr. Deputy Minister, is it really necessary for you to do this? In the government's plan, this diplomatic operation is just a routine activity. And it is implied that it is best to contact the military. The Secretary of the Navy communicates with a future king , A bit beyond the original scope." An entourage said.

"This is only a private meeting. As a future heir to the kingdom, the other party should enjoy a higher level of reception. And I also have reasons to see it! This is very important for the future layout of the United States in the Far East!" Theodore Roosevelt can be regarded as a historical celebrity. He can dominate the Spanish-American War. The fierce man who lay down in Spain for 100 days is naturally extraordinary! His eyes are not just on this diplomatic action! There are many things he needs to figure out beforehand!

The second one is more~~~, please collect it again~~~.