The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 81: Visit San Francisco

After several months of tossing, Ruprecht finally embarked on the journey again. To the last stop of this trip-America! In the original plan, the German fleet would consist of 4 armored cruisers and 2 supply ships, but now, only one battleship Munich and another supply ship will be formed.

If it is said that the fleet’s visit to the United States in the past meant a demonstration, now, in terms of the size of the fleet, it can only be described as a friendly visit, but to Ruprecht’s surprise, the fleet left. Previously, Dewey, the commander of the US Far East Fleet, specially visited the German fleet. His arrival brought an invitation from the US Department of the Navy!

"His Royal Highness, I think you are more suitable to represent this fleet than I am now." After reading the letter sent by the Americans, Tirpitz was also a little bit sour. After all, he is the real fleet commander, and the admiral rank that Ruprecht wears is just a piece of clothing! But now, it seems that both foreigners and natives value Prince Ruprecht's attitude more!

"I did it with my life! Look at the guys who are still lying in the hospital! You know how dangerous it was then!" Ruprecht said with some disdain.

"Good, good. You are the hero of Germany. You will make a friendly visit to the U.S. Navy on behalf of the German Navy, and I will take the fleet around the entire Americas and then go to the east coast of the United States to greet you." Tirpitz made a gesture Expressed submission, of course, he was just joking. Although Mainz occupies an absolute advantage over the Japanese fleet, it is indeed a skill to turn dangers off guard. His Royal Highness's foresight and adaptability made him admire!

"Sometimes you are a prophet, and you can always predict things that others can't think of." Tirpitz said halfly flattering and half serious.

"What do you want to say? It's not normal to be courteous for nothing!" Ruprecht gave the other side a slanted look.

"Good, good, good. I just want to ask, what do you plan to do with the Americans? What do you want from the United States. You are a very purposeful person. If you go to the United States so actively, you must have A purpose, right?" Tirpitz said the doubt in his heart.

"For the friendly relationship between the two countries, for a better future!" Ruprecht said.

"Your statement is the same as the diplomat's rhetoric, full of hypocrisy and cunning." Tirpitz snorted.

"What I said is true, I really hope that I will never be an enemy of the United States." Ruprecht gave him a blank look. "Don't you realize that it is very boring to be an enemy of the United States?"

"Germany can't dominate even European affairs, and even the colonies in Africa have only grabbed a corner. The United Kingdom in the Pacific can make us very uncomfortable without a navy. In this case, you still have trouble with the United States? Are you afraid of your own enemies? Isn't it enough? I haven't eaten enough this time?" Ruprecht asked rhetorically.

"But the United States and us compete fiercely in colonies, markets, and raw material production areas, and some relations between the two countries are already considered enemies." Tirpitz was taken aback first, then said.

"So, everything that is competitive must be defeated? All powers in the world are in competition. Britain is the most powerful empire in the world. He competes with France, but it does not prevent them from working together in Croatia. Rimia is dealing with Russia. Can't we put aside some secondary opponents and concentrate on dealing with the main enemy? You have to mock the world to be satisfied?" Ruprecht said.

What is the most difficult knot to untie as a sad traveler? It's not that it is antagonistic to Britain, France and Russia. Rather, it is antagonistic to the United States. If the United States does not intervene, then even with the historical performance of Germany, after the Eastern Front is resolved, there is still hope for a draw with Britain and France. And if the United States joins, there is absolutely no way for Germany in World War I unless you can produce atomic bombs...

Germany's industrial capacity, population, food and industrial resources are just that, even if it reaches its limit under the constraints of contemporary technology, it cannot compete with the whole world! This is not to say that you can solve it by creating tanks and good aircraft. This is a historical limitation. The German mobilization in World War I was fairly thorough, and it was really impossible to lose in the end, especially as Ruprecht understood. After the horror of the United States, this idea was strengthened. The US industry was horrified in the 2nd war, and the industry in the 1st war was equally scary! During the war, Japan helped to pull a part of the hatred. Who shared the pressure on Germany in the first war?

Some people may say that it is inevitable for the United States to participate in the war. Simply lending a large amount of loans from the United States to the Allies determines that the United States must stand on the side of the United States and Britain, otherwise all these loans will be turned into waste paper. This argument is reasonable, but it is not the decisive factor!

The expansion of the Americans is still very strategic. The Americas are the basic market of the United States. No one can move. Who moves him and who is anxious! In Africa, Americans will never touch it. Entering yourself will meet unanimous opposition from the powers. The main expansion direction of the United States is the Pacific Ocean! Both Hawaii and the Philippines are what the United States must get, and the expansion of the United States in the Pacific will directly conflict with Japan. The two sides have a dual hostile relationship in the colony and the Far East market.

So Ruprecht has always wanted to intensify the contradiction between the United States and Japan, and try to minimize the contradiction between virtues ~ ~ The competition in trade is not irreconcilable. Britain and France, the capital exporting countries and colonial powers, can stand together in the end. , Ruprecht is not demanding, at least the United States should be neutral. Of course, in order to achieve this goal, Ruprecht needs to use the US-Japan conflict to plant a dead knot. As for what this deadlock is, Ruprecht has an idea, but there is no perfect plan yet!

As for later generations, some people say that another reason the United States entered the war was the fear of Germany's unification of Europe. This challenge to the United States is actually open to question. Does a country that controls the European continent pose a threat to the United States? It feels like there may be, but in fact, after World War I, France was the handle of the European continent. It is not too much to say that Britain and France control Europe too much? Does the United States feel threatened? Can Britain and France threaten the United States?

Ruprecht did not have high expectations for Germany in World War I. As long as he can benefit from the Eastern Front and the Western Front can maintain the status quo before the war begins, it is acceptable. Slowly digest the fruits of the Eastern Front, and then recharge your energy. The scene is also the split of Europe. For the United States, this result may not be unacceptable. After all, it is now assumed that the United States does not have Ruprecht, and their estimation of the strength of Germany will certainly not be as accurate as Ruprecht!

So, to sum up, Ruprecht came to the United States this time, really intending to seek common ground while shelving differences and reduce the degree of hostility between each other, and now that Anglo-German relations are at a low point, Germany does need the support of other powers. This is also the relationship between the United States and Germany. The improvement creates the possibility. With the power of a big victory, as long as you can put down your body, you can always resolve part of the hostility.

Thanks to book friends zhouyu1976, Zsuzm, SK wolves, Jiang Zhe’s word for the celebration, and the male **** Fatty’s reward~~~. It’s Friday today, I don’t know how to recommend next week--! Later, ask for collection, recommendation, and click again!