The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 83: access

originally planned to host a fleet, but now it has become a battleship! The scale of visitors has shrunk seriously, so the scale of the receptionists should naturally be smaller, otherwise it will mean a demonstration!

The most powerful cruiser of the U.S. Navy, the USS New York, served as the **** ship of the USS Munich, and was parked next to Munich, while another US Navy ship was moored next to the USS Cormorant. The officers and soldiers of the two sides conducted friendly and enthusiastic exchanges in the melodious music played by the military band.

At this time, our Ruprecht was also attending a reception specially arranged for senior officers in the officers’ restaurant on the New York USS. And both sides are soldiers, one of them just won an unexpected battle when the wind is in full swing, then the conversation between the two sides will definitely involuntarily shift to a certain aspect!

Soldiers, especially the winning soldiers will naturally brag about their achievements without revealing the secrets, but it seems, maybe, only the prince himself can brag now! Because apart from the prince himself, the others were all officers on the Munich, and they didn't participate in the war at all! So Ruprecht naturally became the focus of attention! This time, Ruprecht needs to face Lieutenant General Simpson.

To say that this buddy is also regarded as outstanding in combat, and in terms of the results of the battle, he is better than Dewey. The historical San Diego naval battle was under his command. His 4 10,000-ton battleships and 1 nearly 10,000-ton armored cruiser directly took the 4 Spaniards. The cruiser burst! The win was clean and neat. Of course, this is also the reason why the opponent is too broiler. If you look at the artillery hit rate or other data alone, the performance of the US Navy can be described as terrible. The gold content is worse than that of Dewey who fought alone overseas.

"The quality and combat effectiveness of the German Navy are beyond doubt. Your country has maintained your country's authority on the sea with your own actions. Then I want to know how you evaluate the Japanese." Lieutenant General Simpson asked.

"Their behavior looks crazy to outsiders, but that kind of crazy crazy!" Ruprecht thought for a while and said. This evaluation is very realistic. Whether it was the Russo-Japanese War or the Pacific War later, the Japanese seemed unusually courageous. When the Russo-Japanese War broke out, most countries were not optimistic about Japan, and when the Pacific War broke out, many Americans think they are dreaming again!

If the same is crazy, then the Russo-Japanese War is a madness with brains, and the latter is a pathological choice under the expansion of ambition!

"This may be just an accident. Although the Japanese are domineering, they know how to advance and retreat." Simpson frowned slightly, then said. The American fleet confronted the Japanese, and the Japanese seemed not as crazy as the prince said.

"When an accident occurs, most people will choose to turn things back to normal, but the Japanese will not go back! They will choose to go on in one go, and they will do everything for their goals. I think the U.S. Navy will not side by side. Make a motion to stop, and put the torpedo back towards you, right?"

"Actually, you should know that we did not intend to enlarge the matter at the time, otherwise the high-ranking officers on the Mainz would not suffer heavy casualties in an instant, and the Japanese almost succeeded. They have everything in their bones. The approach is terrible!" Ruprecht said.

"The Japanese are too despicable. They are like robbers. They use all kinds of methods that are not on the table to attack their opponents. They even challenge the bottom line of international public law and human morality." Simpson echoed, his tone was like boiled water. , Obviously this is just to deal with passing through. When it comes to black history, there are many great powers, otherwise how can they be called great powers?

"From the perspective of the quality and combat awareness of the Japanese Navy, they are not bad. At least the dense crater on the sidestring of the Mainz can explain the quality of the personnel. As for the fighting will? They did fight to the last moment. Theirs The will to fight can be called tenacious." Ruprecht said.

There were only 3 naval battles that broke out in the pre-fearless era. The Yellow Sea naval battle was a battle between two third-rate naval powers. The Spanish-American War was a worse war, and the Spaniards won. In the Japanese-Russian naval battle, the training level and combat effectiveness of the Japanese fleet were indeed superior, and the Japanese navy was also dominant in various statistics.

In World War I, the Japanese navy's fleet in the Mediterranean also received high ratings from the British and French navies. As for the Americans? Both the Americans and the British think that the US military is at least really bad in artillery... Therefore, Ruprecht believes that the Japanese Navy is at least superior to the US military of this era in terms of combat quality and will! Of course, this sentence cannot be said.

"So if the Sino-Japanese War breaks out, which side do you think will win?" Simpson continued to ask.

"Japanese!" Ruprecht said very positively.

"Will the Beiyang Fleet of Mainz lose?" a slightly drunk American officer next to him said rashly.

"The Japanese have the support of Britain, and in the Far East, no one can overwhelm the British! With the world's most powerful imperial support, how can the Japanese lose?" Ruprecht asked rhetorically.

The outcome of some wars has already been determined at the beginning of the war. The process may be tortuous, but the result is certain. For this statement, Simpson agrees.

"The oceans of the Far East are already a bit crowded now. The British, French, Russians, and the Japanese are now added. There are so many big countries crowded in the small sea area." Ruprechtjo Said thoughtfully.

"Your country seems to be very interested in the Far East." Simpson asked tentatively.

"We just want to do business. We have no leases and no scope of strength in the Qing country, and the islands in the Pacific are just taken advantage of. There are indeed some differences between our two countries in the Pacific, but if your country wants If you enter the Qing market and want to get a place, then the biggest opponent is definitely not Germany." Ruprecht said that he did not fake it at all.

Not to mention that the current Kaiser is the gentler Frederick III, even if it is the bear boy Wilhelm II? Germany does not have the ability or firm will to really fight for a certain colony in the Far East and the United States! William II also coveted the Philippines for a long time, but in the end he chose to give in.

Ruprecht only stated a fact, and this statement obviously won the favor of Americans. Although it is an unofficial statement, at least it can be comforted, right?

While Ruprecht was communicating with Simpson, an American officer sitting on the side faithfully recorded the conversation between the two parties.

"As a navy general who has participated in actual combat, I want to know how you think about the tactics and battles of the Japanese and Qing sides during the war." Simpson finally threw out today's highlight!

Thanks to book friends zhouyu1976, sk wolves, Xuanyuan Feitian for their rewards~~~. Yesterday’s collection hit a record low. It is almost the lowest day since the recommendation, which is less than the day before yesterday....... The author is sad--! There will be no PC recommendation next week, only one client recommendation--! Sadness, depression and pain. Please collect comfort.