The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 699: eldest son

July 5, 1908. In the Munich Palace, a cry of a baby came from the delivery room. Ludwig III and Ruprecht, who had been waiting outside the door, finally let go of their anxious hearts. When the news of mother and son's peace came, Ruprecht finally breathed a sigh of relief, that he had a future in this plane.

In history, Ruprecht’s descendants were very sad at first. The eldest son Liutbod was born in 1901, but the eldest son suffered from polio when he was young and died at the age of only 14. The eldest daughter, Mingjiade, was even more miserable. She suffered from diphtheria shortly after her birth. She was born in 1902 and died in 1903. The third son, Ludendorff, was born with diabetes. He was born in 1909 and died in 1912.

Only Albrecht really grew up. The second son born in 1905 is Ruprecht’s heir. This prince has a long life span. He not only passed the most dangerous childhood, but also survived the first battle. The war with 2 even defeated the Soviet Union and died in 1996.

"Just call him Albrecht." When Ludwig III asked the child's name, Ruprecht decisively moved the name of the second son in history, hoping that he could Just like in history, you can live longer.

After the doctor arranged it, Ruprecht could finally see his wife after giving birth.

"Ruprecht, we have offspring. I hope he can inherit your wisdom and talents and the noble lineage of the two families, so that the Habsburg royal family and the Wittelsbach family can carry forward in his hands and complete the final Fusion.” Although Princess Mary is weak, she is in a very good mood.

"Yes, he will become the emperor of the Germans in the future, and will lead Germany and Austria to a new peak." Ruprecht comforted.

"Do you have a name?" Princess Mary asked.

"Yes, it's Albrecht," Ruprecht said.

"Very good name, it reminds me of Albrecht Friedrich Ludendorff. The Prince of the Empire, the Prince of Bohemia, Hungary, and the Grand Duke of Austria, Duke of Gexin, and the Field Marshal of Austria. The Italians were defeated in 1866. I hope that one day, the flag of our empire can be erected again in northern Italy." Princess Mary said with a smile, and he was very satisfied with the name.

"Well, you won." Ruprecht couldn't help but complain. The name of this foreigner, there are a lot of charge, for example, the name Albrecht, except for the second son of Ruprecht in history and the member of the Habsburg royal family mentioned by Princess Mary , There is also a great man who uses this name, and this man is the first Prussian Duke of the Hohenzollern family and the 37th head of the Teutonic Order. Of course, I thought that the position of the two would naturally not mention the ancestor of the German royal family.

If the normal steps are followed, if the boy is healthy and free from any disease, he will most likely become the heir of the Kingdom of Bavaria in the future. But now because the Wittelsbach family has two laurels on their heads, one is naturally the crown of the Kingdom of Bavaria, and the other is the crown of the Grand Duke of Bomian Moravia. So now there are some questions. Which laurel crown should Ruprecht put on the baby's head first?

This is not a joke. Serious political problems will arise in the future. If the Wittelsbach family establishes him as the heir, then he will naturally inherit the Bavarian throne in the future, but at the same time, theoretically. Lost his inheritance rights to the Grand Duke of Bohemia Moravia. At least for now, it is impossible for him to inherit two regions at the same time.

And if you are the heir of the future Grand Duke of Bohemia Moravia, it is naturally possible, but at the same time you will lose the right to inherit the Bavarian throne. This is directly related to the interests of the two empires, so don’t just talk about the Bavarian royal family. Very troublesome, even the Kaiser and Austrian Emperors are very concerned about this. Because the decision of the Wittelsbach family is directly related to whether the future family member is German or Austrian...

So, after the news that the prince had descendants, the emperor and Austrian emperor sent out congratulations and also asked whether the future member of the Wittelsbach family was a prince or a grand prince? Regarding this question, how should I say, the Bavarian royal family including Ruprecht are also very concerned about this.

"You are already a prince of Bavaria. And there is no heir in the Bohemian Moravia region under the name of the Wittelsbach family, so I think this region should first be branded by our family." Luther Vichy III said.

"From the current point of view, the Austrian emperor only said that Princess Mary was canonized as the Grand Duke of Moravia in Bohemia, but did not say that her descendants have the right to inheritance. Will we incur opposition from the Habsburg royal family? "Prince Leopold on the side said.

"They did not say no. From the perspective of the family's rule, it is obviously better to make him the heir of the Grand Duke at this time." Ruprecht said that even according to history, the prince lived until 1955. If you lose the First World War, then there will be nothing, but if you win, then you will be on this throne in 1955. And if you let your son take over the crown of the Grand Duke from Princess Mary at the right time, it is obviously more beneficial to the integration and rule of Bavaria and Bohemian Moravia.

Of course there is another very important reason, Ruprecht did not say. That is, if his plan is successful, when Princess Mary becomes Queen Mary, Albrecht will directly become the Crown Prince of the Austrian Empire. For him, becoming a complete heir to the empire is obviously better than the kingdom of Bavaria. Of course, the actual rights must be handled by the regent Ruprecht. Therefore, letting him take the title of heir to the Grand Duke now will be much more convenient for the following things.

"What does Mary mean?" Ludwig III asked.

"His Royal Highness hopes to take care of his children in Prague," Ruprecht said.

"Well then, tell Fritz and Wilhelm II of our opinion." Ludwig III nodded and said, "Also, if there is nothing necessary, you can live with their mother and son in Prague for a while. Politically I will take care of the matter. Militaryly, Prince Opal, we need to make the Czechs accept us."

"Well, if nothing else, our family will live in Bavaria and Bohemia for half a year each." Ruprecht said.

Five days later, when Fritz learned of the decision of the Bavarian royal family, there was no embarrassment, and he affirmed Albrecht's inheritance very smoothly. At this time, Ruprecht also focused on another aspect.

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