The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 698: Close to each other

"This condition is acceptable. We have obtained funds and new colonies, stood with the world's most powerful alliance of great powers, and blocked the Americans' westward road. What we need to pay is some soldiers. That's it. I think this sale is pretty good. What's your opinion? His Excellency Togo Heihachiro?" Ito Hirofumi said.

"The navy can carry out **** missions, and it can perform missions to Germany. It is also possible to send frigates and auxiliary fleets to the Mediterranean. It is even possible to send a small number of capital ships into the Mediterranean. But I still have all the scruples about the elite fleet entering the North Sea. A contest between giants, even if it is a relatively weak German, its inadvertent blow will cost the Japanese navy a heavy price." Togo Heihachiro said.

Heihachiro Togo is still very accurate. The so-called two elephants fighting, the worst is the lawn on the ground. Although the Germans are weaker, when the real large-scale fleet is PK, it is a matter of a little time and a little luck to click off a dreadnought. The British decisively lost 3 battlecruisers in the Battle of Jutland. This is for the British. For the empire, it’s not a painful one. If you try to change to the Japanese navy? If 4 King Kong were killed and 3 ships at once, the Japanese Admiralty probably would be closing soon, right?

"If this is the case, we can only count on the army to send more people." Hirobumi Ito nodded, agreeing with Togo Heihachiro's statement. After all, the warships of the Japanese Navy are still very expensive. These fleets are to ensure the safety of the Japanese islands. Cornerstone. And if the navy is severely damaged, even if Japan and the Allied powers stand together, the Americans will dare to **** Japanese colonies, and they will have to fight hard. If Japan cannot resist the Americans, the Allied powers will not help the Japanese to seize these islands. of!

Although there are some deviations in the final result, in general, the two countries are still acceptable. Language, equipment and tactical systems may be a problem, but in general, if there are several years of running-in, it will not be a problem. In history, didn't the British, French, Portuguese and Portuguese allied forces still lie in the trenches on the Western Front to fight the Germans? Isn't the French black army also on the battlefield? The internal languages ​​of the Austro-Hungarian regiment are not unified, so will they continue to fight?

On the issue of equipment, the Japanese also decided to popularize British and French equipment training for future reserve personnel. After some thinking, the Japanese decided to choose French equipment. This is because at the beginning, the Japanese Army had been under The French army, and another reason is that France is a large army country, and it does not have much equipment. It is really easier to get equipment when fighting. According to the agreement, when Britain and France deem it necessary to prepare for war, Japan should gather at least 50,000 trained officers and soldiers to board the ship within three days to form the first Japanese army to go to Europe.

This requirement may seem high, but in fact it is not difficult at all. You must know that after the war began in history, Australia and New Zealand went to Europe in a wave of 32,000 people! As a country with a large population and a regional power with a large-scale army, it is really not difficult to concentrate 50,000 people without having to bring weapons with preparations.

Finally, the two countries signed on November 8, 1907 in Tokyo, Japan. After signing this agreement, Japan's position in the entire Allied power system rose to fourth place, second only to Russia. It is even ahead of Italy, which Britain and France tried to win.

Four months after the signing of this agreement, the Japanese Navy finally ordered the last battleship King Kong-class battlecruiser purchased in the UK in the history of the Japanese Navy at the Armstrong Shipyard! The price of the warship is very favorable to Japan, almost sold to Japan at cost price, and half of the funding for the purchase of the warship by Japan comes from a loan from the British! As a result, the British newspapers exclaimed that they had bought the most cutting-edge battlecruiser of the British Empire at the cost of the Asama-class armored cruiser.

"Damn the British, they finally stood with the Japanese and became the biggest enemy of the United States of America!" When Roosevelt heard the relevant information, angry and unwilling rants came from the office from time to time. This incident was also An indirect result is that for a long period of time, the door between the United States and the Allies was completely closed. Unless the Allies are dissolved, it is impossible for the United States to reconcile with Britain, France, Russia and other countries on the issue of grand strategy. First of all, there is only one Japan. Can't get around!

"The most important thing is that once war starts, the Japanese will surely attack the German Far East colonies, and our fleet in the Far East can’t even surpass the Japanese! Now Japan has 4 dreadnoughts under construction and near completion, 2 of them. It is still super fearless. In addition to the four battlecruisers and parts ordered from the British not long ago, the strength of the Japanese Navy will rise to a very terrifying level." Admiral Benson, the deputy navy officer on the side, was a little anxious. Said.

"Can we exchange more economic costs for Germany to deliver all the territories in advance?" Benson thought for a while and asked.

"This is absolutely impossible. The Germans don't trust so they will definitely leave enough chips in their hands, and the colonies in the Far East are their biggest chips." Roosevelt shook his head and said.

"Then you think that if the war is over and the Germans win, will they fulfill their promise?" Benson asked.

"They will. The Germans are not interested in the Far East, and even after the war, they will need loans from the United States of America to tide over the economic crisis. So if there is no surprise, they will fulfill their promises."

"If this is the case, Germany can't lose the war, at least it can be a tie." Benson thought for a while and said. Unless your Excellency the President is ready to fight the Japanese Navy!

"I partly agree with your opinion, but I still don't want Germany to take the opportunity to grow bigger this time. Don't underestimate Germany's energy and development prospects." Roosevelt hesitated and said. Although the United States hates Japan very much, it is not ready for a big fight with Japan, so Roosevelt is more inclined to force Japan to spit out what it eats with Germany after the war.

In the end, before the war, the entire world structure had basically taken shape. Britain, France, Russia, and Japan formed the core of the Allies system, Belgium and the Balkans became peripheral members of the Allies, Germany, Austria and Turkey formed the Allied Group, and the Italians were still licking. While thinking about his wound, he should stand there. The United States tends to be neutral.

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