The Rise of the Empire

~: The pinnacle of work-Bavarian-class battleship 1

As Britain and Japan approached further, the German Empire High Seas Fleet was also preparing for the last tier of battleships of the Imperial Navy before the war. This tier of battleships named after the Kingdom of Bavaria will serve as the pinnacle of the German High Seas Fleet in World War I. Made. He and his brothers said it became the sharpest sword of the German Imperial Navy! For this reason, both Ruprecht and the technical department under the Navy Department are doing their best to perfect all the details of this warship!

"His Royal Highness, this is the final plan proposed by the Bavarian Ship Design Bureau and the Germania Shipyard in Kiel Port. This plan fully takes into account the performance, risks and cost of the warship. From the current point of view, we can no longer find it. A more appropriate plan." Sir Aiden, the chief designer of the battleship, delivered a document to Ruprecht, and his assistants unfolded a line map on the wall.

"In order to reduce the technical difficulty, we finally chose 4 twin-mounted 15-inch main guns as the main weapons of the Bavarian-class battleship. This brand new c1906 turret can ensure that the gun can reach a theoretical rate of fire of 2.5 rounds per minute, and In actual combat, this type of turret can also achieve a rate of fire of more than 2 rounds per minute. The new 15-inch l45 main gun can fire 870kg shells at a speed of more than 780 meters per minute. Such excellent hardware performance even faces The British warships of the same level also have an advantage. According to our intelligence, the maximum rate of fire of the British new double 15-inch turret is only 1.5 rounds per minute. Their projectile weight and muzzle velocity are similar to ours, but the projectile technology is The gap makes our artillery more advantageous."

"Our new shell uses a longer body, and a slender hood is added to the front of the quilt, which can optimize the flight performance of the shell and has better storage speed. And the shell used by the cap is still after cold quenching. The hardened quilt is more effective against hardened armor. At the same time, our fuze is more stable, and the stable tnt explosive is used, which can ensure that the shell will explode after penetrating the opponent's armor. And this is just the surface of this shell Attributes." Sir Aiden paused and continued.

"According to the idea you provided, we have specifically studied the movement of the shells in the water. We have made corresponding improvements based on the data collected in the experiment. Let the shells continue to run stably for a certain distance after entering the water and hit the battleship. This idea is indeed Very good, and this kind of underwater projectile poses a greater threat to warships than torpedoes to some extent!"

"Look here, this is the entire process after our new shell enters the water. After the shell enters the water at a certain angle, first the hood of the shell will fall off, and then after the special treatment of the bottom of the shell, this shell is under During the sinking, it will move forward with a relatively stable heading. During the period from the surface of the water to a depth of 6 meters, the projectile can travel steadily for a distance of 80 bullet diameters! That is to say, a distance of nearly 30 meters."

"From a comprehensive consideration, this shell can completely avoid the underwater armor belts of almost all warships except Germany when it hits the enemy ship, and then penetrates the enemy ship's underwater defense system. If you are lucky, the underwater bomb It can even penetrate a lightning protection system with a depth of 3 meters, and then explode in the core compartment behind. If there is an ammunition compartment or a power compartment behind, just one shell will have a chance to severely damage the opponent!"

"Very good design." Ruprecht nodded and said with satisfaction. At the same time, he was a little proud. What shells are the most difficult to defend? Then the eighth achievement is underwater bombing. This is different from vertical armor or horizontal armor. In the face of vertical armor, even in World War II, the inclined armor using the quilt-off theory is enough to deal with most opponents, such as Winet. The 70mm outer plate and 280mm inclined armor of the support are sufficient to deal with most naval guns except Yamato's 460 heavy guns. Of course, if the distance is too close, just pretend I didn't say it.

As for horizontal protection? This is a bit difficult. After all, the American mk6 16-inch l45 naval gun and the mk8 1225kg overweight ammunition are a bit scary. Richelieu's 170mm main horizontal armor plus 40mm dome armor failed to block the 16-inch guns and shells of the U.S. called bt. We must know that the main level of defense of the Richelieu-class battleship is the second in the world. However, although horizontal defense is harder, it is not impossible. There is a saying that it is better to change the defensive positions of the two and make the thinner 40mm armor thicker and put it on top to peel off the quilt of the shells, and then the lower thickness 170mm armor may be better for hard anti-projectile bodies Some, or two layers of armor directly superimposed together, the defense effect of 210mm thick armor is definitely better than 170mm+40mm. In this case, it is possible to block the mk6's long-range lob shot.

But having underwater bombs is definitely the most difficult to defend, because the range of underwater bombs is too wide. From below the waterline to the bottom of the ship is the possible range of underwater bombs. Even if the draught of the battleship is 9 meters, you can’t Get thick enough armor on such a large height. Imagine that if you calculate at 6 meters, plus the part on the waterline, the height of the side armor is more than 9 meters! This is obviously unacceptable. After all, the battleship with the highest main armor belt in the world is only 7 This is the George V class battleship built by the British during the Second World War.

Maybe in World War II, or when there are crossovers, you can think of the underwater defense system similar to Yamato and South Dakota-class battleships with the armor belt extending in the countryside, but other countries on this plane can be behind the underwater defense system. Getting a layer of 30mm to 40mm high elastic steel plate is already very conscientious. And this level of underwater defense system is absolutely unable to stop the underwater shells of large-caliber artillery. This is the biggest and most effective killer of this new 15-inch gun, because almost all warships are undefended against it.

Looking at the history, those warships that have been hit by the medium water bomb have almost no good results. The Lützov was detonated by the water bomb detonated the compressed air in the torpedo compartment. The Bismarck was used by water bombs to waste a lot of fuel, and the Japanese battleship Tosa was also hit hard by the water bombs during the naval target experiment. Therefore, based on his own experience, Ruprecht specifically requires that the ballistic stability in the water must be considered when designing the projectile. Let the shells run as long as possible in the book. In fact, the current length of 70 to 80 shells is not particularly good. Historically, the Japanese specially improved shells can run 110 shells in the water. length.......

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