The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 683: The ecstatic Austrian emperor

"If Bavaria during the Prussian-Austrian War was as strong as it is now, then the capital of the German Empire should be in Vienna instead of Berlin!" Old Fritz looked at the report sent by his subordinates with satisfaction. This time the Bavarian Army fought. It's so amazing, the German army of the world's first army actually persisted for two days when the number was dominant! This result really surprised Austrian Emperor, of course, more importantly, excited!

"The combat effectiveness of the Bavarian Legion is indeed very strong, but Prince Ruprecht is not a suitable person to associate. It is difficult for us to control him." Grand Duke Ferdinand frowned slightly.

"Haha? Do you still consider this issue? Even our internal Hungary needs to adopt a gentle policy as the mainstay, and we need to make huge concessions to the Czechs. Do you still want to control the Bavarian Army outside the empire?" There is a hint of sarcasm in the words.

"The Austro-Hungarian Army has an overwhelming advantage in the Eastern Front. The Bavarian Army is only a subordinate position, but they want to dominate. And I am very dissatisfied with some of the activities of Bavaria in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They and Bohemia The activities in the upper and lower Austrian regions are too frequent, and the scope and depth exceed the normal conditions, especially in Bohemia and Moravia. Bavarian influence has penetrated into all aspects. This is very unfavorable for the empire. of."

Grand Duke Ferdinand may not have realized the change in the attitude of the Austrian Emperor, he decided to vent his dissatisfaction. For a future king, Ferdinand’s desire for power and control was no less than that of the Kaiser, but the situation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire made him feel very difficult, not to mention that the Hungarian government was fighting against the Empire in two days. The Slavs and Czechs in the empire were not easy to deal with.

At this time, Princess Mary, who has been married and became a prince of Bavaria, still has to intervene in the affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If the influence of Princess Mary on Austria is average before the marriage, the influence will increase instead of decreasing. ! With the support of the Bavarian royal family, with money and technology, Princess Mary's influence in Austria, especially in Bohemia and Moravia, has soared!

First of all, it is the political circle. Through the help of Germans, Princess Mary won the recognition of Germans in the Czech government. Through economic and industrial cooperation, Princess Mary won the understanding of the Czech high-level and nobles. The latter did not become hostile to Princess Mary because of the increase of Prussians in the Bomian local government. On the contrary, attracted by Jinmark, they became suppliers and downstream enterprises of Bavarian factories one by one.

In recent years, the Bavarian royal family and Princess Mary have done even more! They further extended their influence to the army and the civilian population, and the high-levels bought it, and when the Bavarian royal family became a shareholder of Skoda, it would be logical for the Bomian army to equip Bavarian weapons. And those high-level Czechs who have benefited from the economy do not mind making some concessions in military personnel arrangements.

As for the folk? Grand Duke Ferdinand had to give a thumbs up to Prince Ruprecht's methods. This guy really has a way to deal with Czech nationalists! It can even be said that it is a matter of course. Since the economic and commercial exchanges between Bavaria and Bohemia and Moravia are already very close, if the Czechs who are already at a disadvantaged and matched position in the industrial structure want to make more money, Naturally, to get closer to Bavaria, they need to learn basic German, and then establish closer economic ties with Bavaria and Germany, and in order to protect their own interests, they naturally put aside the spiritual nationalism. Invisible, Bavaria used soft and hard methods to greatly contain the development of Czech nationalism.

However, the result up to now is that the influence of Princess Mary and the Bavarian behind him in the above areas has become impossible to ignore. This time Ruprecht proposed to provide funding to the Austria-Hungary Empire and then put a regiment under Bavaria. At the time, the Bohemia local military commander actually supported this opinion very much and gave very sufficient reasons. First, the equipment of both sides is a system to facilitate logistics and supplies. Second, the Bavarian Army Corps is of high quality. Third, the two sides are very close and can help each other!

Of course, Crown Prince Ferdinand would stop, he wanted to ask, are you the army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the army of the Kingdom of Bavaria? If it wasn't for the Emperor Fritz next to him that he didn't make a statement, he would even want to kick this guy from the Czech local army out of the army on the spot.

What made Ferdinand even more unbearable was that Emperor Fritz didn't seem to care about it, and he almost left it unchecked for this expansion of influence. Today, the prince who can't hold back is ready to make a relationship with the old emperor. At the bottom, see what the other party intends to do?

"Even if the power of Bavaria is doubled, do you think the Kingdom of Bavaria can replace Prussia? Or can it replace Austria?" the Austrian emperor asked.

"This is impossible. You are kidding." Crown Prince Ferdinand said with an abnormal That's terrible, what's the fear? Actually, even if Bavaria has this idea, it doesn't matter. Every year, there are several letters accusing Bavaria of the intention to divide Germany on Wilhelm II's desktop. Have you seen that Wilhelm II has taken care of this? "

"Tell you, Bavaria is ultimately the first kingdom in the Allied system. He cannot become an empire. As long as he has a little action, neither Prussia nor Austria will allow it. The Bavarian Asia-Pacific is small and the population is too small."

"Then why do they even infiltrate Bohemia and Moravia? This kind of behavior is beyond the boundaries of a kingdom!" Ferdinand was confused. In his opinion, this kind of thing is related to foreign countries. It's no different from treason!

"Don't tell me, this is really nothing. The Kingdom of Bavaria has embassies abroad in some countries. People already have a certain degree of diplomatic power, but the Kaiser did not say anything."

"As for why we should tolerate it, you never thought about it. What price do you have to pay for hiring a country and nearly 300,000 troops to fight for you?!" The Austrian Emperor asked back.

"We hire them to fight?!" Crown Prince Ferdinand said.

"Yes, it's employment. I want to understand this problem, let's talk about other things." Ao Huang said.

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