The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 684: Old cunning

"Actually, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the German Empire are also different in terms of interest needs. This is the case on the Eastern Front. First, how to distribute Poland is a problem. Of course, this is the smallest. Compared with the following problems, this is a drizzle. I ask you, if you are in charge of the Eastern Front, where will your army's main attack direction be?"

"If all goes well, after the capture of Russian Poland, I naturally hope that the troops can attack in the direction of Ukraine. This is the nearest to us and has a lot of arable land. There are also coal mines in the Donetsk area. The most important thing is that it is suitable for our rule. "Speaking of this, Ferdinand suddenly seemed to understand something!

The Austro-Hungarian Empire naturally wanted to conquer the areas closest to it and most suitable for it to rule from its own interests, and the German Empire thought the same way, so they hoped to conquer Belarus and the Baltic countries, and this attack direction is eastward. , One is to the north! The two sides are not a routine at all!

If you want to maximize the interests of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, you must unify your thinking and hit the force to advance in the direction of Ukraine. At this time, there will be differences with the German Empire. If Ruprecht acquiesces to this, then It's much easier to handle. After all, the largest group of the German army on the eastern front is the Bavarian Army. I don't know if it's a word, but it has a lot of weight.

"In addition, do you think the Austro-Hungarian army can shoulder the mission of controlling Western Ukraine? Can it hold the main force of Russia in the east, war with the Balkan countries in the south, and defend Italy in the west?" If If the issue of interest made Fritz see the necessity of joining forces with Bavaria, then the question raised by the Austrian Emperor has implicitly pointed to the necessity!

The Austro-Hungarian army is not strong! Even Ferdinand can’t deny this question. Among the Allies, apart from finding some confidence in the Ottoman Turk Empire, Ferdinand really doesn’t know who else he can beat. Fritz privately estimated that a German division could beat 1.5 Austrian divisions. If there is one army, it is estimated to be able to fight 1.8 Austro-Hungarian army. If you go up further, the gap will be bigger, why? It is not a question of numbers, because the more you go to the top, the greater the advantage of the German army in equipment and the more heavy equipment it has. And with the expansion of the scale on your own side, the more mixed the ethnicity of the troops and soldiers, the national unity is invisible and intangible, but you really have to take it seriously, and in this way, one increase and one decrease, The gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

As for if the opponent is the Bavarian Army, after this exercise, Ruprecht said that one army can beat you two and a half, and Ferdinand believes it. Look at this time, Xiao Maoqi is definitely not. Mediocre, 1.5 times the strength of the army, let the family get down in two days.

"Our situation is actually very bad. The Germans can concentrate their forces on the western front, and we need to face the third front. To be honest, I don't think we can fight Russia alone, let alone deal with three directions at the same time. Therefore, relying on Germany is inevitable! And the best choice is naturally the current Bavarian Army!"

The meaning of   Austro-Hungarian Emperor is already very clear. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is under too much pressure. It is just no match for the opponent and has ambitions to make a profit. Then you must find a thug. And now the best fighter is the Bavarian Army, which is the basis of cooperation between the two sides.

"Well, you tell me that a good army that can reach 300,000 in wartime can kill the army of our two legions. What price do you have to pay to let them serve us?" Ao Huang said .

"They have come to the Eastern Front. Whether they like it or not, this result will not change." Ferdinand thought for a while and said.

"Do you want to go wrong? Hahaha, do you want to take advantage of Bavaria? What are you thinking?" Ao Huang was a little bit dumbfounded, and even some said he hated iron and steel.

"Ruprecht is much smarter than you, what you can think of, he can't think of it? After the real war, as long as his army delays for a few days, it may be disastrous for our army, and he can fully support it. The German emperor advances to the north, how do we face the Russians, who are alone?"

The Austrian Emperor is very clear. It is true on the Eastern Front, but there are also cases in this world that don’t work hard, or don’t work against Austria-Hungary. Therefore, the Bavarian Army is not afraid of the Austro-Hungarian Empire going back. Besides, it's really not good. Can someone go back to the Western Front? That's really going to fall apart!

"We seem to be kidnapped, don't we? So what is their asking price? Prussia probably won't give Bavaria a chance to expand, and they really can't expand their position, and we won't give them territory. Yes. It is estimated that they will not be satisfied with an enclave," Fritz said.

"It's not that serious. They don't want to expand the Kingdom of Bavaria. Ruprecht is not that stupid, but they may hope that the Wittelsbach family can get another title, so that the power of the family can have a long-term development."

"When analyzing this problem, UU reading, we must explain one problem, that is, why Ruprecht did this." Ao Huang paused and continued. "The Kaiser has always wanted to weaken the rights of other kingdoms in the country. It has done so over the years. In reality, Saxony and then the kingdom of Württemberg. They started with railways, postal services, and military affairs. They also acted on Bavaria. It’s just not successful for the time being."

"Obviously, Bavaria is not willing to lose its independence. Bavaria is relatively strong now and Prussia is not easy to start, but what will happen in the future? When Prussia has won a lot of war dividends, what will they do? If Germany's territory doubles If so, how does Bavaria face the greatly improved center? So Ruprecht is very scared. He needs to find allies and strengthen Bavaria's power."

"So he found us? But what can we give them?" Ferdinand asked. "And if we do this, will it cause dissatisfaction with the Kaiser? Is this also done because of small mistakes?"

"Of course there is this risk, and the risk is not small at all, so until today, I have not given them an official answer, but now, the risk is very small, and I believe that Ruprecht can handle Bavaria and Germany well. If the relationship between the empires is not handled well, it is his business and has nothing to do with us. Believe me, if he comes to talk to us about these things, then he has already negotiated with the Kaiser." The Austrian Emperor said.

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