The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 682: The Cranky Kaiser III

The Kaiser paused and then said: "As for the defense of Alsace Lorraine area? This distance is indeed close, but this is a great waste of resources. We let Ruprecht stay on the Western Front. But what about the Eastern Front? You have to use several armies to make up for the gap left by the Bavarian Army’s westward advance? What if there is a big problem on the Eastern Front? And the Austro-Hungarian Empire was unable to get the support of the Bavarian Army. Will it help us watch the Eastern Front? No! Therefore, the Bavarian Army can only go to the Eastern Front, which is the best choice!"

This is the difficulty of a politician, especially a politician with a relatively bright head. Between rationality and willfulness, the Kaiser can only choose the former. If it is a two-hundred-and-five hundred, Ruprecht is a solution. It's all gone, because the ruler doesn't understand this, and your threats won't do him anything! It can also be seen from this aspect that the ability of William II is not bad.

"Then why should we put our strength on the western front?" the crown prince asked again.

"Because the German Empire will never be safe without defeating France. Britain and France are too threatening to us. This is a strategic goal. In fact, Ruprecht believes that the Western Front cannot push France, but he also believes that the Western Front should be released. In the most important position, even if we can’t get down and want peace talks, we still have the advantage. After the French-Prussian War ended and France regained its strength, the empire wanted to launch a preventive war, and it was for this purpose, as an empire. We must also bear this responsibility."

"This seems to be an excuse." The crown prince frowned slightly and questioned what the Kaiser said.

"You have finally got your hands dirty, yes, this is an excuse!" The Kaiser nodded in satisfaction. "You know? Although Ruprecht is very good, we do not agree with his inference on the Western Front. We think there is still a chance to kill France, but I have to say that Ruprecht does give We have provided a lot of suggestions and useful things. We are indeed improving our strategy."

"Maybe you don’t know yet. Now the Prussian General Staff has begun to plan a new plan. As a supplement to the original plan, we call it a two-stage strategy! The first step, similar to the original plan, is launched at the beginning of the war. In a blitz battle, it’s best if you can kill France. If you can’t, it’s okay. We can push the front as far as possible."

"The second part of the plan is related to Ruprecht. In fact, I am very satisfied with the results of this exercise. I can even describe it as ecstatic, because we finally have a defense that can break the trench. The method! In the early stages of the war we could not transport a large amount of heavy equipment, but once we enter the stalemate stage, we can transport and break through the French line of defense! Ruprecht does not trust this, but we believe it is Yes, so we want to try."

"The benefits of killing France are too great. Ruprecht can only get some leftovers on the Eastern Front. He can naturally get the benefits if he contributes to the Eastern Front. But if he did not participate in the Western Front, then In the feast after the war, it is impossible to benefit from the Western Front. Think about it. The French colonies in Africa and the Far East, as well as the Belgian Congo Basin, open up your horizons. Although Ruprecht is playing Some methods were used, but as the main body of the German Empire, we will always benefit the most!"

"For this kind of capable, responsible, and non-hot minded person, we should give a certain degree of support and tolerance, especially now when we need someone who can really fight. Think about it, when the Prussian rule The Dun Africa plan can be realized. When a large colony including the Congo can be included in the bag, it is not so unacceptable for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to pay some benefits to Bavaria."

"Actually, Ruprecht is well-measured here. While seeking his own interests, he has also taken into account the overall situation. He can use such powerful equipment to fight an enemy like Russia? These things are actually very big. To the extent it was prepared for the Western Front. The Kingdom of Bavaria paid for these things at its own expense, and its attitude and sense of responsibility are stronger than 90% of Prussian soldiers and capitalists! We should feel fortunate at this point. Finally, our teammates. It's more powerful." The Kaiser said with some self-deprecation.

"As for what you said about arranging a Prussian commander-in-chief on the Eastern Front? Let alone the lowest level of overhead, it is also the easiest thing to do. Judging from the results of this exercise, anyone who knows a little bit about the military Everyone on the Eastern Front will become Ruprecht’s puppet, because he is powerful! The power formed in the confrontation is sometimes more useful than the official position and status. And even if there is the so-called Eastern Front German commander-in-chief, you How can the Austro-Hungarian Empire be ordered?"

"Then what is our strategy? Looking at the completion of the transaction between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Bavaria? If the Wittelsbach family expands their territory and power in this operation, the other two kingdoms also want to replicate the actions of the former, we What should I do if I change it again?" the crown prince asked.

"No, their power is far inferior to Bavaria. It is not only military power, but economic power and population do not allow them to do so. The population of Bavaria is now more than 12 million, and the gross national product accounts for the country. More than 20% of the government’s revenue. So they have the money to build new territories and manpower to manage and use them, but other kingdoms can’t. Don’t worry about the Emperor said .

"But we should always impose some restrictions? For example, in terms of funding, scale, or other areas?" the crown prince said unwillingly.

"Restrictions on the economy and scale are absolutely impossible. Old guys like Heilingen restrict military expansion for the benefit of the nobility, and those from the Social Democratic Party restrict military spending. We finally have a way to increase our military strength. All I told you today is to let you know the domestic situation and the priorities. Ruprecht is a partner that needs attention, but not an enemy." The Kaiser shook his head and said.

"This time, my fundamental purpose for calling Biao Luo over is to do a good job with the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the eastern front! Don’t forget, I, the German Emperor, agreed to the Bavarian Army to assist the Austro-Hungarian Empire. For this reason, The Austro-Hungarian Empire should give a certain amount of interest!"

"As for the purpose of calling Xiao Maoqi here, it is very simple. We need to learn the tactical system of the Bavarian Army, but it is definitely not a simple copy. We have our national conditions. This issue needs to be discussed and reformed the German army command system. By the way, this time I have to finalize the command, logistics and coordination of the Eastern Front with the Austrian Emperor. Finally, the three leaders of the Eastern Front are all together. I don't know when the next time." The Emperor said.

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