The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 658: Bavaria's response

The Prussians are not fools. They will never allow their opponents on the exercise field to have obvious weapons. Not to mention the assault guns, at least the cannons are not allowed. Otherwise, how would the Prussian artillery fight? The two sides are fighting a field battle, and the bunkers are not semi-permanent. How can they be able to withstand long-range artillery attacks? So the prince can be sure that the opponent will either increase the equipment himself or restrict the equipment of Bavaria. In either case, the difficulty of the Bavarian Army's victory will increase.

After all, if war wants to achieve a crushing effect, it is either a quantity advantage or a quality advantage. Either quality and quantity are double-rolled... The Prussians will definitely make a fuss about the quantity and quality of artillery. This is something Ruprecht can't stop. After all, should the entire battle seem fair? The prince has absolutely no doubt about the artillery skills of a German general, so it is almost impossible for him to **** and skid...

As for the armored corps, although the offensive can focus on one point, it is obviously very difficult to fight hard against the gun positions. The long-range artillery forces of the two sides are almost equal, the attacking side’s fire support is not strong, and Xiao Moqi and others are not stupid. They will certainly be equipped with a large number of 77MM guns or other caliber flat-fire guns to deal with the Bavarian beasts. Quite strenuous. Moreover, the armored units in Bavaria's hands are also very limited. After all, it is impossible to form an armored division with more than 200 tanks like the Second World War. It would be great if someone can let you be equipped with an armored battalion. The more than 40 wasps and crickets used to deal with the scarce guns of the Russians are definitely enough, but to deal with the Germans, it will be suspended. In case a foot is mentioned on the iron plate, the position of the Bavarian army's attack is just the opponent's concentrated defense. In the case of the position, after that call, the armored spearhead of this division no longer exists!

If there is no armored force, where is the advantage of Bavaria? High-speed interleaving ability? The exercise field is so big, where do you go? Cannon range and quantity advantages? Please, the Prussians will surely level up. Advantages of troop speed? This one does not even exist. So, then the two sides degenerate into a hardened village and fight in a daze. If there is no time limit, they can fight to the dead. In the exercise field, the result is naturally a handshake and peace. And this result is absolutely not wanted by the prince!

"I spent so much money for a tie? Absolutely not!" In fact, the limitations of the exercise site have weakened the power of the blitz, and the Prussians will definitely increase their strength and equipment. The prince spends money to build an army. It is a quantitative change, but a qualitative change! He didn't want to accept it during the exercise, and let the Kaiser say: "Your tactics are nothing like this." The prince wants more power, wants to completely control the Eastern Front, and wants the power to come from his troops. Unanimous recognition, rather than relying on the authorization of the General Staff, must produce a sufficiently brilliant record. This is true on the battlefield and the same is true on the exercise field! Ruprecht wanted to let the Kaiser know that he was right, let Ferdinand and others realize that only he was worthy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and let the Austro-Hungarian army and nobles know that allegiance to him would be better. A brilliant tomorrow! Of course, the prince also wanted to let the Germans know that air-ground coordinated combat is fought like this...

In short, it is very difficult for the prince on the ground to find a place. Even honestly, in World War II, it would be difficult for Germany to rely on the army to push down Britain and France. There were no 2,000 bombers and attack aircraft of all kinds. , Can the German Army destroy France so easily? What do you think? Therefore, the prince who could not find a sense of superiority on the ground finally decided to find his place in the air. Compared with the ground system, the current Bavarian Air Force and the Luftwaffe are not at the same level! If you have to compare, please refer to the Luftwaffe in 1912 and the Luftwaffe in 1916... After all, Bavaria has even produced a reduced version of Gotha.

The Bavarian Army with and without air force cooperation is completely two concepts. First of all, one thing to be sure is that although the air force is very water in this era, air defense is more water! To be clear, no one except the Bavarian Army has the awareness of bomb defense, right? Because it is a field battle, neither the heavy artillery nor the large number of logistics units have solid rock protection. Isn't the open deployment of heavy artillery positions the best target for the Air Force? Not to mention the Prussians. Even in World War I, the air forces of both sides could still suppress the other's artillery positions, and the effect is said to be good. Not to mention that Prussia now doesn't even have anti-aircraft machine guns of this kind.

Secondly, the existence of the air force also has a great advantage for frontal breakthroughs. No matter how many artillery you concentrate on land, it will also be limited by the area and the range of the artillery. For example, at the Battle of Verdun, the Germans have already reached the limit of artillery density. It is impossible to improve, but the air force is different because they are three-dimensional. You can arrange 200 planes to bombard in turn on a one-kilometer front, but you can arrange 200 artillery on the front line to try~www.novelhall .com~Can you put it down?

Unlike the Army’s technology that is almost open to Prussia, the Prussians in the Air Force still don’t pay much attention. Although Xiao Moqi is very enthusiastic, enthusiasm cannot solve all problems. Before the Air Force has played a huge role, no one is willing to invest, except for being Beyond the prince of the traveler. Therefore, in the eyes of the prince, the air force is a more terrifying service than the ground armored force and the rapid mobile corps. This time, he needs to make the German senior leaders aware of this, and then harvest a large number of orders and the dominance of the air force... .... Therefore, no matter who the opponent is this time, the prince must kill them into scum! !

"We can make concessions in other areas in exchange for the admission of our air force, so it doesn't matter if the other party eventually gathers 2 divisions. As long as our 36 medium bombers and 24 fighters can be in place!" Ruprecht Said to his uncle.

"Do you really trust these things? These bombers are half the number we have now, and we have not even done a large-scale exercise, and this agrees with the Prussians to increase their troops so much, if it comes out If you have a question, how does this end?" Prince Leopold thought for a while and then said: "This time, even Fritz is coming. The outcome of the exercise is directly related to our future position on the Eastern Front. This is a bit of a bet. so big."

"There is a risk and there is a gain. Trust me, uncle." Ruprecht said.

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