The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 657: Little Moqi's troubles

As Ludendorff said, the actual strength of a Bavarian division has a huge advantage, so 1V1 is unfair, but if Germany is based on the front-line combat force ratio, Prussian division and a half will deal with Bavarian division, will the latter agree? And even if they agree, what if Prussia loses?

Yes, after a period of research, Xiao Maoqi found that even if the forces of both sides were supplemented according to the number of first-line combat forces, the Prussian Legion still had no advantage. The first-line combat forces were fully supplemented, but what about the equipment? In Bavaria, some division-level 150MM howitzers were replaced with 150MM cannons. Although the caliber is the same, the range can be nearly doubled! The Bavarian Division has a large number of 105MM howitzers. The number of machine guns equipped by the army also far exceeds that of ordinary Prussian divisions. From the standpoint of machine guns alone, if you count the machine guns of armored vehicles, two divisions may not be comparable to a strengthened Bavarian division. Does it really combine the two divisions into one and fight with others?

"If we want to defeat the Bavarian Army, we must first have a certain advantage at the artillery level. We must have at least 2 companies of 150MM cannons. The number of 150MM howitzers and 105MM light howitzers should be 1.3 times that of the opponent. There is a chance, because some of the opponent's howitzers use self-propelled artillery, their reaction speed and use effect is better." Hindenburg said.

The German generals who can become famous in World War I can guarantee that they are at least artillery experts. Concentrating dozens of artillery companies to attack opponents was something that the Prussian Army had already played badly in the Franco-Prussian War, without any technical content. Now, the Germans can skillfully use mobile artillery groups, long-range indirect shooting, barrage, and other modern gameplay. As the saying goes, the more you know, the more profound the knowledge is, even though Prussia does not have a large number of them. It is equipped with self-propelled artillery, but Hindenburg has a deep understanding of how powerful this kind of thing is.

There is a saying in later generations that, in terms of cost, a self-propelled howitzer is several times more expensive than a towed howitzer of the same specification. Other than that, the site that can carry heavy artillery is not cheap, but why do the armies of various countries need it? A lot of equipment? The reason lies in the survivability and mobility of the self-propelled howitzer! Especially for long-range artillery, the greater the increase in mobility of the artillery with the longer range! The towed artillery is just a weapon, and the self-propelled howitzer itself is a system. When it arrives at the position, it fires directly. It does not need to be prepared. It is immediately transferred in the face of suppression. It does not need to be prepared. When it encounters shrapnel, it is just fine to direct hard steel. Type artillery can have.

There were also anti-artillery operations in World War I, but most of this technology relied on observations, and the high mobility of self-propelled howitzers could not theoretically be countered under current conditions. In addition to long-term fire suppression, In the eyes of the opponent, the self-propelled artillery is basically in a mobile state. At this time, Prussia had no ground attack aircraft, and there was no way to go hunting. Therefore, Hindenburg emphasized that only when he has a quantitative advantage, he can compete with his opponents.

"Don't we have our own self-propelled artillery?" Prince Albert, who had been beside him without speaking, finally said a little depressed.

"We have not ordered a large number of Vespa assault guns, let alone self-propelled artillery based on its site. A 150MM howitzer weighs about 5 tons. It is difficult for a vehicle without a crawler site to carry such a heavy artillery, at least for now. Trucks are not good. Semi-tracks seem to be a good way, but we don’t have a lot of equipment either.” Mackensen said.

"Because this is made in Bavaria, can't we equip it?" Prince Albert frowned and said.

"Because the Bavarian Legion is small, it can be equipped with expensive weapons, but the Empire cannot. Your Majesty, you should be considerate of your majesty's difficulties." Xiao Moqi immediately interrupted the speech that might lead to political consequences and continued: "Then if you want What else should we do to win this war?"

"A large number of flat-fire guns, 50 3-inch rapid-fire guns are definitely not enough. Believe me, without these guns, those big guys, there is nothing to stop. There are also cars and armored vehicles. We must have one. Mobile power threatens the opponent's flanks. Otherwise, if you can't fight head-on, and cannot avoid the opponent's weak links, I don't see the chance of winning." Mackensen said.

"In other words, are you ready to use the firepower of an army against a division?" Xiao Maoqi sneered. "Or do you think that prince is a fool?!" Fighting an army with one division? Will the other party agree? Now that you are talking about such a lively and exciting creation, in the end, I will represent Prussia to communicate with Bavaria? Why should I carry this pot?

"Actually, judging from the level of equipment, the opponent of the same size does have an advantage, and the opponent may not disagree with us to increase our strength. Otherwise, we will obviously suffer. It is just a question of how much strength is increased. These issues can be discussed, right? "Xiao Maoqi really deserves to be a battle-tested veteran, in addition to the military, he is also a qualified politician! Shaking the pot is the most basic skill!

"General Mackensen, now it’s up to you to make a combat plan. Hindenburg, you are responsible for compiling a Prussian army exercise troop, you cooperate with the work of the two, um, that’s it. "Little Maoqi began to arrange. "When I met Ruprecht, Hindenburg was in charge of discussing the issue of military strength." Well, after speaking, Xiao Moqi immediately felt that his thoughts had come through...

And while the little Mochi and others were worried about the formation of the army, Ruprecht and others in Munich were also worried about the same thing, because now Ruprecht is considering how to pack the air force into himself. In the military configuration of the exercise, the Bavarian Army has an advantage, and it is a great advantage. If one division is against one division, the Bavarian Army can definitely win. There is no way. This is due to advanced tactics, epoch-making equipment system, and use. The combat power from the pile of real money, 150 cannons against 150 howitzers, assault guns are all riding on the face, tell me how to lose? !

If it is really 1V1, then Ruprecht can be described as lying win. But the question is, is it possible for people to really fight with one division? As long as Prussia doesn't want to lose, it will definitely not agree to this style of play!

Thanks to the book friends worldⅩThere is snow, slowly swimming, soaring stars in the universe, Bismarck in the ice sea, cgfhfyy, blue hot springs, the first guard tank brigade, Wang Yao's young guard rabbit, two zero one three Dian Wu Yue, the cyf emperor tank, the fat cow king's rewards~~~~! And the monthly pass support of book friends jiyunjian111, sunrays, Tiandi ⅩYouxue, Qin Mo Yi Bing, Ye Yue Hei Wing~~~! Yesterday all orders were dropped--! Author Jun Lei Bing Zhong--! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!