The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 659: Bavaria's response

"Don't talk to me about these useless things, just make it clear! I now need you to show enough reasons to convince me!" Prince Leopold said dissatisfiedly: "Do you know what happened this time? We use It took ten years to build such an army. You took out most of the funds you accumulated. I withstood the pressure from all quarters to achieve the scale of today. But the doubt will not disappear. The result is the reaction of a series of questions accumulated to the peak."

"Look now, William II and Fritz are all here, and the highest level of the entire Allied powers are gathered together for an exercise. It is the time to test the results of our ten-year hard work. I don't ask you to become a god. It’s not bad if you don’t get dropped, we have to be steady, you know?"

"Yes, uncle, I will explain it to you now." The prince is deeply touched by Prince Leopold’s care. He can get to this point now, and it is inseparable from the support of the prince, but for the uncle. He could only comply with the request, and then said his plan.

"Little Maoqi is by no means mediocre. They will not fight us with a huge equipment gap. Our military strength is limited and various strategic advantages cannot be transferred to the exercise field. Therefore, I personally think that we want to It is not easy to break the deadlock in ground operations. The exercise field is so big and there are so many places to deploy armored forces. Prussia is not without trucks with 75MM guns. Their mobile defense is still very strong. So ours The breaking point can only be in the air." Ruprecht finished speaking, pointing his finger in the air.

"The main offensive force of the German army still comes from artillery. The 14 artillery companies of a division are the source of the German offensive and the pillar of firepower, so we can only use those artillery positions to do things. I have studied the exercise grounds in East Prussia myself. , The terrain lacks shelter. Through aerial reconnaissance, the target can be found very easily, and there are no strong fortresses and garrison areas in the setting, so our air force can easily find the opponent’s artillery positions and important logistics units. Use bombs to remove them one by one. First, the powerful 150MM cannons, then the heavy howitzers, and finally cover the attacking forces."

"In addition to clearing the artillery, the Air Force has another important task to cover our flanks. This time General Mackenson may participate in the exercise. He was born in the cavalry and has a good command of mobile operations. Our armor is very limited and is responsible. Attacking, but unable to protect the flanks and rear. Little Moqi will definitely prepare armored vehicles and cavalry. This is the tactics they have been studying, and then look for a breakthrough to kill our troops."

Although the Prussian rapid strike force is less mature than Bavaria. But the Bavarian Legion on the opposite side was equally uncomfortable with this attack. Guided by the spearhead composed of armored vehicles and cavalry, the Prussian regiment with superior numbers can also fight a threatening counterattack. In addition to the artillery, the prince is ready to take another insurance and use the air force to suppress this wave of attacks repeatedly.

Aircraft in this era are not efficient in ground attack, but the suppression effect is still good. Maybe they can’t kill many people. However, continuous aerial hovering and machine gun shooting can completely break up the enemy’s attack. Historically, the Luftwaffe was on the Eastern Front and Poland. People’s battle against the Soviet Red Army clearly shows that even if there are only a few planes in the air, it is a great threat to the infantry and cavalry in the attack.

"But the output of the air force is still not enough." Prince Leopold said.

"I just want to use them to deal with some key nodes. Without the heavy artillery, we have already won half of it. If it doesn’t work once, we will do it twice. Before we are sure that the annoying nodes are pulled out, we can defend first. , In this case, even if the two sides confronted in the end, Prussia's loss would be far greater than ours." Ruprecht said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

"These things were not easy in the past. Do whatever you want. I don't understand these new things. If you are willing to persist, then stick to it." Prince Leopold said helplessly. "Have you selected the basic troops? Tell me about it."

"The main body is naturally the first division of the Bavarian First Army. This is a fortification division with a number of about 19,000. It is accompanied by an independent armored battalion with 45 Hufeng assault guns and 45 cricket assault tanks. There are 15 spares in it. I decided to add another tank battalion to him. There are 30 SKD armored vehicles equipped with 2-pounder guns and mortars. In the case of artillery, the scale is almost the same, because this is more sensitive. The Prussian side is Would not agree, the rest is the Air Force. 2 squadrons, a total of 60 aircraft." The prince said.

"Our steel spearhead is hard enough. This tank battalion is just to deal with Prussian interspersed troops and to consolidate the strength of the defensive points. The Prussian artillery should be more than us, but it is certainly not the fastest to move. They did not move by themselves. Artillery, use airplanes to solve them. At the same time, I will strengthen some engineers and related technical equipment, such as demining equipment. Xiao Maoqi and others will definitely think of arranging minefields and trenches." Ruprecht said.

"Then how do these things pass? What about our aircraft bomb fuel and maintenance personnel? Is there a suitable airport around? How is the site leveled? How to solve these problems?" Prince Leopold asked ~www.novelhall. com~ is not the same as taking a train directly on a tank. The bomber cannot get on the train.

"It's very simple, just fly over. If you don't load bombs, they can fly from Munich to Berlin. I have already selected the venue. Less than 30 kilometers away from the exercise site is the Royal Hunting Ground. There is a good place. It's pretty flat, maybe just repair it. If you need to supply materials and personnel, you can just make a train. Then ride a car over." The prince said.

"The Royal Hunting Grounds...will William II agree?" Prince Leopold felt his eyes twitch...

"He doesn't agree, we won't play. This is the most suitable place. The other places are either too far away or the conditions are not met. The nearest one is 80 kilometers. If the bomber needs to fly at this distance, even take off. It takes more than 50 minutes to count with the formation time. Our daily attendance rate will drop." Ruprecht said.

"Well, well, I will arrange the coordination and preparation of related units. Xiao Maoqi and the others will come in three days. You are responsible for the reception. I will not miss you. Sooner or later, you will be alone. And my time It's almost gone." After speaking, Prince Leopold got up and left.

Thanks to the book friends worldⅩ Snow, First Guards Tank Brigade, Slowly Swim K, Bismarck in the Ice Sea, cgfhfyy, Beef Cow King for their rewards~~~! As well as book friend Zhonghua Chen, the legendary copper plate, Tianyufeng, I like Mao, Renren's family and other book friends' monthly ticket support~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!