The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 647: Start of cooperation

"Our navy has not yet begun construction, it has already shown great benefits! Just a week ago, the representatives of the Empire just expressed their willingness to build a navy to the Germans, the Germans have shown full sincerity, they Said that he was willing to discuss with us the question of the ownership of Western Ukraine, and said that in the area south of this line, wherever the imperial army can reach, it is imperial territory! We can even swallow the entire Ukraine, or even go to Transcaucasus It’s all possible! This is the first time that the Germans have clearly responded to the Empire’s territorial concerns, and as long as the Imperial Navy can undertake this obligation, an agreement can be formed soon!” In the Hungarian Parliament, Grand Duke Ferdinand was excited Said.

Now Grand Duke Ferdinand finally has a good reason to develop the navy! That is the future ownership of Ukraine! Even if this is only the moon in the well, it is enough to excite the entire empire! Unlike Ruprecht, the Austro-Hungarian Empire placed too much trust in its own power, or the Germans. They think all day about how to start a war, how to make a profit in the war, but they never think about how to conduct the war and how to avoid defeat. And now, the Germans wrote them a huge empty check, giving them a goal.

They may indeed not intend to bring the Caucasus region under their control, but Ukraine alone is enough to attract their attention and suppress the final capital! Even the Hungarian government, which has not been very cold about the war and the navy, is excited, because Hungary is next to Ukraine... If the Austro-Hungarian Empire can get Ukraine, then surely it can get a big slice of it, right? Almost all Hungarian parliamentarians have such an idea in their heads!

"A historic opportunity lies before our eyes. We must not give up. Let us unite and concentrate our strengths to survive this God’s test. Victory, we will usher in new glory, but we have failed. Not only the empire, but also Austria, Hungary will cease to exist! What are we hesitating? What are we worrying about? Let go of our hearts and open our hearts to our brothers. We need to forget our fears and move forward. The Navy Construction will be our first step towards glory! For this glory, we are willing to provide more help to the brothers of the Kingdom of Hungary!" Under the instigation and promise of Grand Duke Ferdinand, the Hungarian Parliament finally chose to support the Empire. The plan for military expansion and war preparations will allow the empire to be more abundant in terms of funding, and it will be possible to complete this batch of military expansion plans.

When the news of the agreement of the Austro-Hungarian Empire reached Berlin, in order to show support for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the German Emperor decided to sell two Mainz armored cruisers to the Austro-Hungarian Empire within three years. With the further expansion of the German navy, although the performance of the two subsequent Mainz-class warships is not bad, they are not as good as the German emperor’s vision, and these two warships are somewhat unfavorable to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, even a regional power navy. It’s still very attractive for many countries.

None of this was for nothing. Germany helped the Austro-Hungarian Navy build its fleet, and Austria-Hungary deployed its fleet in Istanbul for strategic interests. So how to act, how to build, and the future strategy, all need to communicate between the two sides. It even needs to communicate with the Kingdom of Turkey.

According to the plan, Germany will appoint a senior general to form a joint command with the Austro-Hungarian and Turks. In the end, Earl Spey was appointed as the representative. Of course, for the sake of secrecy, the general who had participated in many naval battles can only be stationed in Vienna as a military attache to the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

Since everyone was very willing, the whole plan began to move forward quickly. Count Spey and General Haus, commander of the Austro-Hungarian fleet, came to Munich together to meet His Highness Ruprecht, the chief planner of the German-Austrian naval cooperation plan. As the German emperor guessed, neither within Germany nor the Austro-Hungarian Empire had objections to this appointment. After all, the Austro-Hungarian Empire believes that the prince will not pit himself, regardless of professional level or relationship.

The reason for the Kaiser’s trust was that Ruprecht’s performance in the past was very good, he had an overall view, and he did not harm Germany’s interests in his exchanges with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, like this kind of capable and grasping real power. The factions are to serve as pillars in future wars, so the German emperor generously delegated all the rights of this aid plan to the crown prince, and hinted that if the actions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire deviated from the original plan, then the prince could Discontinue at any time.

"Now the start is better than in history." The prince stood up and came to the huge sand table in the Balkan Aegean region that had just been completed, and began to consider his own Mediterranean layout. Judging from the current situation, without the outbreak of the Balkan war, Turkey's environment in the entire region is really good, and it has a foothold in the Balkan region.

From the map, Serbia is now only about one-half of Serbia before the start of World War and places such as Macedonia and Albania are now Turkey, and Greece is also suppressed in Peloponnese. On the peninsula, most of the entire Aegean coast is Turkish territory. There is land connection between the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Empire.

It should be said that this situation will continue. Russia is weaker than the same period in history, and Germany and Austria are ready to go to war with the Allies as soon as possible. Turkey is now an ally of the empire, so if the Allies are behind If the small Balkan countries are instigated to act on Turkey, Germany will certainly not stand idly by. In this case, the Allies may not dare to act on Turkey. Of course, this is just the prince’s guess, in fact, this time, the prince really missed it.

If we further calculate the situation at the beginning of the war, the Kingdom of Greece is expected to remain neutral. After all, Greece was initially neutral in history, because Britain and France forcibly broke neutrality before finally joining the Allied Powers, and the Aegean coast except for Greece Besides, it is the territory of Turkey. It can be said that the surrounding environment is very good, with at least one exit into and out of the Mediterranean.

And this sword hidden in the Aegean Sea directly blocked the Suez Canal, Britain’s most important traffic throat in the Mediterranean! Even if the main fleet is not dispatched, the simple use of submarines or mine-laying ships to harass the northern end of the Suez Canal will be enough to make the British suffer. After all, the shortest distance to Europe from India, Southeast Asia, or even Australia, is to go to Europe. The canal!

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