The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 646: The attitude of the Kaiser

"I think your Majesty should have consulted the admirals of the Austro-Hungarian navy. You should already know their opinions. The Austro-Hungarian fleet nestled in the Adriatic Sea has absolutely no future, but if it can enter the Black Sea The words are of great significance for ensuring that we obtain supplies from Turkey and blockade the Russians."

"If I command the Allied Powers, then after the East and West lines are temporarily stabilized, a landing war against Istanbul will be launched. As long as the Allied Powers can open the Dardanelles into the Black Sea, it will be disastrous for us. As a result, the manpower and depth of the Russians combined with the guns of Britain and France will make the entire war situation worse. For this alone, I think the issue of cooperation between the two navies should be considered."

"More importantly, in addition to guaranteeing the blockade of Russia, we can also completely suppress the Black Sea Fleet. At this time, when the Black Sea Fleet is at its weakest position, we can easily obtain the dominance of the Black Sea, even directly landing in Ukraine. Possibly, Ukrainian food will be an important boost for us at that time."

The prince was actually not very optimistic about controlling Ukraine and getting food during the war. He could get some, but how much was a question. But after all, it is for the above report. Without any temptation, how could the Kaiser adopt it?

The prince felt that his report was reasonable, well-founded and well-documented, and that he would surely receive the support of the Admiralty, so he sent it out with confidence. The Kaiser’s side was also straightforward, and the telegram was shot back on the third day. It was also very simple: "What if the Austro-Hungarian Empire does not agree?"

"Then what price Germany plans to offer." The prince said leisurely. If there is not enough interest, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will naturally not agree. The Austro-Hungarian Empire's agreement to help Germany temporarily resist the Russian attack on the eastern front is interesting enough, and it is easy to hold off a fleet and station in the Black Sea. How can someone agree so easily?

And this matter, the prince is also embarrassed to come forward, after all, he is the son-in-law of Emperor Fritz, this time to avoid suspicion. Therefore, in the reply to the Kaiser, it was only mentioned that when circumstances permit, some Black Sea peripheral benefits can be promised to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"Give some benefits to the Austro-Hungarian Empire?" After reading the telegram, the Kaiser muttered to himself and passed the telegram to the German Prime Minister Bernhard von Bülow. "Maybe it's time to promise some benefits to Fritz." Up to now, Germany has only made the Austro-Hungarian Empire bear obligations, but did not say what benefits will be given on the east and west fronts in the future. The western front is close to Germany, and Austria-Hungary can't touch it, so there is no benefit. What about the Eastern Front?

"On the Eastern Front, there are nothing more than three main territories, Russian Poland, the Baltic Coast, and West Ukraine. From a geographical point of view, Russian Poland is close to Germany and Austria, and we are bound to share here. The Baltic countries do not have peace with Austria. The Hungarian Empire borders, we can eat it. As for Western Ukraine? How to say? Although we border with it, but here we are too far away, and it is very difficult to control it, but it is relatively close to the Austro-Hungarian Empire." Without saying a word, that is, he is not sure that the German Army is capable of eating Western Ukraine.

"What about the Transcaucasus? Do you really have no idea? That is the largest oil-producing region in the world except the United States!" The Kaiser looked at the map and asked directly without turning around.

"It's too far, and I think even if the empire solves the Western Front, it is absolutely impossible to hit the Caucasus!" Prime Minister Biao Luo thought about it and said.

"In other words, parts of Western Ukraine are rewards that the Austro-Hungarian Empire can get, while the Caucasus is a blank check?" the Kaiser said thoughtfully.

"It can be understood this way. I think that since Ruprecht believes that the addition of the Austro-Hungarian fleet is capable of improving the fighting conditions in Ukraine and the Caucasus, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire will also fight on the Eastern Front in the future, then promise these areas. Give it to them. We always want to give our allies some benefits, right?"

According to the German plan, the Baltic Sea coast and later Belarus were favored by Germany, and most of the Russian-owned Poland was also in Germany's pockets. However, after the end of the war, the allies must not be lost at all. ? So after much deliberation, I decided that the land of West Ukraine is good, large enough, and Germany is not easy to control. It is good to throw it to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Caucasus? In the eyes of the Prime Minister, it is really just a joke. If you have the ability, you can take it yourself!

West Ukraine in this era and later Western Ukraine are not a concept. Geographically speaking, the Austro-Hungarian Empire originally controlled part of the territory of later Western Ukraine, so this place is smaller. It is relatively far away from Germany, and most of them are agricultural areas with a large population, which is not very easy to control. Germany is not very interested, so the Kaiser also agreed to give this part of the poor area to his allies.

"Well, well, you can contact the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the name of the empire. The Ukrainian and Caucasus regions, they count as much as they can occupy!" The Kaiser made a decision.

"So what about the Turks?" The Prime Minister thought for a while and asked.

"Turkey? The deserts of the Middle East are not enough for them to occupy? And the colonies of North As long as we win, we will force Italy to give up." For the German Emperor, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was an important one. Partners, it can even be said that the only ally that can be considered improvised. So it must be kept, and sufficient benefits must be given to win over. As for Turkey? Then only hehe. If it were not for Ruprecht's insistence, the Kaiser would not even consider giving Turkey help and support.

"What's more, the deployment of the Austro-Hungarian fleet to Istanbul is also a move to support Turkey to some extent. From this point of view, they have no reason to oppose. We are helping him and giving them benefits. ?" said the Kaiser.

"Okay, I will immediately contact the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador to convey your opinion. In addition, who is better to help the Austro-Hungarian Empire build the navy?" the Prime Minister asked.

"Does this still need to be asked? Naturally, he is the good son-in-law given to King Fritz. From the point of view of Germany or the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he is the best choice." The German Emperor said with a smile.

"Yes, I think Emperor Fritz will also agree with this. But that prince may be busy recently." The Prime Minister said with a smile.

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