The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 648: Allied Mediterranean Fleet One

On the other hand, what about the Allied countries? The British Empire has two important strongholds in the Eastern Mediterranean. One is the island of Malta and the other is Alexandria. The island of Malta is a standard naval fortress, but Alexandria is a bit short. If the Turkish Army is strong, the Allied Mediterranean Fleet may even consider besieging the Suez Canal from both sea and land. Of course, the prince admitted that this probability would be a bit small if the German Army were not participating. But it is okay to threaten shipping from the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean. It is hard to say how many dreadnoughts the French Navy had at the beginning of World War I. Without the support of the British, the Allied Mediterranean Fleet and the hard steel would have a chance.

Of course, if the Italians were on the French side or the British sent a squadron into the Mediterranean, the situation would be different. The Allied Mediterranean fleet would have to withdraw to the Aegean Sea first and wait for the opportunity. If the British and French still want to have a Dardanelles landing battle like in history, then the Allied fleet will still retract to the Black Sea and defend according to the situation...

When General House and Earl Spey arrived in Munich, the preparation of the Allied Mediterranean Fleet was finally on the right track, and the first issue that needs to be resolved is the size of the Allied Mediterranean Fleet! Let’s not talk about the Turkish side, because we haven’t ventilated them yet, let’s talk about the size of the Austro-Hungarian fleet.

"Our new battleship is going to refer to your country’s Helgeland-class battleship. This battleship has superior performance, mature design, and moderate tonnage, which does not exceed the construction limit of our shipyard. The Empire originally planned to build three ships, but now, With the support of your country, we decided to build 4 ships. Then we will start construction of new warships." Admiral House said.

"What? Are you still working on a new battleship? What do you want?" The prince spit out frantically. If I remember correctly, the largest battleships in the Austro-Hungarian Empire are the 3 Radtz-class battleships. Moreover, it has not been completed yet, and it is estimated that the last battleship will be by the end of 2007. Then the major shipyards will prepare and upgrade. When the Helgeland-class battleship can be built, how can it be around 1908, and then it will take 3 to 4 years to build a super dreadnought ship, and wait until 1912. , It’s not bad that all 4 warships can be completed, and new warships need to be started?

"No, the current situation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire only requires 4 super fearless. It doesn't make sense to start building a new type of warship, because it can't be done during wartime. It's just a waste." The prince said.

"The scale your country requires is actually very good. Three Radtz-class battleships equipped with six 12-inch guns and two Mainz-class armored cruisers that we plan to give to the Mediterranean Fleet in the future, plus four new super Fearless and the Turkish fleet, I personally think that this size is enough. And it is also all the assets we can save before the war. If we add the Turkish fleet, we can have at least 6 Super Fearless and 3 ships. Quasi-fearless, and 3 armored cruisers, this kind of combat effectiveness is already very strong, at least I think it is enough."

"No, it's not enough. We only have a weak advantage over the French. I think we should concentrate on building a fleet that can overwhelm France when war starts. Not only can the Mediterranean be completely controlled, but it can also be an effective threat. Italy, let them make the right choice." General House said.

According to history, the size of the French fleet at the beginning of World War I was no more than 4 dreadnoughts, none of the super-dreadnoughts, and 6 quasi-dreadnoughts. In terms of tonnage, the French fleet may have an advantage, but if it is really pulled out, It’s really hard to say that 10 warships above the quasi-fearless fight 6 ultra-daunted and 3 quasi-daunted? How do you look at this? How to lose? Of course, the French may also be directly super fearless, but the quantity will not be able to accumulate for a while. Maybe after 1915, France can gain an advantage, but before 1915, let’s go to sleep. .

"But the attitude of Italy and the British support fleet are always two variables, and these two variables make us unable to deal with." Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

"Because of the existence of these two variables, my request for the Allied Mediterranean Fleet is only sufficient rather than completely overwhelming the opponent. Think about it, if the Italian Navy participates in the battle, they can still pass submarines and mines even without dreadnought ships. Blockade the narrow Adriatic Sea. The outer fleet can't enter, the inner fleet can't get out. Italy's value and fear lies here, not only in the strength of the Italian navy, but also in its geographical location. "

"Similarly, if the British are willing to support, this is also an unsolvable variable. The British have too many warships, and they now have 16 dreadnoughts of all kinds! Just pull out a squadron to stabilize. Living in the Mediterranean, and in the narrow Mediterranean, submarines, minelayers, and destroyers may cause huge damage to capital ships. Therefore, I don’t think the Allied Mediterranean fleet really has the strength to overwhelm the opponent in frontal engagement."

"The Mediterranean Fleet has only two campaign objectives. To completely defeat the Russian fleet in the direction of the Black Sea and prepare for the subsequent possible landing operations. The other objective is to cut off shipping in the Eastern Mediterranean. And look for opportunities to weaken the opponent. The latter can Relying on the main fleet, attacking with mine-laying ships and submarines as the main means ~ ~ Ruprecht said.

"And there is another problem that I think is difficult to solve. Emperor Fritz may not agree to call out the entire fleet, and it is very likely to hand over two dreadnoughts. In this case, the originally insufficient power will be dispersed. . The chance of winning a head-on battle with the Allied fleet will be lower. The two fleets are also easier to be divided. So our initial plan should still be safe, and actively engage in break-through operations under the cover of the main fleet."

"This is indeed an unavoidable question. His Majesty the Emperor Fritz will inevitably leave part of the fleet in the Adriatic Sea. In this case, it will be more difficult for us to overwhelm the French." Earl Spey, who has not spoken, Agree with the prince's words.

"I am not opposed to the Allied Mediterranean Fleet's fleet warfare, but I hope to be more secure. After all, the contingency of the fleet engagement is too great. The fault tolerance rate of the British and French is much higher than ours. For the Allied countries, the Mediterranean Shipping safety is the most important thing, and the fleet is just to ensure this, so I pay more attention to the destruction of the lines of communication than the decisive battle against the fleet. If the problem can be solved by a cheaper method, why have to take the risk? "The prince asked rhetorically.

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