The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2828: Onlooker three

Yes, although Russia has been severely weakened, it is still a strong and potential country. The United States has no reason to ignore such a country that has great potential and is hostile to us, so it will inevitably win over Russia. If it wants to establish stable relations with Russia, then the United States must have a direct route to Russia! It is impossible in Europe, and Japan is in Asia, so the only thing that can open a gap is Persia! Therefore, the Americans will use aid as bait to attract Russia and Persia on his side. If all goes well, a Russia-Caspian-Persia channel will be formed in West Asia, and it will serve as a strategy for the United States in this area. Support point! "

"The Americans’ material, financial, and technical assistance cannot be rejected by the Russians. They will stand with the Americans in order to confront us and to recover and develop themselves. Therefore, they directly sent troops into Persia to help the Persians. War is nothing unimaginable anymore." The crown prince said solemnly.

"If this is the case, relying solely on Bavaria's military power is indeed insufficient, and the power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot be mobilized excessively. We seem to be at a disadvantage?" Count Schelling frowned.

"Yes, in the face of various pressures, relying solely on one kingdom is really far from enough. This is why I choose to sit on the sidelines for the time being. To complete such a large layout, the entire empire must be required. As for Austria-Hungary On the empire side, we must also coordinate with the empire. We need to lay out carefully and invest our strength at the right time to completely overturn the situation when the Americans think they have won a complete victory." Ruprecht Said.

"Although the current situation is not suitable for us to take large-scale actions, we should not let the Americans advance their plans. There are some things we need to prepare in advance, and the various relations of the empire also need to be cleared in advance." Earl Schelling Suggested.

"The imperial problem is not serious. Believe me, my views on this issue are strikingly similar to those of the Kaiser. Many times the Grand Duke of Baden does not know what Kaiser wants to do, although they are close allies. Although they will not betray each other, the Grand Duke of Baden is not completely aware of some things the Kaiser did. This matter can be delayed in the central aspect.” Ruprecht’s words were very vague, but full of Gained confidence.

"Secondly, we also have a layout for Persia. This aspect is left to professionals. We have friends in Persia. Otherwise, we will not be able to successfully obtain a considerable portion of the oil fields originally owned by British companies in Persia. This There are too many shortcomings for outsiders, and you can rest assured about this."

"Thirdly, our layout in Turkey is still advancing. When in Turkey, General Caliput is in charge. The key point of Turkey’s layout is Kemal! I can tell you clearly now that Kemal is still our best A good choice, we did not give up this agent who has been preparing for more than ten years. However, if we want Kemal to cooperate with us sincerely, it cannot be what we ask Kemal to do, but Kemal You beg us!" Ruprecht said.

"His Royal Highness, I have no say in the first and second points. But with regard to Kemal's question, I would like to know that a man who has lost his reputation and status and has been declared a traitor by his own country, even life and death. For those who cannot be announced, does he have any room for maneuver? Is his value as great as we think? And how does Kemal take the initiative to cooperate with us?" Earl Schelling asked.

"The influence of Kemal in the high-level government has been cleared, but the energy of Kemal in the local, especially in the middle ranks of the army is beyond your imagination. In fact, this time our team's Kemal rescue operation It can be said that we and Kemal’s supporters did it together. They did not have Kemal’s orders, but as long as we convinced them and convinced them that we were to save their marshal, these people can join us without hesitation. And help us clear all kinds of obstacles. This kind of influence is hard to believe for those who have not experienced it. In fact, we have been evaluating Kemal’s influence and value, and the final result is worth investing in !"

"As for why Kemal took the initiative to cooperate with us, the reason is very simple. He is a patriot. When the situation in Turkey develops to a certain extent, when Kemal clearly realizes that domestic chaos will destroy him. When he was in his motherland, he would naturally look for us to cooperate, and by that time, he would use all his strength and wisdom to assist us. You don’t know how terrifying a person can be released under the inspiration of faith. I believe that the time for him to make this decision is definitely not far away." The crown prince said meaningfully.

The crown prince and Earl Schelling communicated for a long time, some of which were not in charge of Earl Schelling, but the crown prince still revealed part of it. The reason is simple. Ruprecht knew very well that the Earl Schelling in front of him actually represented Bavaria. A considerable number of people in the country have their loyalty to themselves based on their ability and foresight, and on the basis that the Bavarian kingdom can usher in new glory under the leadership of the crown prince. Therefore, the crown prince must ensure that they have enough confidence in themselves! And through Earl Schelling to tell everyone their crown prince is still full of ability and ambitious!

As for the issue of confidentiality, it goes without saying that, after all, Earl Schelling has served the Wittelsbach family for more than 30 years, so there will be a sense of what should be said about those things. And the crown prince said so much, in fact, the real core information has not been leaked.

The only thing that has some value is actually the final handling of Kemal. Earl Schelling will be responsible for some related matters sooner or later, so it is okay to inform in advance. But before that, Ruprecht still needs to arrange someone to test Kemal's current mood and attitude. And this man is naturally Kemal's old friend-General von Seckert!

"His Royal Highness, what is your order?" Von Seckett's voice came from the microphone.

"The time should be almost here. You can prepare to meet your old friends. If the plan goes well, you may still work together." Ruprecht said.

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