The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2827: Onlooker 2

Before the war, the fundamental reason why we maintained friendly relations with Turkey was because of Turkey's geographical location. We needed to have Turkey block all aid channels for Russia in Europe. But in the future, as we have expanded the territory to Transcaucasus, this demand has disappeared. Turkey's role has declined, so there is only one reason to continue this alliance, and that is that Turkey can provide considerable help to the empire. "The crown prince said.

"However, neither the Turkish sultan nor the Pashas meet this requirement. What kind of person the sultan is, you should be very clear. He is a mixture of a decadent king and a religious leader. He is short-sighted and does not listen to persuasion. Counting on him to accomplish this goal is tantamount to asking for fish."

"Pasha, who came from the Young Turkish Party, is also not a good choice. Although they are relatively stronger than Sudan, in the final analysis, they are still a mixture of old aristocrats and ultra-nationalists. They fantasize to pass some Small changes in the system want to strengthen a country, they are still suppressing the civilian class. For other ethnic and religious believers in the country, it can be described as hostility. During the war, the purge of the Turkish cavalry in the Mesopotamia shows that This problem is solved, and you and I know that if a country is not awakened from the bottom up, then it is absolutely difficult for it to become a powerful country."

"And Kemal is different. In fact, compared to those of his colleagues, Kemal is closer to Europeans, and many of his ideas are similar to ours. He is committed to the well-being and awakening of the people, and he has the means of thunderbolt. , But at the same time tolerant, he is more capable than others, and has a very good prestige."

"Of course, this is only an important reason for us to choose him, and another important reason is his firm determination to secularize the government! He decided to completely separate religion from the government and establish a secular government instead of a mixed state and church. No one else! He has almost changed all the problems that can be changed. Maybe in addition to the special status of the army, he has done the best. So, if I think, for this most suitable ally, we should pay Some price and proper wait!" said the crown prince.

"We can give Kemal some time, but it doesn't mean we can't make some decorations in Turkey." Earl Schelling said.

"This waiting is also necessary, because we need to let Turkey’s old and nationalist forces lose their lives in this turmoil! If there are many bad things that want to be uprooted, then there is only war. After all the bad things are wiped out, building a new country will be more convenient!"

"In this civil strife, whether it is the government or religious leaders, whether it is the aristocracy or the bourgeoisie, they will suffer heavy losses. There is no doubt that they will also suffer heavy losses. The nationalists among the people will also suffer heavy losses. The foundation is nothing more than two points. The first point is the so-called national self-esteem and inheritance, and the agitation of the upper class or careerists. The other point is that the people at the bottom believe that if they are governed by their own people, they will live a life. Better! And the latter point is very important!"

"Therefore, we want to start with extreme nationalism from these two directions. War will naturally clean up some of the careerists and the upper class. The disasters brought about by war will also calm down the fanatics at the bottom. When they find that nationalism is not only If it fails to bring about revival, it will only bring disaster and death, then this foundation will be shaken, and if the rulers who come to power are more skilled, then nationalism can be calmed very quickly. Therefore, the wait is actually for Turkey The people have a more sober understanding!" said the crown prince.

"When the subjects of the Ottoman Empire have experienced the most turbulent and darkest period, their psychological expectations will be very low, and they will have a very high affinity for Germany, which helps them restore order, and will hate the United States for participating in this turmoil. Afterwards, pro-German and Austrian opposition to the United States will become one of the iron laws in the Turkish political arena in the future. No matter who comes to power in the future, they must stand with us. We have also demonstrated strength and tenderness, and the Americans will not only hate Nothing was gained!" said the crown prince.

"This is your overall plan? Is that the whole reason you decided to delay?" Earl Schelling asked.

"Of course not. In fact, although the Turkish Empire is an important support point for our layout in the Middle East, it is not the only one! The Americans are like this this time, and so are we," the crown prince said.

"Turkey is not the only goal of the Americans? What about their other goal?" Earl Schelling asked. For the first time, he felt that everything he knew was not true!

"Yes, they also have a goal. Many things in the world are interrelated. The Americans have made too many preparations for subverting Turkey, and have prepared for the post-war Middle East layout. They are dealing with Turkey's At the same time, they are also wooing Persia, and they are also discussing with Persia about the plan to launch an offensive against Turkey in the event of Turkish civil Ruprecht said.

"Well, with Persia's military and economic strength alone, they have no ability to expand. Even if the Americans provide a large amount of weapons and funds, they do not have a sufficient number of troops. Persia was the sphere of influence of Russia and the British before. This country has a very tight view on Persia's military power. The war has only been over three years, does Persia really have this ability?" Count Schelling said in surprise.

"Persia may indeed not have a sufficiently trained army, but there is a country where he has the most indispensable fighters. This country is very willing to exchange a large number of cheap soldiers for machinery, technology, capital, and even food. And this country and Persia are just separated by a huge inland lake." Ruprecht said with a smile.

"Huge inland lake?" Earl Schelling frowned slightly. "Are you talking about the Caspian Sea? You mean the Russians may also be involved in this matter? Why are they? Because of the American aid? Are the Americans planning to do so? Relying on Russian power to help Persia realize its expansion? Then use American funds and Russian troops to completely tie this country to American tanks? "When I thought of this, Earl Schelling couldn't help but fought a cold war!

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