The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2829: The Panicked Kemer

"The Sudanese ban has passed the Fertile Crescent and entered the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. They will take over the troops that were hit hard before, and then retaliate against the Arab tribes."

"Leta Pasha stationed in the Mesopotamia is mobilizing troops to encircle the Kurds in the north and the Arab insurgents in the south, but the progress is not going well. At the same time, due to the problem of the rebellion, we are harvesting in the oil fields of the Mesopotamia. When the impact is severe, we can only guarantee that the oil in the southern region can be exported by sea. However, even in the southern region, oil production has been reduced due to strikes or other reasons."

"Military problems do not seem to be very serious now. The most serious ones are internal political confrontations and economic problems. The conflict between Sudan and Zemal has gradually become more apparent, although due to the internal situation, the two sides still There is no final break, but it is impossible to return to the situation in the past. Both sides are very confident in their own strength. Sudan has obtained a lot of supplies and weapons from Germany and Austria. Zemal Pasha seems to have acquired the Americans. s help."

"As for the economic problems, the empire’s treasury was emptied due to years of war. Before, we could rely on oil exports in exchange for foreign exchange. But now, as the oil fields in the Mesopotamia have suffered losses, our oil exports have plummeted. . And the large number of personnel deployed in the war has led to a lack of sufficient labor in agriculture and infrastructure. Turmoil, wars and internal struggles are constantly weakening the empire. The prospects are very bad, my marshal." Belsson said with a sad face. .

At this time, in a villa on the outskirts of Vienna, Kemal and his adjutant Belson were studying the current situation in Turkey on the sand table, yes, they were studying. Prince Ruprecht was right to say that Kemal is a true patriot. He loves his country deeply and wants to help his country change and go under any circumstances. development of. This has nothing to do with his personal situation. For his country, he can deal with the Italians in the deserts of Libya, and fight the British and French forces on the plains of Asia Minor. It is even possible for Americans to act behind their former friends and allies for national interests! For his country, he can do anything. Even deal with the devil!

But now, he finally regretted it. If the Germans are not really suitable friends, then the Americans are a total demon to Turkey! They didn't want Turkey to rise at all, and they didn't even want to keep Turkey away from Germany! After analyzing the current situation, Kemal believes that the Americans are using Turkey's own ambitions and differences to dismember Turkey!

"Well, put the information you collected on the table, I want to be alone." Kemal said to his adjutant. From the moment Kemal was rescued, he has been thinking about the purpose of the Germans. Although Karl Juss has always stated that the help provided by Bavaria is solely based on the previous friendship, he has the dual identity of a politician and a soldier. How can Morr believe it? Pure friendship? How much is this worth? Is 5000 marks enough? According to his instinct, Kemal believes that the Germans will come to him at a suitable time and cooperate with him!

But now it seems that this is not the case? The arrangement of the Germans cannot be said to be inconsiderate. I met my family and subordinates on the 5th day after arriving in Vienna. then? Then I have been on vacation until now, and the movement of family members and subordinates has hardly been restricted. At least on the surface, all the expenses of Kemal and his party have been provided by the Austrian-Hungarian side. Various services are considered attentive. If only in terms of quality of life, this is better than in Turkey!

So, after experiencing the initial waiting, Kemal couldn’t help himself. He began to send his subordinates to collect information. However, as a person with little access in Vienna, the information he could collect was The so-called newspaper... Then Kemal and his adjutant began to look for clues in the newspaper. Use this to analyze the current situation in Turkey. At this time, Kemal has become a rich idler, but this does not prevent him from cherishing his motherland in far away Vienna!

Although intelligence is so scarce, as a former high-level in the Turkish government, Kemal can still draw a general context from it. Just now, everything that Belsson said was too optimistic. In fact, in Kemal It seems that the situation in Turkey is worse than this!

Turkey’s problem is not only in the domestic fighting and the war on the Arabian Peninsula. In the east of the empire, the Mesopotamia is second only to Asia Minor in importance. A storm is also brewing, and Kemal has already smelled it. The smell of blood!

Kemal went to the table and took out a newspaper from the newspaper. The content of this newspaper is very simple, but it is a large arms trade between Skoda and Persia. A large number of rifles, machine guns and ammunition accumulated during the war were sold to this place very far from Europe at a very low price. , But a country very close to Turkey! In the eyes of this is nothing more than a simple arms trade, but in Kemal's eyes, it is full of conspiracy!

Because Kemal knew that the size of the Persian army would certainly not be able to consume so much armaments! And more importantly, the Persian army is not based on virtues, but on beautiful weapons! As an important neighbor of Turkey, how many troops does Persia have? All regular troops and reserve troops together do not exceed the number of German integrated divisions! That is, there are 100,000 people up and down. They already have some weapons. At this time, if there is no accident, what is the purpose of Persia's procurement of so many arms?

Moreover, Kemal is very clear that Persia's current weapons and equipment are mainly beautiful! The layout of the Americans in Persia was actually very early! After the war was not over, but the Allied powers had shown signs of decline, the Americans had begun to contact Persia, provided Persia with a large amount of weapons and equipment at a price that was almost free, and sent officers to train the Persian army. Well, now the question is coming. Under the normal organization, the Persians who will never lack weapons, why would they buy a large number of German weapons at this time?

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