The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2782: Cut into two

The single-mounted 120MM artillery in the bow was hit by at least 3 rounds before it fired a few rounds. The barrel weighing more than 2 tons was directly blown into several sections, and the gun shield and servo were restored to a pile. Metal fragments, among the tons of metal fragments, are dots of black and red blood and minced meat.

The horrible steel storm baptized the Qiuyue from beginning to end. The violent attack drowned the battleship abruptly, and after a few minutes, it turned into a hulk floating on the sea.

The second is the destroyer Taitokaze, resisting the opponent's attack hard, and fired a torpedo to prevent the opponent from advancing. The two sides hit the distance from 3,500 meters to the nearest 800 meters. There are many Americans and Japan. People resisted stubbornly. In the end, the Taitokaze and an American destroyer died together. Both died from torpedoes launched by the other. With the two groups of water columns rising almost at the same time, the two destroyers were sunk!

"All fires intercept the opponent's destroyer! The fleet mainly keeps a distance and prepares to evade!" The Japanese reacted very quickly. More than 200 artillery pieces of medium caliber and above on 12 battleships were aimed at the sea not far away. Choose your own target, and in an instant, the halo like a volcanic eruption envelops the entire fleet, and the Japanese fleet once again fired their terrifying firepower!

So, the Japanese once again told everyone with facts that in the battle on the fundamentalist battleline, the hordes of battleships are not afraid of any unit except their counterparts!

Boom! As the intensive rain of bullets fell on the sea, a curtain of water columns covered the path of the American destroyers. At this moment, they were as helpless as fishing boats struggling in the storm. Under the fate of impermanence, they Struggle, they struggle, but these behaviors will not hinder death in the least! In less than 2 minutes, there were three huge explosions in the attacking US destroyer queue! Thousands of tons of destroyers were destroyed and abandoned like consumables. The timely counterattack by the Japanese fleet seemed to stop the American assault!

"Is the target chosen?" Raidel asked.

"It's very bad. Our intended target was obstructed by the water curtain and smoke raised by the shells. Only the target in the east seemed easier to identify." An officer said.

"Damn it, then the target from the east! Yes, that's it! Get out! Kill him!" Raidel said anxiously. The so-called, the more complicated the plan, the more likely to have problems, and in this battle, problems did occur. The target that Raidle wanted to destroy quickly was obscured, so he could only aim the muzzle at those hard bones!

"I hope Sims can follow up immediately." Raidel prayed silently in his heart. "Attack! Kill them!" Following Riddle's command, the Mecklenburg battleship rushed out of the smoke at almost the highest combat speed, waving its weapons towards the distance like the legendary Titans. The old enemy has issued a challenge! The target of Mecklenburg is a Fuso-class battleship Tosa. This guy is a bit tough and might be difficult to kill in a short time.

Behind Riddle, the two armored cruisers of Jr. Fletcher aimed at the Fuso-class battleship Takaha in front of Tosa. As the distance quickly narrowed, the three battleships crazily tilted their ammunition towards the two Japanese battleships. !

"Damn it, where did the battleship come out?" The Tosa, who had focused its artillery fire on the destroyer, was a little dizzy at the first time. The distance between the two sides was very close, and all the main guns were close to the top of the turret. The rangefinder to lock the target! The performance of the German fleet is as good as ever. In these short minutes, even if the speed and angle changes are not ideal, Riddle still scored a hit, and the fighting distance between the two sides was shortened to about 11,000 meters! This distance can be regarded as a close combat!

A dazzling fire burst out on the sidestring of the Tosa. At this distance, the proud Fuso-class armor finally collapsed under the attack of German 15-inch shells! This shell hit the middle of the hull, violently piercing the heavy sloping armor of the Fuso, leaving a huge bullet hole in the hull.

Subsequently, the shell, which was on the verge of disintegration, went all the way down, penetrated a deck and exploded outside the Tosa's power cabin. The shock wave generated by the explosion directly blasted the next wall of the power cabin to pieces, and several tons of fragments. An indiscriminate coverage attack was carried out on the burning boiler and hundreds of personnel. A series of explosions and flashes came from the Tosa. This attack was extremely fierce and directly lost nearly one-third of the power source of the Tosa!

However, this is not over yet. Mecklenburg once again swung the long sword in her hand and came fiercely under Tosa's No. 3 turret. The 320mm thick gun mount armor also did not block this fierce blow. The arc-shaped armor was easily cut open like butter. Then, with the ignition of the fuze, the entire dressing room turned into a sea of ​​fire, and a fire dragon spewed out from the connection of the No. 3 as if Small-scale explosions like popping beans came one after another. Thick smoke and flames began to spread uncontrollably inside the hull, and the Tosa, which was hit twice in a row at close range, was already showing signs of decline!

The two armored cruisers of Little Fletcher also tilted towards the distant Kobo. However, they were different from the Mecklenburg knife and blood attack. Even at such a close range, the 10-inch artillery killed them. The force still makes people unable to look directly! There were continuous explosions and vibrations on the hull of the Gaobo. However, the heavy armor of the warship easily bounced off the armor-piercing projectiles fired by the Fleet Fletcher fleet, and even because the ammunition charge was too small, even the fire effect was not enough. Not surprisingly, the Gaobo is like a reloaded knight charging in a rain of arrows, countless clusters of arrows bounced off easily by the plate armor, and then the knight knocked down the fragile enemy to the ground with one blow!

"Damn it!" Little Fletcher looked at the scene behind him, and a few drops of cold sweat fell from the top of his head. Just a few seconds ago, the Baltimore was shot! A 15-inch shell from the Gaobo hit the Baltimore 2 turret! Without any accident, this 15-inch armor-piercing projectile easily penetrated the 10-inch armor on the front of the Baltimore turret like a hot knife cutting butter, and then slammed into the ammunition rack at the back of the turret. The violent explosion directly destroyed the hundreds of tons of turret, and the impact of the ammunition also severely damaged the kilometer No. 1 turret. As a result, less than 3 minutes after the Baltimore fired, the Baltimore was scrapped. Half the firepower! Although the fire door blocked the fire dragon leading to the ammunition depot, the fire still spread on the ship's surface.

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