The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2783: Melee One

And just before Fletcher's vision shifted away, the Baltimore had another big explosion! This time it seemed to hit the motor compartment behind the No. 3 turret. It was also an unsuspecting breakdown. Then there were explosions, fires, and the suspension of the artillery servo equipment. The Baltimore No. 3 turret was stuck at a fixed angle. , So, in less than a minute, this U.S. state-of-the-art armored cruiser has been scrapped!

Afterwards, the Gaobo ignored the remaining armored cruiser at all, and aimed its muzzle at the battleship Mecklenburg that rushed forward! At a distance of only 10 kilometers, the high dial also left scars on the strongest first-class battleship during the war!

"What's the situation!" Feeling the vibration of the battleship, Raidel asked loudly.

"We were hit, the right-string main armor belt was hit, and one of our steel plate back plates was shattered. The entire armor plate was pushed back by a full half a meter. The broken back plate fragments damaged the right side of the battleship. Boiler water condenser!" A military official reported.

"Fix it now! Damn it. Where is Sims?" Raidel said as he looked at the two Japanese battleships that were gradually starting to exert force in the distance.

However, the voice was not over yet, another 15-inch shell hit Mecklenburg’s No. 1 turret. Although this shot did not penetrate the front of the battleship’s 400mm thick turret, the violent explosion and vibration remained. The servo equipment of one of the artillery was destroyed. In this one-on-two close-range battle, Raidel keenly realized that he would soon be at a lower peak. This battle still gave some estimates of the strength of both parties. The problem is that the two latest American armored cruisers can't even contain a Fuso, and the result of 2 to 1 is to make Mecklenburg a dangerous situation!

Well, the question now is, what are the other battleships doing while Raedel and Jr. Fletcher are fighting with the two Fuso-class battleships? What is Sims doing? What are the other battleships of the Japanese combined fleet doing?

At the beginning of the war, there were 16 main forces in the U.S. fleet with more than 10,000 tons. Up to now, two old armored cruisers have been sunk, another old armored cruiser was seriously injured, and one of the two new armored cruisers was seriously damaged. The other boat is paddling beside... There is no way, even if it is close to 10 kilometers, it is unrealistic how much Fletcher wants to hit Fusang. According to the original script, it should be Raidel who used this wave of lightning to kill the Yichuo, and the two ships The armored cruiser killed Hiei...

However, due to some accidental factors, under the obstacle of smoke and barrage, Riddle and Jr. Fletcher successfully cut into the formation of the Japanese fleet, but did not block the two weak ships. But even so, Sims still brought together 10 American battleships and the remaining Japanese combined fleet! These include 2 Nagato-class battleships, 4 Fuso-class battleships, Ibuki and Hiei, and two original dreadnoughts Hanoi and Settsu!

To be honest, this cut-in tactic is considered successful. After the Raidel fleet used the smoke to cut in quickly, it temporarily disrupted the deployment and command system of the Japanese fleet. If the eight strongest Japanese warships are ready to withdraw, they can leave. , But the last Ibuki, Hiei, Hanoi, and Settsu are about to remain. Ibuki and Hiei have been severely damaged by Raidel and their speed has dropped. The two dreadnoughts have no speed advantage over the American battleships. Not to mention that there are a large number of destroyers to contain lightning strikes. Therefore, if the Japanese withdrew 8 warships, they would temporarily become 4 old Japanese warships facing the entire American fleet. Then it won't take long for these 4 warships to die! The Japanese fleet also lost.

But at a critical moment, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu and Betty still withstood the pressure, and they did not leave! Instead, they used the destroyer to delay time while immediately reorganizing the formation. In addition, the two Fuso-class battleships that Riddle was biting, allowed the four weak ships behind to quickly merge with the main fleet to face the Sims fleet, the Japanese fleet maintained the most basic formation, the US fleet Won the opportunity to get close to the fight to the death, in the game just now, neither of the two sides can talk about winning!

The combat distance between the battleships of the two sides has been shortened from the previous 17 kilometers to 12 kilometers! At this distance, the accuracy of the artillery attack on both sides has become extremely accurate, and the armor-piercing ability of the armor-piercing projectile has also been strengthened. Therefore, in this 10v10 battle, the two fleets will start a **** close battle.

"From the current situation, it seems that the Japanese fleet is weaker?" Sims said in his heart. He has never been so confident in victory as he is now!

Sims quickly calculated the power balance between the two sides in his mind. Although everyone is 10v10 in terms of numbers, the actual situation is that the 4 battleships on the opposite side can only be described as soy sauce to a large extent. Ibuki and Hiei are already Was Although the situation of the two first-generation dreadnoughts is better, even if the distance between the two sides is very close, it is still not possible to expect 12 artillery and unimproved armor-piercing shells to penetrate the 13.5-inch armor of the American battleship realistic! Sims felt that the advantage was great, and then Sims came up!

"Immediately send a telegram to Tosa and Takaha. I require at least one of them to support the main fleet! Send a signal to Mutsu! Let's first target two new American battleships equipped with 16-inch guns! After they are hit hard, we will be able to stabilize the situation!" In terms of tactics, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu is still somewhat good. In the 10v10 situation, he quickly grasped the key point of the problem-the most threatening US fleet There are still two 16-inch battleships. These two battleships can pose a deadly threat to any Japanese battleship at this distance, so they must not be allowed to function!

As a result, the four most powerful battleships of the two navies fought fiercely. At this distance, the two sides launched a **** and cruel battle like an egg with a hammer. Almost at the same time, Nagato and Colorado left a deep scar on each other's body!

A 16-inch shell from the Nagato hit the lower part of the armor of the No. 4 turret mount of the Colorado. At this distance, even the 15-inch thick armor failed to block the 16-inch armor-piercing shell from 11,000 meters away. The 16-inch shell was very reluctant to penetrate. At the last moment of penetration, the last point of armor was pierced by an explosion. However, the Colorado 4th turret was completely crippled, and now, this American ship There are only 4 main guns that can be used on the navy flagship!

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