The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2781: Cut one

Maybe, he can find many reasons to justify himself, maybe in the summary after the war, the battle is considered a success, but the most difficult thing for a person to deceive is his own heart.

"Give orders to all fleets, we are going to take the initiative!" Sims took a deep breath and said. The operation was fierce as a tiger, and the tactics were very useful, but it did not mean that they did not pay the price. To be honest, although the U.S. fleet finally dismantled the Japanese Navy’s aviation superiority through clever tactics, now there are only 14 main forces that can be used. Three of them were armored cruisers, and the battle conditions were worse than before the arrival of Japanese bombers! If you want to open the battle line and fight, you will definitely not win, so the US fleet can only fight for one!

At the same time, on the other side of the smog, the Japanese fleet was also somewhat trapped, and the bomber unit had already begun to return, before returning. As for the results, it seems that two large battleships were sunk? However, there are different opinions on the type of the two battleships. Some said that two battleships were sunk, some said that it was two armored cruisers, and some said that one battleship and one armored cruiser... The thick fog obscured the battlefield, making the Japanese fleet somewhat uncertain.

(Actually, there are many cases of mistaken warships in naval battles. For example, in the second battle, the two Scharnhorst-class battlecruisers that were chased by the Prestige were chased by the two Scharnhorst-class battlecruisers, because the latter thought it was time to meet It’s Nelson, well, Nelson who can run nearly 30 knots...)

"The smoke has begun to dissipate." Studdy said as he looked at the ship's shadow gradually clearing in the distance.

"It seems that the U.S. fleet is in a more chaotic state?" Shimamura said, putting down the telescope in his hand. "I feel that we don’t need to hesitate now. No matter what the bombers have achieved, as long as they do destroy two large warships, we have expanded our advantage. And now, the US fleet is also very chaotic, close, and then take advantage of the chaos. Enlarging the results is the best choice. We are launching an offense now, at the speed at which the smoke dissipates. When we can carry out effective shelling, the distance between us and the opponent is about 13 kilometers to 14 kilometers. At this distance, we have It is quite certain that it can penetrate the American’s main armor belt, and this distance is enough to stop the opponent’s lightning strikes."

"Yeah, we are now firmly on the winning ticket. We were the advantage on the battle line before, and now it is even more so. The Americans have the advantage of destroyers, but we will not get too close. If it is impossible, we can temporarily retreat and avoid it. I think, as long as we don’t make big mistakes in our decision-making, we should be sure of this battle. The efficiency of continuing to shoot at long distances is too low, and our ammunition may not be enough.” At this moment, Betty finally expressed his opinion, and What is rare is that he and Hayao Shimamura agree with each other!

For this decisive battle, the Japanese have also been preparing for a long time, cautiously and a little bit to establish an advantage. Until now, at least the advantage on paper is already very large. It makes no sense to give up at this time, and to be honest, Betty There is no reason to give up. The US fleet is now in chaos, and the only threatening destroyer squadron can just keep away. There is no reason not to beat the dog in the water while in chaos!

"Then let's start!" Yoshimatsu Shigeru Taro finally issued the final command of the general offensive. According to the pre-war plan, the Japanese combined fleet will approach the target at a distance of about 13,500 meters, and completely hit the opponent with precise and fierce heavy artillery fire. Reap the target with a destroyer! This will be the pinnacle of the entire battle!

"The Japanese fleet is coming up!" At this time, as the smoke gradually dissipated, the US fleet also found the Japanese fleet approaching at a small angle. The opponent was walking very carefully, and the approach speed was not fast!

"Tell General Ryder that he and his fleet can attack at any time, and he will be the horn of the entire US fleet to launch a counterattack!" Sims said.

"Unexpectedly, after a few hundred years, we would actually adopt Sir Nelson's famous cut-in tactics at the Battle of Trafalgar." After receiving Sims's telegram, Rader couldn't help but smile.

"General, General Fletcher Jr. has sent a telegram, and his fleet and associated destroyer squadron are in place, and we can launch an attack at any time." Nimitz said.

A few minutes later, the US fleet came up with the last killer in this battle! Cut into tactics!

"Madan, this is another life of nine deaths!" Raidel said in his heart. Raidel felt more and more that he and Su Xiong could always meet in a very harsh environment on the battlefield. During the war, he was surrounded by Thomas and then by the Japanese fleet. After the war, he went to the Pacific Ocean. He always felt that the US fleet had an overall advantage. My situation is better, but how in the New Irish Island naval battle, he and Su Xiong still have to face the overwhelming Japanese combined fleet, and this time it is still the case! Fortunately, although the previous battles were dangerous, there was always no danger. And this time, I hope so!

"14 kilometers!" From the data provided by the fire control, the two sides are very close, and the average speed of the Radel fleet can be at least 26 knots. 26 knots is the current limit speed of Mecklenburg. Fletcher and at least 18 destroyers have speeds above 28 knots... The Japanese fleet is a battle line configuration, it is impossible to change its formation easily, and the speed is only 17 knots. Then, if you bury your head and cut the Japanese fleet formation horizontally, you can bring the distance close enough to make the Japanese fleet feel trembling in about ten minutes!

"American destroyer!" The destroyer Taitokaze and 3 other destroyers were the first Japanese warships to face the American fleet! The U.S. Navy destroyer that burst out of the billowing smoke not far away shocked the Japanese! At first it was one or two After ten seconds, more and more figures appeared from the smoke. With a rough glance, the destroyer on the opposite side was at least twice as large as my own!

The Japanese fleet is about 14 kilometers away from the US fleet, and the distance between the destroyers acting as cover forces will only get closer! In fact, when the two sides met, the average distance between the destroyers was only 4000 meters!

The so-called enemy meets extremely jealous! The two sides started fighting without saying a word! The God of War naturally tends to have more boats and more guns! The destroyer Akizuki is the closest Japanese warship to the US fleet, so at the beginning, this boat with a displacement of only more than 900 tons was attacked by at least three destroyers with a gross tonnage of 4,500 tons and more than 10 medium calibers. The naval guns were frantically sweeping this poor Japanese destroyer, and every minute, several tons of high-explosive bombs fell around the Akizuki.

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