The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2780: Bait Two

When the bomber engine sounded like the scream of a bird of prey, several destroyers rushed out of the smoke. These destroyers frantically opened fire with all the anti-air weapons on board, trying to disperse the death gods in the air. Let the Japanese determine the value of their target! Perhaps some people have discovered that this battleship is not the main battleship of the U.S. Navy, but most people still chose to attack and drop precious bombs or torpedoes!

Along with the roar of various small and medium-caliber rapid-fire guns, a series of tracer shells flew in the air. Four destroyers spread out beside the Juno, forming a dense fire net over the armored cruiser. The first aircraft was After cutting off the half-stretched wings and turning into the sea, the fuselage of the second bomber was opened with a hole as large as a basin. The plane was like a frightened bird, it quickly threw the bomb into the sea and then turned and fled. But more planes crossed the fire net and launched a deadly attack on the target!

In the first round, 5 500kg bombs were thrown at this poor warship within 2 minutes. After using mobility to dodge 3 of them, the other two shots sturdily on the hull of the Juno. In the front and center, the Japanese used semi-armor-piercing bombs this time, specifically for the key protection of American battleships. The blockbuster that hit the bow of the ship exploded after it penetrated two decks, and the violent vibration caused the armored cruiser. The front part of the bow exploded in a mess. The bomb hitting the middle of the hull successfully destroyed a third of the Juno flue and penetrated the main horizontal armor!

More than 100 kilograms of picric acid explosive exploded on the top of Juno’s boiler warehouse, and tons of fragments fell from the sky, and an indiscriminate attack was carried out on one-third of the boiler warehouse. The boiler weighed more than ten tons. A large number of pipelines and the officers and soldiers busy in the boiler room were blown to pieces. They were mixed together, and they could no longer be separated from each other. High-temperature and high-pressure water vapor and flames raged in the cabin. They ignited everything that can be burned. Against the background of heavy smoke, you can also see the fire in central Juno.

After the first round of attacks, there were two more torpedo attacks. More and more Japanese land-based attack aircraft joined the attack queue. They rushed towards the target like bloodthirsty sharks. The ammunition they had used was already Enough to kill the target more than 2 times! More than 10 torpedoes were launched. Under the oversaturation attack, this poor old cruiser did not last long. With two violent explosions, the Juno was blown into three stages and finally sank. In the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean.

"Okay, Juno has completed his mission, now it's up to us. Order the warship to turn left at a compass point, keep the speed above 19 knots, pay attention to avoid bombs and torpedoes!" When it exploded, another old-fashioned armored cruiser, Brooklyn, also sailed out of smoke. Captain Alden stood on the bridge and commanded without fear. Just like the countless orders issued in his previous military career, calm, clear and clear!

"We are the second warship named after the Brooklyn in the history of the American cruiser. Our ancestors, the first 10,000-ton-class armored cruiser in the history of the U.S. Navy, joined forces in the distant Philippines and Japan for the benefit of the United States 20 years ago. The fleet fights to the end. They are the warriors, the toughest and most respectable existence of the United States Navy, and today, it is our turn to inherit the spirit and will of our predecessors. We are fearless, just for the moment of victory!" Before the war, Colonel Alden knew his mission and acted as a decoy when the situation deteriorated. This deterioration not only refers to the current Japanese bombers, but also includes leading the destroyer detachment when the fleet is on the verge of collapse. Make a desperate counterattack. For this rather tragic task, Colonel Alden gladly accepted and wrote these words in his diary!

"We found another large battleship! It burst out of smoke!" A sharp-eyed pilot spotted the Brooklyn, and then he and his fleet rushed to the sea with howling. The second wave of attacks began, this time as many as 18 bombers and torpedo planes rushed towards the target.

Facing the death **** descending from the sky, the Brooklyn began to counterattack. Dozens of anti-aircraft artillery and machine guns of various calibers on the ship began to shoot into the air. With the explosion of the shells, black dots were densely covered in the air. It can do better, but in the previous battle, two 12-inch shells that hit the hull smashed the thick anti-aircraft artillery array, and the Brooklyn performed better than the previous Juno. It's worse.

The Japanese attack was more coordinated than the previous attack on the Juno. First, fighters and bombers that dropped their loads came in. They used a large number of machine guns and machine guns to sweep the Brooklyn deck and anti-aircraft gun positions. Thousands of warheads hopped between the deck and the superstructure. They are the elves of death, the unlucky ones caught off guard by the reapers. The power of the 20mm shell is so huge that it can even directly smash half of the human body. The bullets of the large-caliber machine gun fall like raindrops, leaving **** traces in the gun location area!

Soon Under the attack of Japanese aviation forces, Brooklyn also ushered in its own end! Four 500kg bombs and at least three torpedoes hit the armored cruiser built 15 years ago. The violent explosion tore pieces of steel plates from the battleship. On the hull, flames were like flowing magma. It spread across the deck. Below the waterline, the Japanese attack left three deep scars on the hull. Every minute, hundreds of tons of seawater poured into the hull. They washed the next door and flooded it. The boiler warehouse, overflowing one cabin after another, left a struggling US Navy officer in the sea forever.

With a violent explosion resounding through the battlefield, the Brooklyn also sank, and it also died from excessive damage output. However, when the Brooklyn sank to the bottom of the sea, the attack by the Japanese bombers came to an end. Although there are still some planes hovering in the air, the combat effectiveness of the Japanese bomber forces has also been greatly weakened.

"We used two armored cruisers to prevent the two battleships from being seriously injured or sunk. This seems to be a good deal." Sims pretended to be relaxed, but in reality, his shaking hands betrayed him. In the mood at this time, the U.S. Navy has already paid too much blood and sacrifices in the Battle of Taragen Island.

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