The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2698: Operation Storm One

Is everything ready? "Sims asked while standing on the bridge of the flagship USS Colorado.

"Everything is ready. All the battleships are in place. Our battleship force is divided into 2 detachments. The first battleship detachment includes Colorado, Maryland, German battleships Mecklenburg, Tennessee, California, Idaho, New Mexico, Mississippi. The second battleship detachment is composed of Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada. The former is our attacking main fleet and the latter is to cover our aircraft carrier.” Majifen said on the side. .

The Americans finally hit Lagen Island with a heavy hammer or the main artillery group of the American battleship! These warships can fire more than 6 tons of ammunition in one round. The output is definitely far more than the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier. Just like the Japanese joint fleet launched an attack at night, this time, the Americans also chose to attack at night. According to the previous plan, the U.S. fleet will launch its final sprint before nightfall. The 8 most elite battleships of the First Battleship Squadron will arrive at the sea near Taragen Island overnight at a speed of 20 knots, and spend thousands of them at night. Tons of ammunition to cover this area!

Some people may have said that the Japanese fleet originally chose to attack at night because of its lack of strength. Now that the US fleet has a huge advantage, why not launch an attack during the day? The reason is simple. Don’t forget that Taragen Island is not only an important oil field, but also an important port. There are a large number of Japanese merchant ships. The target of the US Navy is not only the oil fields on the island, but also the merchant fleet. If the U.S. fleet gets too close during the day, it will undoubtedly be discovered. If the Japanese merchant ship is gone, it may also be retaliated by the Japanese land-based aviation force during the day!

Therefore, the Americans chose the most secure method and modified the final plan. The attacking fleet started at 100 nautical miles away, which is about 180 kilometers away, and fragile warships such as aircraft carriers should be as far away as possible from the opponent’s land-based aviation forces. , And dispatched fighter jets to cover the retreating first battleship squadron at dawn. Then, depending on the situation, the U.S. Navy estimated that it would not need to send carrier-based aircraft to continue attacking this port. But how to say it, Ma Jifen thinks that it will not, because if thousands of tons of battleship shells cannot solve the problem, then carrier-based aircraft Even worse.......

As for the three battleships of the Second Fleet? Their speed is too slow, and the construction time is a bit long. It is a bit difficult for them to maintain a high speed of 20 knots to carry out the battle, and then withdraw from the battlefield at the same speed after the fight. Considering that the precious aircraft carrier must be provided Protection, all Americans choose to let them stay next to the aircraft carrier.

"The 5 aircraft carriers are still grouped according to the previous group, but they will gather together at night. They will accept the protection of the Second Battleship Squadron, the Second Armored Cruiser Squadron, and at least 4 destroyer squadrons. We have considered the anti-submarine and surface warships that may launch. However, considering that the Japanese fleet is far away in the Davao area and should not have made the final preparations, the risk is not high.” Ma Jifen continued.

"Then it is the first armored cruiser squadron that cooperated with the first battleship squadron to launch an attack. This cruiser squadron is composed of newly served fast armored cruisers. They are powerful and fast and will be the best forward guard fleet in the world." Ma Jifen continued.

"Really? Better than the German battlecruiser squadron?" Sims said jokingly.

"Are the German and British battlecruisers definitely stronger, but unfortunately, most of them have become the dust of history, so now, our avant-garde fleet is the strongest." Majifen said, To be honest, he really likes these fast battleships with a displacement of more than 20,000 tons.

"The strike fleet consists of 8 battleships and 3 armored cruisers. In addition, we will be attached to an additional 6 destroyer squadrons. If the destroyer leader is included, there are about 30 destroyers of various kinds. They will ensure that we are free of submarines. And torpedo boat attacks, of course, after the attack is over, our destroyers will deploy the mines they carry in the nearby waters. These mines will continue to cause damage to the Japanese fleet in the next few months!" Ma Jifen said.

"What about the auxiliary fleet?" Sims asked.

"Five seaplane carriers will accompany us in our operations. Among them, two seaplane carriers will cooperate with the night attack of the first battleship squadron. They will provide lighting and reconnaissance, and the other three seaplane carriers will be with the aircraft carrier squadron. Together, they also undertake reconnaissance and anti-submarine tasks. In addition, there are also 4 high-speed supply ships in the fleet, they will replenish fuel for our destroyer forces." Ma Jifen said.

"In addition to these accompanying fleets, our logistics supply fleet has also set up two supply points before entering the enemy's area. Each supply point can provide the fleet with tens of thousands of tons of fuel and other supplies. The replenishment time for a replenishment point will not exceed 8 hours. We have chosen a very hidden route at sea. If there is no accident, we will not encounter merchant ships or other targets.” Majifen said.

"So good, what if we run into a Japanese reconnaissance plane or a suspected disguised assault ship?" Sims asked.

"When the fleet is sailing, we will send fighter jets to provide cover and reconnaissance over the fleet. All suspicious ships and aircraft entering the yellow line area will be paid attention to and targets entering the red line area will be destroyed. Or control. As for some political issues, leave it to the masters on Capitol Hill. We are soldiers and we can't control these things." Ma Jifen said with a smile.

"Where is the submarine unit? Are they in place?" Sims looked at the chart and said, "Mark me the location of these submarine units."

"The tenth submarine detachment was deployed in the Davao area to monitor the actions of the Japanese joint fleet. The fifth and sixth submarine detachments established cordon in the Zaragen Island area. The remaining three submarine detachments were deployed in Sulawesi. In the West China Sea, deploy around our preset routes to assist in clearing and controlling various ships entering our routes, and to provide reconnaissance for the fleet.” Ma Jifen said while drawing the positions of the submarine units on the chart with special marks. , And at the same time used a pencil to draw the approximate alert range of each submarine unit.

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