The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2697: Bottom card

"We once wanted to vigorously develop the carrier-based torpedo unit, but you blocked it. If we put the resources invested in the land-based torpedo unit on the carrier-based aircraft, I think all of our aircraft carriers can already be equipped with torpedo aircraft and The crew is available, and 5 aircraft carriers are all right! Because single-engine torpedoes are cheaper, and small aviation torpedoes are better built. The same resources can be equipped with more carrier-based single-engine torpedoes."

Dissatisfaction appeared in Shimamura's words. The carrier-based aircraft force of the aircraft carrier has greater mobility. If the torpedo is equipped with all the torpedoes, then the aircraft carrier squadron of the Japanese Navy is no longer a defensive fleet, but a sharp sword!

"It's a dagger at most. And we don't need a dagger yet." Betty shook her head and said. "I think the biggest advantage of an aircraft carrier is that its twin engines can provide powerful reconnaissance and aviation capabilities during ocean-going engagements. However, aircraft carriers are weak for land-based aviation forces that have a complete system and a large number of aircraft, because your ship The attack power of the carrier aircraft is far worse than that of the land-based aircraft."

"Now, the situation in Japan is defense. You rely on a large number of land-based aviation forces to conduct defensive operations. The real main output is land-based dive bombers and torpedo planes. There is no need to let the aircraft carrier’s single-engine torpedo planes act as offensive. The main force, and you don’t want to think about it, the single-engine torpedo aircraft equipped on the aircraft carrier can only carry more than 400 kilograms of torpedoes, while the twin-engine torpedo aircraft is equipped with more than 700 kilograms of torpedoes. The latter is faster, has a longer range, and is also powerful. It's bigger, and the range of a twin-engine plane is much longer than a single-engine plane. Why don't we choose a heavy hammer instead of a dagger?" Betty asked.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable. I heard that both your country and the empire have set up special long-range fighter units, which are twin-engine fighters with heavy armor, powerful firepower and higher speed. Then Why do you keep preventing us from establishing such a force?" Shimura Hayao asked.

"The reason is very simple. Your current resources are simply not enough to establish such a force while guaranteeing key projects. Whether it is a dive bomber unit or a torpedo unit, they need to be equipped with a large number of twin-engine aircraft, and then consider that they must be assigned a certain amount. The four-engine long-range aircraft used for reconnaissance and execution of special missions, as well as to supplement a large amount of war damage, now the engine production capacity of Japan and the Empire is close to the limit, and the engine supply situation is only a slight surplus." Betty's answer is cold and cold. ruthless.

"Then our aircraft carrier should also be considered a trump card? After all, we have 5 aircraft carriers now, and the sixth aircraft carrier your country has prepared for us is also stepping up outfitting. We can have 6 aircraft carriers, more than 430 The carrier-based aircraft, as well as at least 300 spare aircraft and crews, are an indispensable force.” said Yasuo Shimura.

"Yes, this is also your last trump card, a trump card that can connect the entire land-based aviation power of Guinea." Betty nodded in agreement. Land-based aviation bases can indeed take off heavier and better attack aircraft, but at the same time, because the distance between each other is too far and the airport cannot be moved, there is a possibility of being destroyed by each. The land-based aviation force or the sea-based aviation force is stronger. In fact, it depends on the situation. Both engines have advantages. The strength of land-based aviation is that it can have a more powerful attack fleet and better anti-strike capabilities. And the training requirements for pilots are lower.

The strength of sea-based aviation lies in its mobility and concentration of power. In order to curb the mobility of the US Navy’s aircraft carrier squadron, the fighter group on the Japanese aircraft carrier squadron is the key to making up for the weaknesses of the land-based aviation force. It ensures the safety and security of the entire system by constantly walking in the framework of the land-based aviation force. Defensive flexibility!

"Can't we rely on sea-based aviation to fight the Americans?" Shimamura asked.

"In the future, the Japanese Navy can have 6 aircraft carriers. Looks like a lot." Betty paused after speaking. "However, I can guarantee that the number of American aircraft carriers is entirely possible to exceed ten! Once this battle breaks out, the result is self-evident, and the replenishment speed of American warship aircraft is not comparable to your country. 6 aircraft carriers It may be the pinnacle for your country, but for the United States, it is easy to have more than double the aircraft carrier."

"Well, I have to say, we have very few hole cards, so how do we make good use of these hole cards now?" Shimamura asked.

"In the future, the combined fleet will be able to complete the refurbishment of all capital ships in only one week. At that time, let the two Nagato-class battleships and the main fleet rounds, and the main force of the combined fleet is ready to go to the island of New Ireland. Some forces have been withdrawn, and the forces in New Britain will also be withdrawn. We must shorten the front and transport the heavy losses of the army back to New Guinea. This way we have about 2 to 3 months to rest, and the rest It is to concentrate on the New Guinea Island and the U.S. Navy and Air Force for a decisive battle, when the time comes, you can see the trick." Betty said.

"Can't we deploy the prepared air force in order to New Britain Island and continue to ensure the security of the new Irish Island? You know very well that the Bismarck Islands is the gate of New Guinea. Once this gate is opened, we will lose the barrier. The opponent will get a springboard!" Shimura Hayao said.

"Because we can't fight When the Americans built an airport on New Ireland Island, in fact, our defeat is already set! The Americans will no longer rely on aircraft on aircraft carriers. Airplanes are transported to land-based airports with aircraft carriers or transport vehicles, and these flying artillery are used to attack targets dozens of kilometers away. We have lost our aviation advantage. The US fleet is about to return, and the US fleet after the return will far exceed the combined fleet. In this case, what can we do if we don't leave?" Betty asked rhetorically.

"This is really a bad choice. Maybe the American fleet will arrive on the island of New Ireland in a month. They will be the only masters of this sea area. Even though we have won successively brilliant victories, we cannot reverse the greatness. It’s really hopeless.” Shimura Hayao finally said. Obviously he had agreed with Betty’s statement, but he did not expect that the Americans would attack much faster than he thought. The location is beyond the expectations of the Japanese!

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